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Everything posted by hirk

  1. I sold them for $9.99 so $1 more and when you factor in duty,exchange and bokerage fees for imports out of the US there is no price difference, not so mind boggling is it? I hope the day doesnt come when guys want to go check out a rod or reel or whatever and cant do it close to home because there's no dealer left. Sometimes when you wanna have your cake and eat it too there is a price to pay.
  2. Dabluz is right,what he was trying to say was you can reel faster with good control with your dominate hand which is the best way to discover is you should buy a left or right. Put each one in your hand and crank fast, you will instantly know if your left or right because of the small turning radius, the hand with better fine motor control will feel better. He was also right about palming the reel Vs fishing behind it, huge difference in both comfort and control.
  3. I have a new 7'2" fenwick hmx you can have for $65, it is a very stiff fast blank like most other rods rated as heavy. When you say topwater are you talking a slop/heavy cover rod or hard baits? If your thinking hard baits you will need a 2nd rod as a flippin/heavy cover rod would be all wrong for that.
  4. Kerr res ( buggs island) in virginia great prespawn bite in a few weeks
  5. The bps here according to gossip is in the top 3 in sales among ALL bps locations, chances of it closing are between zero and something less than that.
  6. Doing the Quinte Bass Champs as well looks like it will be a great event. Close or far were ever you fish you will need a good one and as far as what hr. to weigh in well there will be lots of guys sandbagging so holding off weighing in may not help.
  7. Just for giggles I took another rod same length/action/reel/line to see if there was a difference but my point is that if there is its small so in the real world insignificant.
  8. Ive been using a custom micro casting rod for 3yrs and I dont see a difference in distance ( there is no line slap with casting rods to begin with) but as for wind knots and tip wrap the micros are miles ahead of conventional guides when fishing braid,once you use one you wont like throwing a bc with regular guides they are that much better. They really shine if you pitch alot.
  9. Dont expect a noticable difference in distance but to me the biggest benefit is with braid you wont get tip wrap because just falls off the rod. You dont want any knots running through them though.
  10. Im breaking the trend here but go to a store and pick up a revo and a curado, give them the once over and I think you might like the black one better. The both have fast spools but you will notice much more play in the curado gearing were as the revo is tight.Ive worn the chrome plating off the thumb bar and it still fishes like day 1.
  11. I dont ever remember lebarons doing anything but the sportsman show but i've been wrong before:). No the 25% off was on stuff already priced competitively below msrp.I mentioned in another post that I matched or beat tacklewarehouse pricing on abu everyday so I wouldnt say that things are cheaper by a wide margin down south. You have to factor in freight,duties,brokerage fees and exchange rates that add to the product cost here since most of it is imported from the US when you see a spread in pricing, it doesnt mean the profits are higher for Canadian retailers.
  12. Snidley lebarons has never been part of the fishing show and as far as deals they will there just like last yr and the yr before and before that. You just have to look for deals. I had a both last yr with everything 25% off and other dealers had great promo's as well so put the pipe down .
  13. Snidley you have been misinformed, there are other vendors attending such as Tight lines for sure and likely Fishing World along with Pro J's.
  14. I just happened to do some price comparisons on tackle wharehouse yesterday and was shocked to see that all their abu rods and reels were either the same price or more but never less than what I sold them for in my store. So other than the diffence between their shipping charge and our tax there was zero savings or you paid more. And other stores in southern On. sold at the same price points as me so unless they have a big broad sale on I dont see a deal there at all. This pricing comparison likely applies to many other lines as well.
  15. I think the world class was more $ than the iron feather ( had one in a mh casting rod, broke 3 on sets!!!). I was thinking 9' 8wt. but this rod came up so Im considering it. Yes it's an original and still in the box it came with.
  16. I've never used a fly rod, this is a 8'6" #7 thinking for smallies and lm. Any advantage to going 9'?
  17. These are older rods just wondering if anyone has fished them and their opinon of them.I found a new one and am debating if rods have improved for the money since then or if this is a classic and better than most now at that level.
  18. Yup Burns is there. Oshawa opening made my decision to close an easy one.
  19. Wormdunker I have some mustang coats listed in the classifieds,worth a look if you didnt notice them.
  20. I don't think you will see these rigs have much of an impact here in tourny results the way they have in some lakes in the US. Different scenario down there and I can only think of a few lakes here where they MAY be effective,lots of guys will have nothing but exercise to show for their efforts and be light a few bucks. Time will tell.It's to do with food source,feeding habits and fish location.
  21. Look at how each is rigged, tm's & electronics,safety equipment etc. The smoker is likely sructurally stronger due to the hp rating and extra dry weight. The 75 being the bigger block would have more ummpf and would perform much better when you load the boat down and for tubing/skiing.Difference in gas usage would be coffee money so dont even give that a second thought,load both down and your mpg would be about even. If it was me Id lean to the smoker.
  22. If you just want batteries and a charger dont waste your time. I guarantee there wont likely be either there to buy and if there was they wouldnt be any cheaper than if you went into any dealer and bought them in fact you would likely get a better price from a dealer that sold both as a "package".
  23. As far as the pie chart if its lake O you need only look at the mean depth of the lake and the maximum effective feeding depth of the bird to explain why its such a small %. Put a dense population of them on a lake with a mean depth of say 10'-15' and see what the pie chart looks like. Conclusions are only as good as the data used and can be skewed for many reasons,such as lake depth in this case. And Dr., yes I have a background in stats.
  24. Aikmans. I have ordered parts for the ss in the past 10 yrs several times from them.
  25. Agree 100%, I personally wouldnt shoot them, its not my place to do anything. The science has shown there is a problem that requires intervention which is way there have already been actions taken by the govt. in Ontario to reduce the numbers.
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