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Everything posted by hirk

  1. Closed cell will hold water over time as well but thats the foam you want.I would suggest laying a sort of false floor down low in your hull before applying to keep foam off the bottom to reduce the chance of water retention.I know a guy that filled under the floor with 2ltr pop bottles after he removed soaked foam,don't know the floatation value of the bottles but a different idea anyway.My last boat had no exposed foam below the gunnel,anything below was glassed into sealed compartments to prevent water logging.It can add 100's of pounds to your hull weight if exposed to water over time,even the closed cell.
  2. I was float tubing near your place from 4-8 Sunday and only managed 2 small walleye and didn't see and caught so yeah it was slow Cliff!!!
  3. You should run it all the time,a steady mix of 1oz to 3 gals (you can mix the 1st treatment richer ie. 1oz-1gal to clean the engine up).It will keep carbon down and injectors clean.Great for improving idle quality and reduce the chance of cylinder scuffing and your engine going boom.
  4. The big tubes were made more for LM.No need to go over 4 for smallies
  5. I would shy away from that ss140 at that price.the 140 johny will like the gas and its a very basic boat with single cable steering.worth about 5 kish
  6. I walked in a field on the south side of Rice lake 30 yrs ago and counted over 100 dead jacks in less than a 1 acre area!!!! A virus has decimated them.
  7. were you hook it depends on what you want it to do.Good to know where to hook it for neutral fall though.
  8. Stoty is right and yes near BPS as well.It will effect Gagnon's and my shop as well being 10 minutes away but Gagnon's has been around a long time with a loyal following and I think they and myself will be just fine,take care of your customer and they will take care of you.
  9. The boat in my ciggy runs low 90's propped to fish and never propped it for topend running but would run high nineties light propped for topend.Ton's of fun
  10. 2011 stickers and new card apps. will be available at retailers any day now,there should be a new reg. book as well.
  11. 3.5 is lots Albert,you either had it over trimmed or are running the wrong prop.
  12. Put the MNR tips hotline phone number in your phone so next time you see someone poaching you can make the call and just maybe a CO will show up an put a cap in the clowns ass.The guy may not have realized he was poaching but it's a premise of law that "ignorance of a law is not a defence".
  13. It should be fine for guides,the tubing comes in various dia.,if you use the smallest tube that accepts the line shouldn't be too bad for algae.
  14. Well I played with it and seems to be fast enough and makes a strong bond with fluoro-fluoro or fluoro-mono,mono-mono.As far as braid you need to tie a twist knot 1st before you can join it or it will slip so not so fast,may as well tie a uni knot etc..Seems to be a good idea if your bad at tying joining knots.
  15. Looking good!!!!!When you 1st got it I didn't think I would ever be looking at such a nice finished product,you have done a great job Albert!!
  16. Thanks Roy,I just have a sample kit (none for sale at the moment)but it looks interesting and if it checks out I'll load up.
  17. I just got it in the store,if anyone is close and pops in mention it and we can try it.I have not yet.
  18. Saw you guys out there,could tell the water via the pics and the pike comment but kept my mouth shut lol.It was pretty slow all in all,my buddy won the Barrie open that day with just over 15lbs.
  19. Hope all turns out good albert,you put alot of work into your baby.
  20. Lew check your PM's,I think you will be happy.
  21. I'm guessing you are bringing a boat from the US? You will pay hst on the boat and motor at the boarder and possibly the trailer as well now.
  22. I have fished Birchbark lake where the On. record was caught and it is not a trophy lake at all.It was caught in 1957 I believe (it used to be in the general store in Kinmount) and would of been a freak that all.7lb smallies are rare but they do exist,if you get a true 7 you have the fish of a lifetime.
  23. You are about 5'9"??? If your going to be pitching alot I wouldn't suggest anything over 7'3",long rods are awkward to pitch with and will hit the gunnel rail,whether you go MH or H would depend on the cover and if your pitching light stuff or heavey jigs and how much tip/give you like in a rod.
  24. Mike it depends on HOW you plan on fishing with it? will you pitch,flip,mostly dunk? The answer will determine what length/action would suite you.Ask Bremner I'm sure he will fix you up.
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