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Everything posted by modny

  1. modny


    Roy, you gotta switch back tosmall white marshmallows. give the small colored ones a break for awhile, they are getting tired. thats why its slowing down.
  2. i dont specifically target carp, but big ups for being prepared for a nice battle
  3. i know of a dollarama that has storm jigs and soft baits... everthing is REAlly big tho like no smaller walleye/panfish stuff
  5. yea totally. i'm a personal trainer here in hamilton. not ur average joe trainer though. i work at a private studio and specialize in functional training( balance, core, stability, sport related, and fat loss) even in my job i've met tonnes of great contacts. love teh OFC
  6. DODGE RAM http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uOuuudZKujo
  7. i'll come down, we'll go fishing for some nice black nosers
  8. i went sewer jigging for turd pike on the hamilton mountain
  9. nice report. i have a personal vendetta against the grand
  10. nice tinny, i'd gut that whole thing and rebuild it. good base to work with
  11. freshwater: walleye crappie saltwater: orange roughy tilapia
  12. man i wish i was in town i would totally do this
  13. truly awesome live release, i'm proud of you. lead by example.
  14. 1 micro spinning 1 light spinning 1 med light spinning 1 med casting 1 heavy casting
  15. sweet little vid, sometimes its blurry on google video though. can't really make out words. not too in focus
  17. i recomend wrapping some slack line around the handle, then turning ur rod sideways and using 2 hands to reem it
  18. " hey this is a family site...''
  19. thanks gerrit, we should hit it up one night out there or soemthing... where abouts? i'd love to get out that way but i dont know the river well up there..
  20. well considering i've only landed 2 walleye out of the grand this year, ( would of been 3 if G didn't try to kill me) i'm going to give lake O a try. i'll probably launch out of fishermans pier at the lift bridge. i got 1 manual scotty downrigger, some flashers and spoons. is there any recomended tactics for summer salmon? can anyone give some tips? i've had good luck flat lining for lakers with j-13's and deep runner cranks years ago, wondering if this will still work i jsut cant' go to the grand anymore. , i lost 2 lures last night and half my spool of PP. stupid dunnville. hahah so frustrating.
  21. get a pontoon
  22. yea i love it zero stretch and no memory. its great
  23. oh dont worry about that.. i was just flying home from outerspace. busy weekend.
  24. yea those are lawyers LUNKER perch
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