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Everything posted by modny

  1. i've fished big bald alot. caught a couple LMB that was it. oh, and a decent crappie maybe i'm doing something wrong
  2. this big
  3. thanks for your help everyone i went to fishing world tonight and i believe its the owner who was helping me out. i tell ya, what a knowledgable person. and very friendly/ co operative aswell. i ended up purchasing a shimano symetre 2500 reel with 1 spool 10 lb braid and another 10lb flourocarbon i think it fits the 6 foot med light crucial beautifully. i was gonna get the 2500 shimano saros but it was double the price so nah. i got a st croix avid UL rod aswell and mated that with my 750 shimano symetre aswell i love these combo's, cant wait to test em on saturday
  4. i prefer to call carp, the polish bass
  5. ya but its probably posted to use the dock at ur own risk
  6. years ago down at 50 point in grimsby i seen a kid with a perch on a stringer that was the length of my forearm. it must have weighed like 5 or 6 lbs . it was just a monsterr
  7. thanks for the input... i think i'm going to do the following. buy a 1500, 2000 or 2500 reel and pair it with the crucial buy a st croix UL and pair it with my 750 symetre buy a 20$ microspin rod and match it with this quantum microreel i have. then go fishin
  8. there is a dollarama on upper james. if i remember i'll check it out tonight. i heard they sell outboards there too.
  9. do u guys think a 2000 or 2500 serioes reel might be too big? i want to run 10 lb mono line
  10. yhanks i'll check that one out
  11. like the pic of the arctic hare
  12. actually BPS has the shimano symetre reels on sale currently would a 2500 be too big? i'm thinking of this rod being used for like walleye/bass/trout i'd probably run 10lb line on her aswell... i plan on running the 750 on a st.croix UL
  13. i guess u missed it.. but i just picked up a shimano crucial 6.2 med light rod it has a lifetime warranty against everything basically. i break it, i get new rod. yea i've been looking in the classifieds, there is currently a abu garcia cardinal 103. is this a good reel to match up with that shimano rod? i'm hoping they have deals on reels if i go to BPS on saturday. something like a nice diawa, shimano, or quantum reel there is a diawa reel that is supposed to be actually a little better than the stradic 1000.
  14. i actually might hit up BPOS on saturday during the day before the grand at night, so i gotta stock uyp on some poop
  15. i think i'm going to try and find a nice used reel. mostly because a stradic is like 200$ from what i can see.. i'd rather not blow that kinda doe.. i've been checking e bay aswell... even the symetre 1500 looks decent, for around 65$ but i still think its kinda small if anyone has any leads on a nice 1000 or 1500 reel PM me.. i'm definetly gonna check out one of those BPS microlite rods though. for 20$ its kinda hard to pass up. especially if its just for havin fun with panfish and 16th/ 32nd oz jigs
  16. wow thanks for that great reply i think in a couple weeks i'm gonna go back and check that st croix UL rod out...it was a great rod i think it was 149.00$ . real flexible, but SUPER stiff. not flimsy at all i'd pair it up with that shimano symetre 750. and whil i'm down there i'm look into a 1000, or 1500 ree aswell, hopefully something that wont make me too broke hahah
  17. MIGHTY PUTTY!!!!!!!
  18. MIGHTY PUTTY!!!!!!!
  19. definetly true first time on the grand this year, heard was was hot.. threw out a white pearl norman crank within 3 minutes, pickeral in the boat then i put on a perch shad rap BAM 2 fish in less than 10 mins
  20. yea the stradic reel is supposed to be great..
  21. good report glad the motor got working.
  22. omg rogers is pissing me off too tell me about it... i have no idea how my cell bill is 200$ they are complete morons!
  23. looking at all my rods and reels that i got here at my place i decided to get a nice new all round spinning rod with a lifetime warrenty. i ended up getting a 6'2'' shimano crucial med light.. i recently bought a shimano symetre 750(6lb mono on it) reel aswell does this reel pair well with the rod or should i move to a 1000 reel with this setup? i feel like its a little small but the guy at fishing world assures me its great.. also, i've been looking at getting a microlite fibreglass spinning rod from BPS, the 20.00 ones.. do u think its waste of money, or should i anti up for the 139.00 st croix UL with lifetime aswell... i'm kinda caught between... i could always look used aswell thoughts? suggestions?
  24. niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiice
  25. i just noodle em i dont need anything
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