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Everything posted by modny

  1. yea? u was thinking of launching down there too... i didn't think there was pike down there. something about the harbor kinda makes me sick. aahaa
  2. hey all, new to the board here, but def not new to fishing. spent alot of time in northern ontario as a youngster camping and fishing on the interior in and around the missinaibi river. fishing up there is easy, u dunk a line and u get a fish. around the hammer is a different story. recently got a new honda 30 hp for my16 ft aluminum so i'm lookin to get out on th water this saturday. was thinking of trolling crank baits in the lower grand towards the mouth of eerie or workin the dam jigggin some green twister tails. also thought of heading out towards 50 point and flat lining/ rigging for whatever i could get wtih some spoons lymens or some large jointed raps. where's all the action these days ? got a couple nice catfish out at caledonia dam a couple weeks back. not sure of the weight, but they sure had my ultra light rod keeled right over into the cork. thats for sure anyways, thanks!
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