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Everything posted by modny

  1. poop nice man lets see the report
  2. where did u go tonight G ?
  3. throw everything u got sonny
  4. i love the death grip nice report
  5. like you, i also have DAD. there is some guy down the street from me with this like 8 ft rubber raft with a transom on it. i'm seriously considering getting it and making it into a lil portable boat for small lakes and sections of the grand
  6. i'm not going to lie. i didn't read any of this thread. your dog must be sweating its ass off in that jacket its wearing.
  7. drifting light jigs will keep the bait up off the bottom.. often when drifitng slow and i dont get bites and the wind picks up, my line lifts a couple feet and bam double header. dont really need a finder
  8. PRINCESS AUTO /thread
  9. nah, u arne't thinking anymore. drifting for pike? big 3/8oz bucktail jig tipped with a big minnow, live or dead. jigging it big. 2 big pops thne let it falls, they'll strike on the way down for sure. crappie are often suspended over deep water in the summer. chasing baitfish. they school aswell. so if u find the forage, u find the crappie. drifintg micro jigs in a blue/white or pink color works well for this
  10. nah. that doesn't work. because if i'm not your buddy, i'm definetly not your friend, man.
  11. i'm pretty interested in coming to this, i'd have to be a first mate on someones boat though
  12. for real??? HOLY CROW! that would freak me out soo much
  13. nice report/ super cool of you to expose that kid to fishing like that. big ups
  14. wow awesom! you got a pm
  15. i'm looking into a set with a lifetime warranty. buy it once, buy it for life. simms G# sounds good. i'm not really a fan of the neoprene ones, the remind me of pajamas and i could imagein them being tight and restrictive/clunky
  16. what kinda boat? i dont recomend a dinghy on eerie in heavy SW winds
  17. rich, do u likve out that way? we should hit it up some time i love a nice stringer full o strawberry bass
  18. WOW some hogs in these lakes i tellz ya
  19. nice catches! that looks like an amazing spot to fish.. i'd love to get a line in there to get some trout
  20. thanks for those tips guys. have u fished that area before? what can i get myself into, fish wise? any mermaids out that way?
  21. i've been using the clinch knot since i can remember.. gonna try using that palomar knot for a lil while though
  22. wait what
  23. i've kept a couple larger bass in the past, mostly because of injury sustained during the catch.. if i can i always release those big hogs so i can keep fishing for em in the future. its a shame not everyone does this. IMO>
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