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Everything posted by modny

  1. yea i heard silver and green is hot right now.. i was hoping to maybe get out for some rainbows this saturday.. i was going to rip and flat line
  2. this is true, i go alone almost all the time. its great i dont have to wait for anyone. i just git r dun, no Bull
  3. yea, do it urself. take an afternoon and have a 12 of beer. maybe have a buddy help. but installing a graph isn't very hard
  4. i just like getting away from the city and spending time with fam and friends. if i catch something its just a bonus.
  5. say it broke on a cast or jigging while setting the hook
  6. gorgeous color on those walleyes. did u have a kicker on that canoe?
  7. all i know is i hate when people order sandwhiches through the drive thru! ITS FOR COFFEE PEOPLE!!!!! gahahah one morning at about 7 am, a guy ordered 10 breakfast sandwhiches for him and his work buddies. the lady barely choked in disbelief. and go figure, with one person behind the counter i was the next person in line just wanting a toasted bagel. i had to wait like 40 mins. i was ticked. i'm so sure they coulnd'y just pop my donkey bagel in the stupid toaster ohwell, she goes.
  8. i've never had luck on quinte i'm gonna need some lessons
  9. those are nice crappie. a dozen of those and u got urself a nice fish fry
  10. what pond were those out of? i thought of takin the GF to a pond one day for a gauraunteed catch
  11. what a monster! what was the length of that baby?
  12. wow loooks AWESOME thats a PIGgggg
  13. not to mention the mass amounts of walleye! nice catches! i was out on the river this morning and didn't get a as much as a nibble.
  14. looks like a wet noodle " ya i hooked into a nice largemout on a spaghetti rig" " you fishing with pasta, boy?" " no, i'm using spaghetti" "wait..what?"
  15. johnny bass is a smooth fishin pimp getttin out on the water with everyone
  16. i guess u are shore fishing.. i know bills bait and tackle on upper james carries small 1.5 inch tubes.. or if u are down the mountain, fishing worlds bait shop opens at 5 am.. cut a length of 3 feet off ur line, connect this to a barrel swivel, and connect to ur main line. tie the jig directly to ur line. cast out, out to 10, jig it up 2 times and let fall counting to 5. repeat. the crappie there are often suspended, and they will hit the tube as it falls, so dont let ur line slack, be ready for a lite strike also, i think the bottom is pretty flat, so u could cast out, wait til the tube hits bottom and reel it in, twitching it small very slow.. this will also produce nice calico's
  17. i used to catch tonnes of gobies off the maitland pier, throw em in a bucket, then splash the bucket all over the pier and watch the segull fest begin. all the gobies get eaten in like 2 seconds
  18. what are u looking to catch? and where are u fishing? there isn't much structure to be found in the middle of the lake just casting cranks. u can catch large mouth bass in the 2-3 lb range fishing off the rock wall area. it goes from like 5-20 feet instantly so the bass hang out on the ledge there.. i would try cranks there.. dont bother with worms, unless u want carp or catfish. u might even hook into some pike maybe.
  19. do u think its safe to consume a carp out of cooks bay right now? i'm getting hungry for a nice carp burger
  20. hit up binbrook with the old man today around 11-3 wind was comin heavy outta the SW put the canoe in the water, hugged the shoreline and took her all the way near the back and made 1 LOOONG drift all the way back towards the launch. we landed about 70 crappie. ended up keeping around 35. not too big, but the numbers were there. we drifted 8th oz tube jigs. pink and blue with white tails, both salted. not a piece of worm at all fish were suspended about 5-8 feet down. occasionally when the wind would pick up and raise the jigs by drifting faster we often got double headers we fish real light tackle too ( UL st croix and uglystick microspin) with small reels and loose drag, some of these fish were lil scrappers. it was a good afternoon, and we ended it off nice with a sweet fish fry ( after the 1 hour it took for me to cealn those darn fish hahah)
  21. beauty colors on those fish nice catch!
  22. where did u get the trout? they look great
  23. i enjoy bass fishing with a 8th oz jighead and twister on 4 lb flouro with a UL rod and 750 reel if my line breaks, she goes.. beats workin
  24. ohhhhhhhhhhh yaaaaaaaaaaaa
  25. eh she goes
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