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Everything posted by cram

  1. Hope she got in today. Can't believe they made her wait this long.
  2. +1 on Chris Brock's comments. That made me relax just looking at your pics.
  3. Do the whitefish really spawn at the full moon? I had heard that about ciscos in november, but just assumed it was temp.
  4. Another solution that you guys might try: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gKMBk3js7e0
  5. Tried it on Husky gas today, and the food colouring dropped to the bottom in a tight glob. According to the jar + water test, there was lots of ethanol in it. Edited to add: I didn't shake up the food colouring mix. Perhaps that may have made a difference.
  6. Ha, maybe. Guess it's not the same thing, but thought I remembered him describing that test on here somewhere. Or I just have a creative memory. Either way, the test works on the same concept. Water absorbs the ethanol (or visa versa), and the separation line will change if there's any in the gas. You can buy kits that measure the % of ethanol by how much the level changes.
  7. Irishfield described a good/simple test on this site somewhere. I think it was something like....put a bit of water in a mason jar, mark the level of the water, fill the rest of the jar with gas, shake it up. If the water/gas separation is higher than the original line, you have ethanol in the gas (which mixed with the water, increasing it's volume). If not, you have pure gas. Or something like that. Maybe he can chime in.
  8. Roy - I have to ask; how long does it take you to go through 1000 hooks?
  9. Keep in mind that waves cut the light by half or more. Tint in the water (ie....tea stained water, or green) will affect it as well. And different species of fish apparently see different colours better than others.
  10. Welcome aboard!
  11. That's one giant mantis shrimp. Holy cow.
  12. How sensitive are the automatics that work just with moisture? Do you have to get them soaked, or is rain going to set them off?
  13. Wow. Looks like an amazing trip.. Good for you and your dad.
  14. Nice fish. Congrats.
  15. I wear mine only when it's cold or once in awhile when fishing alone. Should probably improve that.
  16. cram

    1st frost

    Any idea how the water temps are? They never got that warm in the first place, but I've wondered if they're cooling faster than in past years with the cool nights we've had.
  17. I use an 8' Heavy Premier and it serves me well for most casting (except the really big stuff).
  18. West Marine has some good options, including the Mustangs.
  19. Pike
  20. Just word of mouth. A friend of mine worked with them. He claimed it's edible, though I wouldn't go eating it. Art's plan is tried and proven. Might be the safest thing to do, in terms of not damaging your boat.
  21. i don't know about using it on boat carpet, but this stuff is supposed to be great. http://www.homedepot.ca/product/mold-control-946-ml/949056 Cdn company as well (or at least was 3 yrs ago). You may want to inquire or try it on a small spot before doing the whole area.
  22. Nope, don't know it at all. I've never been there. Just guessing from the language on the sign. We have all seen garbage left behind by fishermen.
  23. I suspect this is less about revenue and more about cleaning up the garbage (including cigarette butts) left behind by fishermen. Unfortunately a few pigs spoil it for everyone.
  24. Fantastic news, Wayne.
  25. My impression of sleeping bag ratings is that they are typically pretty inflated (not unlike a 4 man tent really being a good fit for 2 or 2.5). You'd be better off for something rated higher. Or lower, if you know what i mean.. Your pad underneath is important so good that you have one of those. Can also be helpful to stuff the bottom of your bag with dry clothes, if that is otherwise empty space. Mummy bags are warmer (less empty space inside them) but they take some getting used to. I'd rather have a looser fiiting bag that's rated for colder weather. One more note - wear dry clothes at night. When I was younger I'd just crash in whatever clothes I was wearing through the day. That can be a mistake in cold weatjehr if your clothes have any sweat or other moisture in them. (not to mention food smells, which can be a concern if you're in bear country)
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