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Everything posted by cram

  1. :-) Awesome.
  2. I have heard Irish Spring soap, but if it were my boat I'd be using tried and true moth balls.
  3. I'm conservative, and I believe in global warming. More importantly, the thread is about a nuclear situation in Japan that has little to do with David Suzuki.
  4. Some of you guys can't see the forest for the trees.
  5. 150 million per year for labels? You sure it's not more like 150 grand?
  6. Does that mean that Lew gets up at 3am tomorrow?
  7. Garbage collection was a good change. Miller was WAY too soft on this issue. . There were other cuts. The guy may be an embarassing mess, but it's not like everything he did was terrible..
  8. I can't believe people are defending him.
  9. Ford made his own bed. What an ass. Really should've come out with it at the beginning. Not doing so just gave the media more ammunition. His hole is now so deep there's no way he's getting out.
  10. Very neat, but to me electronics this advanced take something away from the enjoyment of fishing.
  11. btw - college ball is better. Especially this year.
  12. Bell owns the raptors so you'll get most games.
  13. Most games will be on regular cable.
  14. Scalpers. Should be tickets below cost for many (perhaps most) games. There's a scalper in town who specializes in raptors tickets -- forget his name, but a google search could help.
  15. Just ordered a set of winters and they were quite a bit cheaper via Costco than Tirerack.
  16. That said, if Costco has stock they are great as well. They buy in massive quantities so tend to get a better deal.
  17. I ordered online. Tires delivered to the door a week later. Got them put on next time I was in for an oil change. Not a lot of work, and saved $400.
  18. It calculates it for you. They have everything worked out pre-payment, and you'd be shocked how quickly the tires end up on your doorstep. Or at least that was my experience.
  19. Bigwoodmuskylures is a good shop, and they ship USPS.
  20. Tirerack or Costco are the cheapest. I had Tirerack ship to my front door (in Canada) and even with duty and shipping came out a few hundred bucks ahead of what i would have had to pay here. If you go over the border to get your tires installed it will be even cheaper.
  21. Great musky, and BEAUTIFUL pics. You really are talented.
  22. Looks neat. That price isn't too high considering the location. I bet it's cheaper than going up the CN tower
  23. They say that the Ring of Fire mining development in northern Ontario is our version of the oil sands (in terms of economic impact, and potential to pollute) so you may want someone other than the Conservatives in power. The Liberals do seem like crooks though, and the NDP is the NDP (yuck).
  24. BB isn't android. It has it's own OS. New one has a much faster browser than either of the other devices. I would never buy a phone based on this, but your advice is based on a failed tablet and old phone.
  25. The bold is a great device. The new Q10 is okay too. If you like texting or emailing, nothing beats a blackberry (old design or not). Keyboard is better, and mail software is better. It's also a better phone (in terms of hardware and antenna) If you like other apps, go to an android or iphone.
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