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Everything posted by Eddyk

  1. OK Ive got lots of beer , junk food and a 50 inch TV in the rec. room and the Masters on the golf channel. See you all sunday night. Bye
  2. I saw my first bald eagle at Lake Nippissing last Sept.
  3. Congrats on the new house. That is one of the nicest parts of Toronto. As far as moving goes I just went through it. I was going to hire a pro but his bill would have been about $1500 . I finally rented a 26 foot U HAUL and drove it myself. The final bill was about $400. The trick is having a wife that knows how to pack and the rest was easy. The funny thing was that Lew,s phone was out of order that whole week.
  4. When I lived on Scuggog there was an old guy who would tie about 2 dozen worms in a ball by using a needle and thread. He would go out at dusk and lower this ball to the bottom of the lake and let it sit there for a few minutes then pull it to the surface but still kept it just under the water. He would then put his net under the ball and lift the worms out of the water. The cat fish would then let go and fall into the net. I dont know if that was legal but he sure caught a lot of catfish.
  5. A little tip. If you dont like them too strong cut the vineger in half with water. Beleive it or not many many years ago I used to sell pickled eggs and other bar supplies for a living. One day Lew was helping me and he dropped a gallon of pickled Pork Hocks out side the Ganaraske hotel in Port Hope . I swear sometimes I can still smell them.LOL
  6. This was the last thing to move to the new place. C:\Documents and Settings\Shelly\My Documents\My Pictures70
  7. All th best Peter. Looking forward to seeing you May 24. Hope you catch something this year. LOL Ed
  8. Nice job Ron.
  9. I wasnt paying attention but I was in SEARS yeaterday in Brockville and Sears is having a sale on Mowers this weekend. I didnt notice the make but remember $1500. Check it out.
  10. I guess I got lucky. I have a 14 foot boat and a double garage thats 30 feet deep but then again I do live in the BOONIES.
  11. I can see where some of you could get excited about all that action but for me Ill stick to a quiet little back bay early in the morning with no other boats around for miles but thats just me.
  12. I beleive you have to go to MOT the same as a car.
  13. Of coarse these things factor in to the sucess of a fishing trip but personally I dont give it a second thought.I just enjoy being on the water.
  14. That looks like a great vacation. I dont think I would get much fishing in either if I took my wife to a place like that. Thanks for posting.
  15. Like Lew said. Last year I had a trailor bunk break on me. When I inspected it ,it was not made of pressure treated wood which surprized me because its a LOWE trailor.
  16. When ever I steez I take some Dristan.
  17. I havent hade to cut my grass yet as I just bought this house.My problem is that the lot is 100 x300 and I dont know if I need a push mower or a ride mower. I guess Ill find out soon enough.LOL
  18. There was about 50 turkeys wandering around on the ice on the lake behind my house just the other day. Are they good to eat?
  19. Once again thanks to everyone for the suggestions. I really appreciate it.
  20. Morning. The snow is just about all gone here in the Rideau Lakes and there is lots of water on top of the ice on the lakes.
  21. Thanks for the suggestions. Ill do a little more investigating.
  22. Im going to completly gut the kitchen in my new house and install all new cupboards. My question is should I go with a big store like IKEA or HOME DEPOT or should I go with a small independent company. With the big stores they hire a private installer but with the small store they do there own installation. Has anyone had any good or bad experience with either or have any opinions which way to go ?
  23. Bookoobeast. Yes. Delta is about 15 minutes east of Westport.
  24. Looks like a nice hoiliday. Glad you enjoyed yourself.
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