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Everything posted by Eddyk

  1. Are you kidding me. If your driving in from the west and the sun is coming up you cant see anything. The waves crashing on the beech so loud you cant hear your radio. It smells like goose poop'',dam seagulls squaking. Opp's I've got to go and fill my cup up. It's half empty.
  2. If you get a chance check out the Columbia Ice Fields. They are unbeivable.
  3. Ill be at LAKAIR but not untill September.
  4. Thanks for your comments. yes I think I got a good deal. This guy came well recommended. Another thing ' while we were unloading the wood he noticed my fishing equipment and wants to take me out and show me some lakes.
  5. I dont have much experiance heating a home with wood and the house I bought has an electric furnace and an air tight wood stove to off set the heating costs. I ordered 10 FACE CORDS of wood on Saturday. I had one cord dropped off in my garage to get to the nice weather and the other 9 cord are coming in the fall. It's all hard wood, cut and split and delivered with tax included for $60 a face cord. The wood burns beautifully and if I put a log on when I go to bed it's still burning in the morning. My electric furnace almost never comes on.My question is does this sound like a fair price to pay ?
  6. I bought 3 Okuma rod and reel combo's last year and used them all summer for salmon and never had a problem. If your getting them for salmon make sure you get the counters.
  7. Here's what I woke up to this morning
  8. Thats a gret looking outfit Roger. Congrats.
  9. Im not a big fish eater but I do keep the odd pickeral or bass if Im in the mood for a fish fry. Now that I live in bass country I,ll probbly keep more.
  10. I felt like I was on the trip with you guys. Sounds great. Thanks for sharing.
  11. Welcome to the board.
  12. Abberz. The lake in the picture is Upper Beverly lake and it flows south through the town into Lower Beverly lake. These are part of the Rideau lake system.
  13. Thanks for all the nice comments folks. Its sure a change in life style after working 30 years in downtown Toronto.
  14. I think Bill was trained by Mr Bean.
  15. My boat and house are always open. Im only a PM away.
  16. A couple of people have asked about where I moved to so heres a couple of pictures. The first picture is my yard. As I posted the other day almost every morning there is a flock of wild turkeys wandering around out there and Ive seen the odd deer. The next is a bit of the lake behind me. I can carry my canoe over there and catch my breakfast. The last is a bay on the same lake. This lake was dammed up about 200 years ago to run a locall mill. Its about 5 miles long and is supposed to be a gret bass lake. There are almost no cotages on it and it is great for canoing. I hope you enjoyed my little piece of heaven. Im about a half hour north east of Kingston.
  17. There is an RV dealership on the east side of Hwy#28 about 1 mile north of Port Hope.It,s a fairly large dealership so they should be able to help you.
  18. Every morning behind my house I see 5 females and one large male. In fact as I am writing this I just glanced out and there they are. Id take a picture but I think they are to far away.
  19. Way to go. I was 30 before I caught a fish that big.
  20. Just yesterday I noticed the ice was all gone from a lake behind me.
  21. Now youve done it.
  22. I had a 12lb. Pickeral mounted for my son years ago. I dont know the name of the taxidermist but its on Hwy 45 about 10 k north of Cobourg. They do good work. If your interesred PM Ron. He would probably know their name.
  23. I can remember the breadman coming to the front door every morning with his big tray of cakes and cookies and we would bugg our mother to but the good stuff. I can also remembering paying 30.9 a GALLON for gas.
  24. It wouldnt hurt the parents on this board to run this history lesson by their kids tonght around the supper table. Thanks Coolb
  25. Nice to see you still had time for a little of the MASTERS. OK I wont mention golf again.LOL
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