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Everything posted by Eddyk

  1. The gas station I normaly deal with had no regular gas today so they were selling premium for 94 cents a liter so I guess I cant complain.
  2. What Lew said.For anyone that doesnt know were brothers.
  3. Roy. Your always welcome.
  4. Well I finally sold my house. Im moving Mar.17 to a small village called Delta in the heart of the Rideau lakes. There are lakes at both sides of the village and a river runs right through the village. There are also about 10 other lakes within a 10 minute drive. I was told the population of Delta is 97. I hope the rush hour traffic isnt to bad. I can carry my canoe from my backyard to one lake and the other lake is a 5 minute walk fom my house. There is a Camp ground on this lake and I can rent a spot for my boat for the whole season. One more thing. Theres 3 stores in the village,a grocery store, a beer and liquor store and the LONGHORN SALOON. Sounds like heaven doesnt it.
  5. If we did that up here you would have every by law officer in the county handing you a ticket. LOL
  6. Great news.
  7. I spend a week every June at a lodge near Tamagami and look forward to it all winter.
  8. If you do go to Bonnechere PP try and get a site on the river.
  9. I laughted out loud when I read that and when my wife asked whats so funny I said nothing and went on to another thread. I dont want any trouble.
  10. I hear Charelston PP is great. It has hiking trails and good fishing mind you I have never been there.
  11. My son has a hut on Scugog and never locks it. He also doesnt leave anything in it and as far as he can tell no one has ever used it.
  12. Thanks for sharing.
  13. My brother in law lives in Grand Prairie Alb. Yes there is lots of good paying jobs but from what he tells me the cost of living, especially buying a house is very high. Him and his wife are both Realestate agents and cant get enough homes to sell to keep up the demand.
  14. I had a 12 foot aluminium boat with a 9.9 motor for about 20 years and loved it.
  15. Heres a great site someone sent me if your looking for boat ramps in Eastern Ontario .http://www.geocities.com/ottawaboatramps/
  16. Gerrit. I spent 30 years repairing broken water mains with the City of Toronto. If you have any water damage in your basement take lots of pictures. The courts always rule in favor of the home owner.
  17. Thanks Aplumma.
  18. Thanks again.
  19. I ended up putting my battery charger on it and it solved the problem. So, except for a couple of childish suggestions the problem seems to be solved. Thanks again for those who gave me some good advice.
  20. Once again , except for a couple of childish comments, thanks for the advise.
  21. Very nice . Thanks for sharing.
  22. Years ago I had a friend hit a beaver dam near Caesarea and he was killed.
  23. I would use a #3 Mepps with a worm and hope I caught a Pickeral instead.
  24. Thanks for the help guys.
  25. Hey Mo. I hear they need transit drivers in Florida.
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