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Everything posted by Cookslav

  1. Don't dispear Steve. Moma always said, "stick and stones"....errrr.....or was it "their just jealous?" Oh man its just like highschool all over again only my hair is shorter, and my eye are not red...the horror...the horror Don't let 'em bug ya... They'll leave soon enough.
  2. I've not been close enough to any stream or river to dip my net... But I got that itch fer sure, and this time its not one that requires a cream! Soon...oh yes....soon!
  3. Nice report and "THANK YOU" for shareing. I can't beleive all this static lately... C'mon spring...melt, melt, melt, melt!!!
  4. Common Blue Jolf and and a duckodile of course!
  5. The Nith is such a shallow thin river it doesn't take much to burst her banks.... It was bad this week period. Not been at those levels since the big flood of 1973. Heck I've seen the Nith rise a foot over her banks only a few hours after a heavy rain, let alone in the midst of a flash thaw, with record snow falls.... Could have been much worse considering we didn't get all the rain they called for. The Nith is really flood prone because It collects a lot of run off from the vast farming areas surrounding it(large non regulated spill ways). That and the fact that it is pretty much all clay out there So not much is absorbed, it simply runs into the Steams and river and WOOOSH! Away it goes.... I can't wait to see some of My fishing spots from last year LOL....they won't be there any more That river litteraly changes shapes and depths every spring....this year it should be very interesting. Thats what I like about it...Makes it kind of sporting
  6. Its funny....few years ago I told a freind of Mine there were quite few on the Bruce along the Sauble river, and some tribs, and he looked at me like I was nuts for fishing there LOL! I've seen them several times before while hikeing back into some streams, and rivers I like to fish. Now I tread carefully... Never had any real close calls, but I've set them off before....hate that LOL!!!! Just walking through the bush, and some tall weed, makeing my way down to the water dreaming of the fish I'm gonna catch...simply enjoying a sunny day, and all of a sudden that little Mirraca goes off and its close.... But I can't see it in the tall grass Yikes!!! Stomach in throat, Heart pounding....and frozen as still as I could be! Slowly walk back wards, and make a reeeeeeeeeely wide detour and continue on my way. Then another time... Same scenario, beautifull day, walking down to the water...hop over a fallen log and brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. under the log I just hopped over LOL!!! Didn't walk that same path when I cam e back But its funny as hell to walk behind that same buddy and randomly make a rattleing noise as he's walking in tall grass or over the rocks!!! He freezes every time Next time I'm gonna bring a rattle!
  7. Would it weigh into my thought proccess?....yup Lets face it... Chinese exports in general do not have a great track record right now. Based on my own politcal veiws with regards to Chinese exports I can't say I would trust my investment, or feel good about supporting the current situation over there... I have very little experience with Chinese motors so in fairness I can't comment on Outboards in particular but... If they are anything like thier exported Wheat, and rice Glutens, or any other food based export for that matter... I'd be very...very leary. But besides all that... I am happy with the Older Johnson, and the older Evinrude out boards I currently have So I guess I don't have to worry about it for now But yes...it would greatly affect my descion
  8. I don't blur because I generally fish remote areas but.... I have on alteast 3 occasions identified a spot by the banks and Soil in the picture lol!!! No Joke. All 3 times I was right, and they were Pictures posted on this board, of 3 different areas. I won't elaborate out of respect for those people, but if they want to Blur...I understand why I do hate to see the pics messed up but I do completly understand why one would do it. oh and uh... Nice fish there Snag
  9. Good chance the Police will nab them... Not a crime of opportunity, or random. They scoped it out, and planned their day... Its more then likely a local who frequents your area, and saw somthing he liked. He'll probobly not be selling it any time soon.... But if he does the chance of the Cops getting is even better! They will no doubt be all over the local classifieds, and I'd hope the dealers will not take it with out the paperwork. Not much different then taking a car.... They'll get whats comming to them. I just hope for your sake its sooner then later. I'll keep my eyes on the classifieds for ya. I'm actually looking at ATV"S right now any way.
  10. Dang...missed something good did I?
  11. Ya...need to pick up a new pair. Some Swiped mine last year while I was out fishing at Stoney Lake. Couldn't beleive it. Not like they cost a fortune...
  12. I think I'm the last guy one earth who perfers to butter poach my fish....no batter, no crisp. A quarter inch of Nice salted hot Browned butter in a pan with, onions...fillets poached on medium heat for about 2 minutes on both sides. Deglaze the pan at the last minute with a small amount of white wine or beer if the pan gets dry or if the butter starts to burn. Finish the fish on the plate with fresh lemon juice, and Cracked pepper.... Man there is nothing and I mean nuth'n better then that
  13. Check it pretty much every day when I get home from work, and before bed, and sometimes before work, but I stay away while at work...Thought about it though LOL! Prolly cut down once the nice weather is here though
  14. Bingo.... It does not even begin to bother me in the slightest if someone doesn't wear a Hemet be it a Sikh or white trash rock machine wanna be. But... I don't want to hear any dude stories about a fatality, or a brain injured individual who refused to wear a helmet, and I sure don't want to have OHIP pay for it, and I reeeeeeeeely don't want to hear their Families pleading for financial assistance after the Insurance company tells them to take a Hike. You absolutely know in a few years some one will receive a brain injury and become a burden on their family.... And that family will cry foul, and say the "other" guy was at fault so they deserve to be compensated... And some crack pot "expert" will testify saying a helmet wouldn't have stopped this injury.... And then a precedent will have been set..... Not to mention all the other crack pots who will say "hey...if they can do it...why can't I" Were does one draw the line... Do religious freedoms trump personal freedoms? Why not make it optional to wear seatbelts? Especially for Bigger people...its uncomfortable right. Stupid issue if you ask me but, For the record.... I think Religious freedom is great, and I think they absolutely should be able to ride with out a helmet....AFTER they sign a waiver, or declaration stating they absolve the Province, the country, and ANYONE one person or group, or business, region, or territory of ANY Medical, or social service responsibility once they turn the key and sit behind the handle bars. But that’s just me... I sincerely hope this does not become another exsample of Political correctness trumping common sence I wonder what Mr. Rooney would say LOL!
  15. 6lb P-line for me! Thats my line of choice, fishing for Specs, lakers, and Splake in Algonquin. Its a durable, low stretch low visibility line, and I seriously have not a single complaint. I've been warned about knot strength, but I've not had any issues to date. I used to use Berkly Vanish, but found the P-line to be 10x more durable, with WAY less memory I cast it troll it...works great, and its not overly expensive. Good luck
  16. Nice to hear someone is winning the bigger prizes! I have not won a dang thing on those cups....ever!!! not a donut or a coffee LOL.... Maybe I'm due?
  17. That....is insane! People do that for fun I didn't even know that was possible....
  18. Its all in the angle you look from I s'pose. If you keep it generic theres nothing but truth in them lines... But if you make an issue and apply it to a specific race, or "every" imigrant then yes...its racist To me its a pretty generic statement....its all good. And I'm no raceist...I hate everyone equally
  19. Man...luv the progression of pictures! Just wish I would have though of it We got it pretty good too... My Vans....had fun cleaning them off Poor trees... My back is still acheing...gotta get a snow blower LOL! kay....I'm done....ready for Spring any day now.....
  20. I have walker manuals, that are new to me, but I've fished with Scottys and I can say this.... Its a bit of chaos when you have a fish on LOL! Trying to get the Ball up while fighting the fish, and hoping your partner is quick getting his rod and rigger in LOL... but... It adds a new elemt of challenge, they work, they are cheap, and one less Battery to carry. But if I had the coin and could get electircs...I would Try Kijiji, and keep an eye on the Classified. There are deals but they go QUICK!!!!
  21. Ya....we set a 24 snow fall record her in K-town for March A lovley 44cm of snow fell over the last 24 hours I reeeeeeely am not looking forward to the shoveling right now.... I keep finding odd jobs to procrastinate the inevidable.....
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