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Everything posted by Cookslav

  1. .... .... Pretty much sums it up. It royally pisses me off...but what can I do?.....Guess I'll suck it up.
  2. LOL... Nice gobbler you got there! They are reeeeely doing well...tons of them around here, to bad you can't shoot in the city limits LOL!
  3. I buy them from Natural sports in town here...generic, and decent price, with no complaints but then again they know their stuff, and they are good quality baits.
  4. Only 6 sleeps now Assuming the ice melts...
  5. In the spirit of Nemos request I'll bump my own Algonquin report from last year Only 7 sleeps and I'm back in the Pines!!! Different spot this year though....so much Park so little time
  6. I remeber this one....Great post! Hopefully I'll have report half this successfull to share in 2 weeks time
  7. Thats a beauty! I'd love to see few more like that on my line...no doubt PS. Welcome Back J.B.
  8. Well...yes and no Thats not the one I had....and the exsample pic is not Belwood lake. But they are selling a Map of Belwood lake, except its on back order LOL!
  9. Thanks, but no dice Being a Dammed lake its levels fluctuate, so depths can be quite different month to month, and I'm guessing thats why I've never seen a proffesional topo map? There is a rendering out there but its not common...it lays out the old river path, and a few humps, even the old farm house. Its a decent little map... I'd love to have that Map back for a little trip pre planning/marking I'll keep looking, and cross my fingers.
  10. Theres a few of us in K-town....some in London, some south as well. Dotted all over I guess
  11. I used to have one... Lost it when my computer crapped out last year. Its Not a huge lake by any stretch of the imagination but I'd like to get another CPU file copy, before I start drawing from memory lol!
  12. I was under the impression the Brownie population in the Grand was doing well and has seen a riseing sustaining population? At least thats what I've been told? The rainbow stocking went the way of the dinosaur...although I saw a post last year of a young rainbow caught in the Zone, and they haven't been stocked in a while (not gonna say were outta respect for the poster)
  13. The Single barbless/No kill zoneing on the Grand has done tremendous things for the Brownie population...might not be a bad idea for some other areas? And I Can't say the local trout anglers would be to upset.
  14. Ummm Kitchener is a City, not a town and your a LIAR!!! There are no fish in Kitchener.... (kidding of course) Habitat loss is surely a major issue for Specs in this area particularily but so is our "so called" climate change. Many springs are starting to dry up in this area....Aberfoyle, and Formasa areas comes to mind. I've also seen a huge flow reduction is some Nith River feeder streams as well. Then you have the rapid spread of Brownies moving into river areas once considered Speck habitat to boot. But for the most part I think most of this urban Speck fishing Debate is kinda redundent... When it comes to keeping fish in an otherwised comprimised area I think its a no brainer not to keep any at all is it not? Besides when catching fish in an urban area I definatly wouldn't keep any for consumption....Especially anything I caught around here LOL!
  15. My two cents... Perch pattern origional floating rapala, and take a few of them. If your casting structure your bound to loose one or two, seriously.... I've had tremendous success over the years on those lures in the Park. I'd also recomend a blue and silver rattle N rap, or Shad rap. They are Easy to use and very successful in the park for both Specks and Lakers. And if I might be so bold as to suggest you eat dinner at 4:30pm....your gonna want to be on the water at Twilight. Find granite drops....very steep drops, shoals, and shoreline structure with adjacent deeper water When that light starts to fade...cast and cast and cast. When the day is slow, the twilight hour always seems to come on strong...but its only about an hour so be out there! Good luck.
  16. Take it back...its a lemon. As soon aas you open that valve those things should unroll and fill up before your eyes.
  17. We had Tornado Watches and warnings for Sarnia & Lampton Countys yesterday, and got some decent Storms through out Southern Ontario last night but nothing sever really materialized to my knowlage? It was just nice to have some electricity in the air again....its been a while
  18. Thats a great Idea! All I have is a heavy dudty flash light...it'll work but not like that!
  19. Nice haul...I too am very envious Just need the seaon to open up round here, and hopefully I can get into a few browns as well. For now I'll settle for brown pops to get me through this cabin fever
  20. Thanks! Thats the Site I remembered just couldn't remember it I am crossing my fingers... I'm algonquin bound as usual for the opener, but the ice out forecast has me nervous. There will be open water by April 30th no doubt...but the next 2 weeks will be the factor in deciding if my entire route is passible. Unless the weather turns Drasticly I think we'll get there just fine(knock on wood) but I'd rather not be dodging Ice burgs in a kevlar canoe
  21. I've seen them posted here before....Just curious what the links are? I'd like to keep an eye on a couple of Lakes I'm "planning" on getting to April 30th. Might need to change my plans if the Ice stays in as late s some are predicting....
  22. I'm a beer snob fer sure LOL.... I am all over craft brewing and differnt Micro brews. And reeeely lean towards being an Ale guy. Macauslin's Cream & Pale Ale are great Millstreet's Tankhouse Ale & coffee Porter Kick butt But Grandriver brewery alaways has seasonal Batches like their Pumkin & Spice Draft Lager or their ploughmas Ale for a treat! But if I'm slum'n Cans of Exports are my drink...tastes great and the Can looks like a coke can from a distance so I rarely get hassled if I smuggle a few down to the beach Steelbacks brown Bear lager wasn't bad either....and its good for Provincal park camping because of the Plastic bottle they come in.
  23. A pearl finish Latex is the most durable, and easiest to scrub. but.... It really show imperfections in the wall such as scratches and pits etc.. Because its pretty glossy I'd go with a sattin finish...it'll hide the kids nicks a bit better
  24. I guess the Flood controls are doing their job then
  25. Drove by the Grand and the speed today.... they were high alright, but I've seen them much worse? Seems odd to the the Nith so high yet the Grand seems to be round normal "high" sping levels? Is it just me? Belwood was closed for fishing this year due to low water....maybe the Belwood resevoir did the tirck?
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