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Everything posted by Cookslav

  1. Don't forget to Ride as close as possible to the back of the next vehicle infront of you to take advantage of their draft. (Transports are particularily good for that)
  2. This is the funniest thing about Automoble debates...its always personal opinion I know people who swear by Volkwagon and Toyota, and Ford, and Chev, and everyone of those brands has lemons, and some real plowhorses as well. Point and case... My cousins (2 sisters) bought brand new Sunfires back in 2000 same time, same dealer, cause they got sweet deals on an overstock sale with zero % finances... Both work close to home, neither travel....the younger sisters car is still mint, in great condition with no issues, while the older sister just scrapped hers...head gasket and a million other issues. My bro drives a ford F-10 and loves it...he's out i calgary, drove it cross canada...its getting serious use My buddy had an older Toyota...hated it caused him headaches, and parts costed him a fortune. Everyones got a story to tell right? Do your self a favor, test drive a few in your budget range be discriminating, and cross your fingers cause unless your a mechanic and have the time to rip her apart and inspect the whole thing there always and aspect of luck. Cheers
  3. Yup $1.10 tonight in K-town Its crap but, we all know theres nothing we can do...kinda frustrating, but whats a boy to do?
  4. Whaaaaaaat? Kidding, kidding Heck even I've been wrong once...but I was redeemed cause I found later I was wrong, which meant I was actually right the time before All kidding aside, not meaning to kiss donkey "butt" The Mods are fair, and They do a good job keeping it clean...been here for years, and I like it the way it is. Just my $0.02
  5. Filled up last night at a 1.01/L in Kitchener...on my way home I saw 3 stations ranging from 1.05 to 1.08 so I promplty stopped at the Macs who was abviously behind in changing the sign or so I thought.... Of course the line up started right after I paid.... Funny part was when I mentioned it to the clerk, he grumbled somthing about the sign not working so he couldn't change it LOL!!! I'm gonna take the wifes car to work and see if they "fixed" the sign yet
  6. Tomatoes vs. tomatos I s'pose? I've always been partial to Chevy, Freinds of ours have an Avalanche, an its a sweet little ride. Vey reliable, no issues, never needed to see the shop(aside from oil changes) Seriously....it rides so nice it almost doesn't feel like a truck LOL! Its reeeeely quiet, and tows beautifully. The removable covered back is nice for transporting things when you want to keep stuff dry. Good saftey rating from what I've seen as well. But like most Trucks she does drink the gas a bit but...Its probobly better then most(atleast that what they say )
  7. If I was that Kid....and my Dad saw that tape, That officer is the LAST thing that I would have been afraid of LOL!!! My Uncle worked the beat for many years in Toronto before taking a job with Durham regional in homocide...he now teaches forensic investigation at Aylmer passing on his years of experience. He was a true model to the forces, not to mention myself. He'll be the first to admitt this officer needs to get a mouth filter....but the officer acted well with in his duties The Kid needed to listen tight, and conform.(yup....same as rolling over) Like it or not his rights were not violated, so he needed to "roll over". The teen was in conflict with the law, and I hope he got fined. Had he respectfully walked away the officer could have done him "A FAVOR" and let the issue slide all together. Instead The kid got mouthy....I sure wouldn't be doing him any favors either. Lets face a truth here... Heres the Scenario: I'm hanging out in your driveway practicing my casting with some dummy baits in the way of you pulling your can into the garage, your kids are playing near by on their bikes, and your expecting friends to come by for a visit. You've asked me not to cast there many times... You've spent money on signs asking me not to cast there... The police have been called many times to ask Anglers to move along... Now the officers arrive and angrily ask me to leave(cause their sick of seeing me there again and again) And I turn to the officer and say "Dude....I didn't know, whats your problem?" (with the no Casting signs glaring in the sunlight behind me) So the officers get ticked off and yell at me about respect for a bit, and tell me to hand over the rod. But I refuse to hand over my baits and rod, while keeping up my beligerent attitude..... Do you reeeeely think I wouldn't be getting peppersprayed, or taken down? Would I not have deserved it? Hell ya I deserve it! I should be seasoned like steak...pepperd, Tenderized and grilled hot And I'd expect it. You wouldn't provoke a bull would you? You mess with the bull you get the.... C'mon "THIS PARTICULAR" officer had a case of verbal diariah, but the kid had a Sh$tty attidue as well... I think they both got what they deserved. Synopsis, The kid got a bit of a life lesson (allthough I think supporting him will make him even more beligerant) and the officer learned he needs to keep the potty talk proffessional Amen to that. Generalizing the boys in blue is not cool in my books. Some say respect should be earned... Thats a cop out.(no punn intended) I don't know half the people on this board so by rights they have not "earned" my respect...yet I still give it right? I go by the motto of "burned" respect. Ya'll get it, but if you burn it...its gone
  8. I'd Agree, except I'd hardly classify that as a beating...he mearly "took" the board, and put the teen down, and gently I might add. (no kidding around the kid could have been put down hard, and the ididot cop did actualy use "a bit" of Discression) Again I agree 100% The officers language was at best very poor, but the skater wouldn't even hand the board over, he held on to it resisting.... There are always 2 sides to a storys, and I think they are both idiots LOL!!! A snotty teen who needs to learn he's not all that And a Roid-rageing cop who needs to get his temper in check
  9. mmmm....yup I have enjoyed them at the trailer as well...apple pie, cherry pie. But Ham and swiss, or left over breakfast bacon and cheddar with a few jalepenos for me is the favorite !!!
  10. I think the mouthy kid needed to learn a lesson in respect 100%. He was totaly beligerant through the video...even his own buddy tells him to shut up at one point. And as other said we have no idea what transpired before the Camera came on. I can't speak for the rest of you...but if the Cop said give me that Skateboard, I would have handed it over, and fought for it later. Holding onto it and refuseing to cooperate is asking for trouble. The cop putting that kid down in that situation is called fo IMO, and done well, it could have very easily been handled differently..... (pepperspray, taser, batons...come to mind) A skate board can very well be considered a weapon in this situation(beligerant teen refusing to listen). If he refuses to let it go as your physical attempting to confiscate it...with in an arms length/swinging distance Ya he's lucky all the cop did was put him down (rather gently by Police standards if you ask Me) Now that being said... The Officers Verbage was way out of line, and not in accordance with the "expected demeanor" of law enforment officers. Thats what got him into trouble...not his actions And rightfully so IMO. Had he been a stiff upper lipped Cop who used the same tone but kept his temper in control, and not used threating language the outcome would have been different I'm sure.
  11. That Laker is a beauty! And I imagine shes got room to grow yet base on the size of her yap! Nice haul for sure.
  12. No idea what the first is but the 2nd I'm guessing is a Volkswagon "JitterBug", or "beetle"...or some sort of play on words
  13. Banjo Minnow...do I win again?
  14. Ya closed, or "reduced production" Plants are kind of bitter sweet... Less cutting is the sweet, no jobs is the bitter part. Can't have it both ways I s'pose
  15. Frog colored Wordens rooster tail...what do I win?...errr do I pass?
  16. I run the exsact same board, complete with the tattle flag upgrade. In the past I have ran strait braid, Strait Mono, and also tried a 5' lead of mono off of braid at the same time in different rods.... As has my Partner Big Swede....we like to switch it up, and see whats working on the advice of others who know better. (AKA Superdad) I can say this... We have Never had any problems with the braided, or the mono (except in the minus 10 degree weather both lines stuck to the clips ) But as far as results go... We caught more Pickeral on the strait Braid in the past, with no shakers. My guess is when the bite is light, the zero stretch aspect of the Braid sets the hook better on the "taps". I Would imagine it also makes the play of the lure a little more Sparatic, as I would guess when the board moves, the lure moves...there is no lag in the pull, especially if your moving slow. Who knows maybe it makes little to no difference, but from what I've seen the strait braid did the trick just fine. For Obvious visibility reasons Mono is the leading choice of most guys I have talked to, but IMO If the fish are on...it makes no difference. So I stick with the braid now, simply because I like to run a lot of line, and the zero stretch gives me more confidence in my hook set and the play. Cheers,
  17. No goals... Just want to get out as much as possible. With 2 kids under 3, and a 3rd Due in July....I'll be lucky to fish have as much as I did last year, and I only got out like 20 times LOL! So Late June and July are complete right offs. If I can enjoy 15 times out on the water It'll be more then I expect.
  18. Nice. Atleast you could find the humor in it....Some people would be reeeeely agravated by that. I can't say with certanty I would have been as kind. If I had my morning coffee in me, ate my weaties, and had been up for a few hours, on a say...a Sunday and it was nice and warm out, birds singing ect....I would have been just as nice
  19. I've actually heard that before and seen it work once as well....but being only one time, it could be complete coinsidence? The fishing started slow so the guys I was fishing with got on the sleds and let 'er rip zigging and zagging through and around the area we were fishing....I though they were nuts, and figured the fishing was going to be even worse. Well wouldn't you know it...the bite came on HARD no more then 5 minutes after they turned the machines off. We landed 18 Pike in the next 3 hours. They say the noise, and commotion gets the Bait fish frazzled, and darting around, which in turn gets the fish going. Now mind you we were in 6-8 feet of water...the water depth probobly maks a difference.
  20. Oh man...its a real live Transformer!!! That thing is crazy quick and effecient. The faster we can take 'em away, the less time to re-grow we have.... Here's an idea.... Can we not form our own little version of OPEC? Timber Supply is running low so lets jack the rates for Canadian lumber. If they can do it with oil, why can't we do it with lumber...or water for that matter. Let start a price war, and see if we can get some cheaper gas LOL!
  21. Thats a nice day on the ice for sure. Congrats on the PB's!
  22. Any improvment would be nice...anything. We'll see, but I'm skeptical of any lasting raise. The Detroit hole is an interesting piece of the puzzle....I guess if thats the culprit Then I suppose these low levels are permenant. Assuming they stop the dredging, and don't dredge further.
  23. No doubt its practical for moi... My Light & Medium action gear is always middle of the road, self tested stuff...meaning Brands like Shimano. Good brands that I trust, and Poles I personally like the feel of at the store. My Spinning reels I own are 2000 series Shimano, and a middle of the road Browing Fly rod and reel. I own a cheaper used center pin reel, and rod(handed down to me) And my heavy gear is a combo of BPS rods and a soon to be Pete mania reel....nothing Cheap, but definatly not high end and pretty Then there's the boats... I own 3 A heavy but stable and durable Canoe That I pretty much use exusivly flor Algonquin Park. My indestructable Punt/Drift boat I drift Shallow rocky rivers, and small hard to access lakes Motor boat...new "to me" for bigger lakes(just slapped some manual riggers on it last fall) They are not much to look at but they all float, and catch fish on occasion, so.... I rest my case
  24. Bah....only up to 5cm tonight, and I see they are calling for 5cm Mon and 10cm tues here. At this point unless its 20+ in a single dump it won't make any difference to me LOL... Its all white out there anyway, and my backs well seasoned for the shoveling It'll make us all appreciate April that much more!
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