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Everything posted by Cookslav

  1. I almost spit my coffee out this morning when I read this LOL.... That pretty much sums it up as far as classifying "Fishing as a sport" goes. I reeeeely don't think there is any room for doubt that its classified as a sport to be honest. But an Athletic sport it is not my friends. I s'pose it can be made athletic if you wanted to...but I think I'll stick to walking and canoeing at a nice "leisurely" pace
  2. Interesting debate for sure.... I guess if Golf, Bowling, Darts, and all billards are a sports then I s'pose Fishng Should be as well. Just a different kind of sport perhaps? For exsample Car races=Motor sports Pool=Billiard sports Hockey=Athletic Sport Wrestling=Sports entertainment Ballroom Dancing=Olympic Sport Could the term Natural Sport not describe Fishing? Although I can acknowlage the pure fact it is Technically a sport I definatly would not consider it to be an athletic sport...if that makes scence? In other words I enjoy it as a hobby, and a its a huge source of enjoyment for me...but I would never consider what I do to be athletic. Its most definatly good exersice to get out and walk the tribs, and paddle the canoe etc... Its kind of like my Parents calling me their Baby... Yes I am Technically, but I am hardly an infant at 31 years old. (although My wife might disagree ) I would love to see proffessional tourny with no motors allowed though! Imagine paddling the canoe across the lake in 3 footers to get to the best spots first, then fishing spot to spot.....now THAT would be an athletic sport!!!!
  3. No doubt...Dad He took me out camping & Fishing quite a bit as a kid, as well as all 4 of my brothers. He has a lot of patience LOL! Now the effort has come full circle... He gets Fishing related Christmas, birthday, and fathers day gifts from his 5 boys, and get invited on all our trips
  4. Ya I was thinking the same thing? They say people were trying to flag her and warn her butI have to ask.... If its known there is a local warm water current there, and people knew it was so unsafe they felt waveing and yelling to warn her was needed....why on earth did they park their trucks there as well? Is it a very Localized out flow? or is the camera playing tricks?.....cause those 2 trucks, and Ice huts look to be pretty close to me?
  5. I got out: 1 day out on to Belwood last winter---nothing caught, not much else going on 5 days to algonquin in May---Great trip...lotsa trout, and great scenery 2 days to Bruce county in July---one decent day, got a nice smally 21" 3 days to Grey county in August---Crap trip, lots of wind, high pressure, very few fish, and they were small 1 day trip to Bruce county in August---lots of Bass, nothing over 17 inches though. 1 day trip to Long point in August----windy wavey, one small Pike, but saw the largest Pike follow up EVER! 1 day trip to Stoney Lake in September----One small ski on an off Just like that...windy day made it tough to control the Boat 3 day trip for Steelhead Bruce/Grey counties in October---nut'n, saw a few takers, but nothing to write home about(rained all weekend) 5 days Hunting in November---got nut'n, but the weather was perfect. 3 days out to the BOQ in December---got blown off the water, and froze our butts off...blew a tire Yada yada So 20 days total... You guys put me to shame I am SOOOOO showing this thread to my Wife who thinks I spend to much time out on the water as is.
  6. ...nice You know the the only thing I hate more then Roy....kids! They are all money grubbing PANHANDLERS looking for a free ride! EVERY Single one of them. Think about it.... First they expect you to feed them & Wipe their butt for a few years then next thing you know its sports, clothes, tuition and trips to Europe! And then if that wasn't enough they want more money towards their wedding, and they might even ask you to buy their own bratty kids gifts on their birthday... Its no wonder these other parents send the kids out onto the street to begg for cash donations. They have to save for retierment some how right? mmmm...wait a minute! I have kids too! Better pick out a good spot at the mall now before the other parents get it first LOL!!!! Hey? Do I have to buy the other kids chocolate bars if I'm asked while I'm supervising my Kids selling theirs? And if the other Kids are rude, do I still need to be polite? mmmm....to many rules, think I'll just stay home
  7. Hey Cliff, I'm sure your aware already but I thought I'd throw it out there just incase. There is a big differnce in Price, and sometimes Quality as well between "certified Angus and normal run of the mill Angus beef. There are grades A AA and AAA grades of Angus beef were Certified Angus is called "Prime" or "Natural" and is strait up AAA and is actualy only the cream of the crop being the top 8% of all graded Angus. (If you buy into all that....) Just be sure the price your paying is for What your getting(Ie. don't be fooled into paying for Certified Angus if is AA regular Angus) I personaly beleive you can get normal Angus beef as good or better at a local shop, or at a whole peice provider, yes....even a place like Zehrs "if" you know what to look for in marbling, cut, and Age (Assuming its a stand up honest company and butcher) Anyway... You can save a lot of dough with those deals, but it is a little bit of a crap shoot, being you don't have the optiong of inspecting the cuts first. And like you said...your also paying for some peices you don't want....it might be better to avoid the waste and spend the extra on some Prime cuts at a local butcher?
  8. We should tread lightly here...thats loaded topic in its self. I'll admit I do understand the thought, but some might argue the funding is or was adequet, whilst the direction it took in spending may not have been... Sure its all good.....Same with the single parent arguement. Like I said though, there is a lot of funding out there to be used with out my donations....just seems most people are too proud to take it? I guess its easier to have the kids hit up the public and save some face then ask for readily available assistance? But that just covers the needy kids anyway...what about the rest of the team? You do realixe The Moms and Dads who make 6 figures a year get a portion of that cash too cause their little billy is on the teamand sold a Chocolate bar? No thanks, I'll buy a Mars bar instead of the chocolate covered almonds this time, and just continue to pay my taxes, and give to a regulated Charity. Allthough I suppose on the other side of the coin the idea of getting the kids to earn their trip is good... I've been hit up enough for donations, and everyone has a cause these days...you can give to some, or all if you prefer. Not me... guess I'm a stuffed shirt. Guess the 15 years I've volunteered "MY TIME" to flood outdoor city rinks, and "TEACH" kids how to play hocky on the outdoor rinks, and the 7 Years of volunteer Coaching Hockey Teams wasn't quiet is important or as impactfull as buying a $5 chocolate bar to send someone elses rich kid to Buffalo for a weekend hockey tournament that I "KNOW" the parents will enjoy as much or more then the children...cause after the game they will drink their faces off at the hotel in the evenings and spend each and every one of those $5 chocolate bars on their chicken wings LOL!!! Its the truth, Been there....done that. At the end of the day a kids sports team is not a charity I'll support, but the Scouts planting tree's, or doing Community work...thats a different story all together. Cheers,
  9. I refuse to give cash donations 9x out of 10 to street greeters... If its a kid Sports team saving for a trip, I am definitely not giving a cent. League trips are paid for in the initial fee's Paid upfront, its the "Extra" tournys and trips that incur extra costs. Considering there are programs to cover those fee's for under privileged children in most municipalities and Rep leagues that are "WELL" funded I can't condone donating...epecialy considering these programs generaly run a surplus most years (I know this as a former Coach and city volunteer who has seen these funds used) Heck, The parents of the more "well off" kids might as well be out selling the candy cause the proceeds are saving them cash in the end not the kids. As for Squeegee kids, baggy bottom hustlers, and fraternity clans....I usually politely say no thanks, but.... I have offered some sound life experience oriented advice in the past instead such as: Cut your hair, take a shower, loose the facial piercing, cover the Tats on your face and neck, pull up your pants, wear clean clothes that fit you, loose the Ghetto tough guy slang, get off the drugs, and turn that frown upside down...people like smiles Now If you can handle that and catch a quick bus ride down to the job bank you should be set kid. Do you have enough change in your $200 back pack to cover that, or would you like my bar of soap to get your self started? Cripes they have enough gumption to stand outside in the cold or the hot sun all day... At the very least could they not go out and hold one of those "slow/Stop" signs on a road crew or something? I can always use a few good dishwashers to boot. Anyway, I hear you Roy.... Were I struggle is the obviously Mentally ill homeless. I could give them some change and get them a coffee, or buy a sandwich for them but it only goes so far. It breaks my heart to see them and know full well there is no real help for them in our legal, health, or help systems....they get my change every time, and more sometimes. When I compare this situation with a Baggy pants street hustler....there is NO comparison, and in case you couldn't tell it gets WAY under my skin!
  10. Its Respectfull to tone down your Lanquage in the company of Children and basic common decency If you asked me? I have been known to spit more filth then a sewer pipe when I'm drinking with the boys...just ask the wife LOL! But when there are Children around or I'm in the general public I have enough control and respect for the folks around me to know better. Any one who can't understand the difference between the right and wrong times to display such behavior is either not smart enough to know better or their a idiot plain and simple.... I'm all for a good hoot, and a little rugged potty talk. And if your cool talking like that to YOUR Children...so be it But in front of some one elses children...there are NO exuses for such ignorance.
  11. Yes hamilton Coyotes are actually a rather curious creatures, although they keep to them selves most of the time many are not overly shy either. You'll find more coyotes just on the edge of many urban centers then you will out in no mans land for sure. This is Because the cities create a food source for them.... Our Garbage, litter, and "feeders" (meaning bird feeders, and people who feed squirels etc.) Attract numbers of edible creatures to the out skirts that are generally well feed, and not as cautious as they should be. Then throw in some peoples pets such as cats, and small dogs... You get a recipe very attractive to Coyotes. The past few years we have seen some heavy snow falls as well making hunting a bit tougher for them so they take the easy route to our back yards, and green spaces on the edge of town that house the fat squirels, and neighborhood cats. Plus the surge in Ontario deer & Turkey populations can't be hurting the Coyote food supplies.
  12. That there is a coyote, or Coy dog IMO A bit skinny, but then again this winters been tough on them. The tell tail is the neck, and shoulder line...Longer profile compared to a fox The bushy tail is also a common feature in Coyotes as well, especially with their winter coat. Plus the legs are a give away to me as they are much longer then the average fox. Lots of Coyotes in the area outside the Hammer...even more the further west you go. The outskirts of K/W and Guelph is loaded with 'em And there are even more towards the Huron Coast. I can hear them nightly at my Trailer by Kincardine, and saw quite a few of them last year.
  13. I gaurentee it'll be ok .... Was fishing in Algonquin with a Cheapy soft cooler a few years back in late April and the overnight low dropped to minus 4. The beer was nice and cold, but it din't freeze. (in retrospect I shoulda kept the beer in the water but hey...I wasn't thinking LOL) I'd imagine minus 30 is a bit different but with a good cooler your golden.
  14. Nice spot. Been there and agree that Bill is a very hospitable host. Fishing can be hit and miss like any place, but there are some BIG fish to be found. Chat Bill and I'm sure he'll point you in the right direction with a few tips. Get a Map, or take it S-L-O-W The water can shallow out quickly, and rocks are plenty in the area... For the most part its good were the cottages are, but if you venture around take care.
  15. Oh man.... I'm guessing he was never taken fishing, never spanked, never yelled at and never told no (OR IT WAS NOT FOLLOWED THROUGH ON) He was "encouraged" not disiplined, and he was allowed to "learn" his boundries and rules not told. And if he was every "discouraged" from doing somthing I'd bet the farm it was in a calm soothing normal speaking voice and the conversation was filled with phrases such as: Please don't your hurting my feelings Thats not very nice. You don't want to make me cry do you? Thats somthing you should not do, would you agree? Do you know what you could do instead? New age parenting...gotta love it I'll third the "why would you leave him home alone" comment....a kid just doesn't go that astray overnight. they had to know the Party card was in play? Those parents were asking for it IMO
  16. Been a volunteer with the City of Kitchener helping my Pops run the outdoor rink at our local park for 20 years now. I'd feel reeeeely old right now if I didn't start when I was 11 LOL! No gimmicks needed bud. Start with snow packed down round the edges of your rink, and give 'er a nice "light" sprinkle the first night just enough to make slush, and no more then that...trust me freind To much water will make it twice as difficult, as you end up with bubbles, and your water can run out along the edges wasteing water, leaving uneven base levels....then it will take twice as long to freeze, and re level. Just make the area as level as possible and barely water the Snow into "slush", and let it set(not flooded with water) It does not have to be deep....this is just to get you started The slush will freeze awkwardly, but....its the perfect start!!! It creates tons of pockets to pour your next "light" sprinkle....just enough to fill the pockets to near level proportions. (Never put on more then quarter inch at a time) Then give 'er a another 2-3 coats no more then a quarter inch and your in business. Don't be afraid to get out there and chip off any "peaks" at this point if there are any left, and keep sprinkling light coats nightly. Also, Stay on the Shoveling...its a pain in the but if you get a mild day with snow left on the ice. (Its sticks and ruins the surface consistency) We shovel after each snowfall, and flood only in the evenings, as it usualy cooler, and no kids are around to chop up the soft ice. Have fun!
  17. Yup, I think the internet makes membership to a board like this more appealing, in the way that its accessible to us when we have the time. Some clubs are a bit political as well.... If you're not around for a while because of life’s small reasons you get flack, or are subject to some heat. Next thing you know your opinion is put on the low list. I think the internet is absolutely the biggest contributor to the declines in Many different clubs. Life is fast paced these days, if we can get the same level of satisfaction, and limit the headaches in a 24 hours 7day a week online club I say giddee up!
  18. Man that first one is a pig of a Crappie! Glad you guys a had a good outting. I gotta say though, I'm surprised there were that manny people out? I was by Scugog on Thursday, and it looked pretty soft round Port Perry. Scarey soft....and not a soul in sight on the ice. I'm guessing its a bit thicker else were?
  19. I have the same off shore board complete with the tattle flag upgrade and it works great....unless its below freezing It tends to accumulate a bit of ice, rendering the Tatle flag pretty much encased in ice, and rather useless. But the boards still ran good. (found that out on my December misadventure to Merlin Park ) I use a med/Heavy 7.5 foot Izumi series Shimano rod & a 5000 series Shimano spinning reel....nothing high end but I've had no issues with the set up what so ever. Its got enough Backbone, and its not really over kill either, so there is still some play to the fish. Have fun with the new toy!
  20. Issued by Enviroment Canada.... Sarnia - Petrolia - Western Lambton County 10:26 PM EST Monday 7 January 2008 Tornado watch for Windsor - Sarnia - Petrolia - Western Lambton County issued Persons in or near this area should be on the lookout for adverse weather conditions and take necessary safety precautions. Watch for updated statements. Please refer to the latest public forecasts for further details and continue to monitor the situation through your local radio and television stations or Weatheradio. Watford - Pinery Park - Eastern Lambton County The Weird weather Continues!
  21. Nice Pics, Mine came on my opener Trip... Not my Fish but I can take credit for Guiding them to the Spot and outfitting the equimpent LOL!!! Couple of early season Splake on my Anual Algonquin Spring trip. And this one...not a huge fish by any stretch of the imagination but I laugh every time I see it!. I swear I am actually wearing shorts..... I swear
  22. Dam... Sorry to hear of your loss. hang in there.
  23. Love It!!! Great Game, and great out come.... Good job boys!
  24. Nice to hear you got into a few before the ice gets a bit dicey after this impending warm spell. Cheers!
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