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Everything posted by Cookslav

  1. Personally I think its rude to fish someones dock. I'm a fisherman and I avoid them out of courtisey, and safety for the owners. Before you jump on me... I ask you this, If you fish a dock are you willing to drive in and remove your hook if you snag on their dock posts, or latter, or what have you? I know of a little girl who simply swam at her family dock, and was teathered to the dock by some hooks.... They left their snagged lure below the surface of the dock, and because of their neglegance a sweet 4 year old girl got stitch apon stitch, and needle apon needle who is also now petrified to swim in the lake.... People swim at docks...children swim at docks. Like it has been said there is lots of water to fish, and if you are that hell bent on fishing a dock I only ask that you remember this story when your casting, and be willing to get wet and remove that snagged hook. If your not, ask yourself why? Is that Bass you think might be there worth potentially drowning or injuring a child? Put things in perspective and think about it. Fishing a "vacant" dock is no better then an occupied dock....a bit more stealthy, but the same consequence is in play. (and no....I don't own a dock)
  2. Executive Chef/Director of Food & Beverage for a local Hotel I've been in working the restaurant business since I was a kid. Total experience of 19 years, but got serious about my carreer when I earned my Red seal 11 years ago and have been Loveing it. Down sizing, cut backs and general Market turmoil has opened the opportuntiy for me to hold 2 titles (Director of F& now for the last 2 years as well. The work load has been enormous but its been a great experience as someday I hope to open my own resort. I now feel I have the knowledge and expereince to make that happen....I just need to fast forward the clock, and build that bank account a bit
  3. That was my first thought, but I hate to jump to conclusions. I sincerely hope the boat was sold in a safe condition....the thought of it being sold otherwise is kinda scary. Could be a crack somewere, could have been a bad patch, maybe the guys new to boating all together and damaged the boat while trailering? For all we know could be the guys 4th time ever on the water Just glad to hear everyone made it home safe.
  4. Plenty of opportunity in A.P. for a 5 day trip...I've never been in the park longer then 6 days in a row But like it has been said, a bit of portaging can make the difference between an "ok" fishing experience, and a great one. If its Smallies your after I can PM you a pretty easy access lake in the west Gate area, but expect to see people.... Not Anglers per say, but this time of year you'll see other campers as its a pretty lake, and has some great sites. But if its brookies... Unless your willing to portage a few times I can't help ya LOL... Cheers,
  5. Maybe... Personally I've tried it, and it didn't work. I rarely and almost never wear repellant, but I tried it once a few years back on a trip when the deer flies were really bad. I was getting hammered with bites to the point I wasn not even enjoying the day.... One would bite, and I'd squash him but there were 4 to take his place. I broke down and put on some Deet based repelent and unfortunatly those little buggers were still on me like stink to a Monkey.... That being said I beleive the Deet limited the bites, and I've heard the double sided tape thing works really well combined with deet based repellent. My guess is the deet serves to deter some of them, and the ones that are not detered get stuck in the tape. All I know is I am a very patient and forgiving man.....I bloody hate those buggers, and have no love nor respect for their place in this world LOL!
  6. LOL... Ya parents get funny as they age...especially when "the routines" start LOL! My parents now have "shopping day"(Wed), and "visit day"(Mon), and every saturday my Dad HAS to go to my uncles auto shop...the shop is closed so they usually tinkers with small engines, drink beer, and smoke cigars...not much Auto work going on LOL! It makes me laugh, but hey...if they are happy and healthy its all good. Cheers,
  7. Nah, Just hold the rod level hold down the drag and pull slowly....she'll give up the ghost or haul in your rock
  8. Ya I'll second Richards comment... I was there last year, and caught a few small pike, but we did see a couple big Large mouth...spooked 'em though Tough fishing that water as its crystal clear, and shallow so they usually see you before you see them. Good luck though if you give it a shot. Don't be afraid to troll the channel in...just stay high in the columb to avoid the weeds. Cheers,
  9. Just tie direct to the braided IMO. I know guys who swear by the use of flouro, or even mono leads but they don't catch any more then I do... Also if the braid is "SO" noticable...why don't the fish see the hook, or the fake lure for that matter LOL? Seriously, For what your doing....my advice is to loose the leader. Cheers,
  10. Was thinking the same thing LOL...
  11. A guy I know uses them with success and no issues to speak of. I'm sure there are better rods/reels but these seem to fit the profile of what is needed and I've not heard any poor feedback.
  12. It didn't seem like much to me at all? Watching it come in on the radar I thought we'd get smoked, but all in all it was more of a rain event then a storm LOL...
  13. I've had no issues with conostoga lake fishing. Pike in particular, but...I've not fished it in about 8 years LOL! But trust me... Belwood lake is NOT any better for pleasure craft traffic. Its loaded with jet ski's and wake boarders....especially on weekends. There are alot of cottages, and 3 trailer parks, plus the conservation area. Access is easy, and it shows. Fishing on Belwood "can" be good, but Its hit and miss, and you kinda have to know not just where to look, but when to look. The traffic is only part of the equasion...the water levels can drop a couple feet over a weekend, and over week sometimes I almost don't recognize it. The Temps can change dramiticly and the Structure changes... Weedbeds that were awesome become dry grass, and the fish move nomaticly, willow structure is on dry land, and your left with a big bowl LOL... To truely get the most out of Belwood you have to put in time, and fish it often all year to learn what spots produce at the different water levels and temps. You might get a lucky day here and there but the slow days are often. I recommend mid week, evenings, or "early" mornings.
  14. Cool thanks, The kids and I seem to be fine, and I do occasionaly consume fish from the lake, and enjoy it. So I appreciate the corespondance.
  15. Can you elaborate on that? I have a place on the lake....just finished swimming with the kids for the past week and a half, and I Gaurentee the kids sucked a bit of water back accidentally. Belwood is generally a pretty clean lake out side of the occasional hot weather spell that prompts and E-coli warning. No differnt then most beaches around.
  16. Dogfish?...more like Zombiefish. Yup, I'm gonna have nightmares now LOL!
  17. I'll second that... ANYONE throwing rocks, smashing property, And giving the Police a hard time are nothing more then full grown BRATS. What they are doing is no different then a Kid Throwing a hissy fit. And supporting that kind of behavior is Just ridiculous. Conspiricy this, and conspiricy that...standing behind the charter of rights whilst lighting a Police car on fire is just plain stupid. All those people and their supporters should go home to their parents basement, put their tinfoil hats back on, and go back to playing their x-box. Peace,
  18. If I wanted water....I'd ask for it.
  19. That dude in the video is a loser LOL... You boys in blue handled hime a lot better then he deserved to be. Asking for ID, and being concerned is not segregating anyone LOL! What he was doing was resisting authority, and being a general nuisence...begging to be arrested in my opinion.
  20. That was My thought as well...Its a no win situation for the police. Its their job to control the craziness, and all the crazies with a cause are comming out of their caves to protest on a global stage right now. So every protest they break up, or attempt to contain makes them the bad guy to that cause and their supporters. Tough spot to be in for sure.
  21. I had similar issues this weekend.... I just stood up, and yelled a few expletives, and waved my arms like a mad man....I pointed to the wide open lake they could be using as opposed to shooting the narrow channel between an island that I happened to be fishing along with another boat. They got the message apparently as they went out to the lake and stayed there. Sometimes you just have to let them know your pissed off. Unfortunatly a lot of these people acting like idiots don't actually know they are being disruptive. Alot of these people don't fish, and have no clue that whipping around you is hindering your efforts. Heck a lot of these people are looking for waves to bounce off, and don't realize the waves they are sending. Its not exuse, but sometimes being a bit more vocal, and visually upset might help? Just a suggestion?
  22. I have one on my boat because It had a tendency to porpoise....solved that issue 100%
  23. Start with a 6, if you learn it well then get a 12. They both have their place, but if you're learning a 6 is the way to go. Forget about name brands... Go into the store, and try a few on for size. If its comfy, and you like the sound...check the price tag. If its out of you're range move along, and keep trying. I'd almost bet the farm that for $400 you'll be getting a yammy, and nothing wrong with that. They make decent middle of the road guitars, I've played a few yammys that were nicer then the BC rich I'm used to playing LOL... Don't be name snob dude....Find a sound and feel you like.
  24. Give that Man cigar!
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