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Everything posted by Cookslav

  1. I guess we've had some polar opposite experiences doing the same thing I've never been to a Stag & Doe that didn't raise less then $2G's one I personally ran as part of the wedding party raised $4800 But in all cases that money went directly to a wedding reception for 100+ people so.... It seemed like money well spent/earned.
  2. Easier said then done my freind...If I don't go I'm more or less ostersized LOL It just principle to me & not really a huge deal. I Just thought it was an intersting topic that 99% of us will deal with at one point or another. And during the Winternet season...why not discuss
  3. Turning 30 this year, fully licensed welder and established...
  4. Make no mistake...I'm not complaining. I'm just trying to figure out if I'm the only one who thinks Stag & does have an etiqutte? I always thought there was, but what do I know? I'm not judging but I come from a world where you meet, marry, move in, have kids....thats the prefered order LOL! But then again I was raised Catholic, but I am more then aware the world has a lotta differnt ways of doing things. But to me a stag and doe was pretty strait forward in its purpose....yes...no???
  5. You need to get your PAL (Possession, Aquisition License) You will need to do the course which can be done over a weekend usually. Just go to your local gun shop or shooting range tThey will more then likely have all the information you need to get enrolled. After your done there is a waiting period before you get your license...I beleive its 21 days before they proccess the license but don't quote me on that. In any case it'll be a couple of weeks. Then you're good to purchase your Rifle. But before you can get your hunting license you need to do the Hunter Saftey course. That will take up two weekends of your time, but more then likely will be offered at the same location you complete the PAL course. Once you pass, you can apply for your hunter version outdoors card and you're on your way. Not sure what it costs these days but I think I spent $150 on the PAl course and $200 on the Hunter Safety course. cheers,
  6. "hypothetical" question.... If one is to Plan & Promote their own stag and doe....is that cooth? Cause to me it comes across wrong?....kinda like a cash grab. I always thought it was the duty of the wedding party, or family and it is "supposed" to be a surprise? If one is to cancel their Wedding reception and decide to go away and have a destination wedding while continueing to plan and promote their own stag & doe.....is THAT cooth??? Cause to me its reeeeeeely tacky? Is the stag and doe not supposed to offset the price of a wedding RECEPTION???? Now... If this "hypothetical" couple were already living together....for the past 5 years(AKA common law) And you happen to know they have $6000 in cash saved towards the wedding, Mom and Pops gave them $2500....from BOTH sides so they now have $10,000 sitting in an account for a down payment is it still cooth to Plan & Promote your own Stag & Doe after canceling the wedding recpetion in place of a Destination wedding????? Am I just plain old fashin or would this situation rub any of you the wrong way???? Cause "hypotheticaly" speaking if this was my brother....saying something, or not attending is walking a dangerous line in the department of Family dynamics
  7. Thats a rough spot to be in for sure bud. But asking for a little support and prayer is never a tall request. Keep your chin up and stay positive, sometimes life may throw you a curve but remember its not always gonna be a strike. Let it pass and wait for the next pitch. We'll keep you guys in our prayers here.
  8. That sir is my internal conflict.... I'm 35 years old, and come hell or high water at 55 I'm done. No offence to the old boys here but I don't know a single person over the age of 65 that is healthy and happy. I've been busting my hump since I was 18 with a VERY clear path, and plan in mind, that not once have I deviated from. Now that the kids are in the picture I am not willing to sacrafice anymore family time, and I'm slowing down to smell the roses. The issue is the cost of living increases demand that I continue my current pace if I plan to retire. Not fair....not cool
  9. Cost of living increases vr. the cost of living is the issue not the ability to remain working. I have several peices of paper that keep me working and I'm not worried about me.... Perhaps my abilty to retire comfortably comes into the equasion on occassion but I definatly fear for the future of my kids, and my parents. I can work, and the more I work, the more income I can earn...thats a no brainer. But for retiree's that not a feasable or fair situation to perceive as a solution to rising costs. Their cost of living increases with the rest of us and their hard earned savings get depleted faster. Lets face it....wage increases are no were near the cost of living increases we see year to year for us working folk. Imagine how the retiree's feel about this. All I know is by the time my 6 year old Daughter is in the work force she'll have to be a doctor to make ends meet. Its a frustrating situation and if I had an easy solution I'd lay it on the table but I don't. I know I put 15% of my income away for retirement every week, And I bought my first house at the ripe age of 23 for $115,000...I fixed it up my self replacing all the windows, floors, Roof, A/C furnace, and added a fireplace, and counteless cosmetics like french doors, and kitchen cabinets etc... I flipped that house 5 years later for $220,000. I put that money back into a 2 year old 3000 squarefoot home, and finished the basment, paved a drive way added a deck, fence, Shed, water softener, Wet bar and Fireplace increasing the equity an additional $65,000 over the last 3 years....this house will be sold as part of my retirement when the kids are out of the house. I did did this all myself while working a demanding job that requires me to work on average 50 hours/ week and sometime over 60 hours a week. I'm doing ALL I can to be prepared for retirement....but one thing I have to ask... Should it be this hard to earn a comforatble retirement? Should I have to work 50-60 hours a week, and then have a second job renovating and flipping homes to simply be able to enjoy the golden years? Do we need to sacrafice quality time with our familys to afford 10-15 years of comfort while we're young enough to enjoy it? My Grand father worked a factory job with Labatts....40 hours a week, with 5 kids and retired comfortabley with a lake front cottage in sauble beach and nice home in kitchener. All done on an "average joe's" factory salary and no post secondary eductation. I on the other hand did a 4 year apprenticship followed by 2 years of school. then went back for another 2 years for another certification, and still work 50-60 hours a week, and spend my off time trying to get futher ahead Striving to keep that same level of living....I have a home, and travel trailer for now and only three kids. I make 5 times the money my Grandfather did, and a cottage is still Years and years away if even possible. And last year my Grandmother sold the family cottage because she couldn't afford it any longer.... We're sliding...plain and simple Its not our abilty to work persay, its the cost of living thats out of whack. One could even argue that the lack of available work is directly effected by the cost of living.... How bad is it when some people make MORE or similar money sitting on their butts though welfare, and EI then the jobs available are able to pay? Time for some serious reforms if you ask me. Time for Government to make some changes on the taxation structures, and instead of standardizing minimum wage increases....how about some Energy, gas & Water price standardizations? How about addressing the farmers concerns about the financial impacts of importing foods as opposed to home grown. bah...I'm just a dreamer I guess.
  10. That is crazy I want a $12,000 home LOL... The scary part though, Census Canada Say's the Average Canadian wage these days is $50,000/year(for men...sorry ladies I didn't look your stat up) And the average Candian home is now $331,000 Average wage is down by comparison taxes are up, essentials such as food, water, hydro, and Gas are up....our homes cost more, and our childrens education is rising to the level of luxury. Another factor is the poor are treated better in this era getting assistance such as welfare and increased minimum wages which is great But the Middle class is getting hosed paying for it on the same level as the rich. We're headed down a dangerous road right now...the rich get richer and more tax breaks, while the middle class get pushed into poverty. and no releif in site....sad but true Just wait until the Interest Rates skyrocket... Then we get to pay more to the Banks as well. I think I need a does of happy right now
  11. Heck I think all that pesky oil residue has to be terrible for the habbitat of the magestic Cormorant.... We MUST stop parking on the ice
  12. LOL...this thread makes me dizzy Kill 'em all, to Culling is ineffective find another way, to they are no harm at all, to lets see the proof. With a little bit of sarcasim, tongue in cheek, and genreal humor mixed in. LOVE this site Even the MNR agrees more study is needed but I think the BIGGEST issue even with regards to any further evaluation is the available study material is about 90% in relation to the great lakes....No one is looking at smaller lake impacts. The MNR is in full agreement that the Cormorant boom "May" be a factor in the Perch and Bass declines the great lakes is seeing however further study is needed....I'd like to see that study done on smaller lake effected to get a true look into what a flock of 500-1000 birds can do on a day trip to the suburbs... Not that Nippising is a small lake by any means... But there is little publicized research being done there. The OFAH, Muskies Canada and the general public consensus up that way are in agreement there is an issue, So to me that is enough of a concern to warrant a second look for sure. Seeing islands decimated, and simply knowing these birds are increasing in Algonquin park specifically Is definatly the biggest concern to me and sets off red flags when thinking about other small unmonitored lakes. If there is enough concerned about a lake the Size Nippising or Huron..... There is definatly even more concern for Smaller inland lakes these flocks visit, and colonize. Further to the point, There was a definate sanctioned cull of these birds on Opeongo....I know this to be a fact. So that in its self also says the MNR has reasons for concern in select situations. In fact I'm positive there have been other culls in Ontario proving the MNR is in somecases is doing something about the issue, and this proves the detrimental aspect this bird can have, and that they feel a cull IS an effective tool in controlling the birds population if only on small scale operation....the question this raises is can the MNR accuratly assess small lakes through out the province in a Lake by lake scenario that is done in a timely manner so we can manage the damage before its a major issue. THAT my freinds is the issue....is there enough man power to monitor the current situation?
  13. First off, I wasn't adressing you specifically as a tree hugger( I can't see your long hair from here) But seriously Dude....its totally tongue in cheek sarcasim and I appologise. Don't take it personal I guess sometimes I forget the CPU doesn't project that....my bad But since I'm here As far as I'm concerned fishing is not just a past time. I could argue its and industry in both tourism, and commercial markets, but to me it more about the tradition. And Cormorants are detrimental to all of the above period. So yes...Cormorants are very similar to Locust, rodents, or Gobbies for that matter. Suggesting otherwise on a fishing forum is crazy talk. On the less "hippie'ish" side of the issue... Like it or not there is even less proof floating around out there to suggest an organized Cull would be less effective then any alternatives. And I simply hate the idea of waiting it out for nature to do her thing when these dam birds eat 20 to 30% of their body weight per day, and are branching out to sensitive areas like Algonquin Park.... What I'm getting at here in a nut shell, Waiting it out is probobly not a very condusive solution either IMO. I just find it all a bit funny when culls are veiwed so ineffective While on the other side of the argument we blame our selves for overfishing/hunting as a cause for the depletion Of our resources that we are trying to protect. Its kinda the same thing is it not?.... Depleting the population of a subject by removing said subjects from the enviroment on a large scale??? Kind of an oximoron if you ask me I have heard over and over of the ineffectivness of Coyote Culls yet in Huron and Grey counties they put a $50 bounty on them, and are seeing significant reductions in predidation losses....interesting food for thought? Personally I'd support a cull, and like to see an egg oiling program similar to the Canadian Geese in southern Ontario....it beats the heck out of the alternative of waiting, and if it doesn't work, then its simply back to the drawing board.
  14. Who cares about the ethics of this LOL???? Cripes its an invasive species, that is causing harm to our fishery be it recreational or commercial? Talk about tree hugg'n hippie mantalities here geesh.... Why don't we just give P3TA a bit more fuel for their Mystery machine I'm no expert in population control so I'll leave the method of choice to the experts in the field but hell ya...If it is possible to cull them I'd be 100% behind that. But I am not confident in our abilty to launch an "effective" organized cull wide spread enough to be effective. This is very similar to the Coyote debate....
  15. In a nut shell...I Love it
  16. Just book a fishing trip while your there bud, Hook up with a deep sea adventure, or flat fishing.... The locals will help you out. (unless its Mexico....don't leave the resort )
  17. Its not known for monsters however you can Pike up to 30" Thats the best I've seen...most are around 20" Crappie are "there"...just not all that plentiful or large
  18. Dave's not here man
  19. I don't have time to get to the beer store most weekends let alone fight the man But yes sir I'd sign that petition
  20. Personally I'll have a bevy or two when out on the ice...and in some cases I've had lots But bare in mind I'm walking out to the hut and and I'm walking back to the cabin at the end of the day. My car keys hit the rack Friday night, and stay there till Sunday Evening. And None of us have nor need a Machine to get where we're going. Sometimes I'm out solo and I stick to coffee. But though the winter I head out with the Boys once or twice and we yuk it up somthing awfull but there is no harm done We're just shooting the crap, playing cards, and having a ball the way we like to do it. Its really more of an On Ice Poker Tourney with a slight chance of catching fish If I got fined I'd gladly pay it just because I know I've gotten away with it for years lol...
  21. That sir is the question in a nut shell... And I don't know anyone who's had a solar system longer then 2 years to ask?
  22. I am just going through the motions with a company in the next week to get their entire proposal...its a "free estimate" LOL! We have freinds that are in their 2nd year of a solar system, but they did this a bit different. They Bought a small system upfront, and are now paying it off then hoping to turn a profit following the initial investment. I'm looking at it differently, I am looking to take their finiancing, and going big on a fullsized larger generating system. As long as the cash earned monthly is gaurenteed greater then the payment owed its a no brainer. By My calculations it appears I stand to make more in the long run then our freinds who bought smaller but upfront.... But there are some big assumptions there... -The equipment has to last, and carry a good warranty(15 years min) -The Insurance on my home cannot be comprimised. -The Contract for Payment has to be private....I'm not getting in Bed with the Government -And there must be a Buy out/cancelation policy that is fair. I'm always leary of things that seem to good to be true, and right now I'm having trouble believing that I can somehow make money for the next 20 years...with each year becoming slowly more Profitable(as the equipment is paid off) Especially with very little start up capital required? Our freinds swear up and down that they will likely have a 100% ROI in 5 more years, and that their return is better then they were quoted. I guess seeing is beleiving, but I'm leary.... They say nothing ventured nothing gained, but I'm also not a gambler. As I get info I'll post what I can.
  23. Thats a good question Roy, I know that technically I will' "own" the equipment....the lease is for the use of my roof. I agree to sell them the space for 20 years, and they agree to finance my equipment while paying me a rate of $0.802 per/kWh for 20 years. So I guess like any lease there would be a buy out which is somthing i will need to look into. Yes I would definatly want a lease agreement that outlines the Payment from the said company...not the govenment negotiated rate. If the Company was on the hook legally for 20 years, then I'd be more inclined. I heard about that fiasco last year(or was it two years ago) when the Government changed the rates despite contracts that all the windmill farmers had going....brutal I'd be running the contract by my Lawyer before signing anything because of that exsact reason. Also I would have to run the idea past my Home owners insurance....you never know what they might have to say. The question is what is the buy out penalty. I would not veiw a solar system as a con when purchasing a house, but if I was not able to benefit from it, or choose to remove it....ya that would be a major issue
  24. Anyone in the community try these leased solar systems? Curious to get some feed back....thinking about it. My Home is oriented perfectly to maximize exposure and pick up a lot of kW's... The Company in question provides the equipment on a 20 year ROI and pays decent. Return on investment "appears" to be more then the payents in the neighbor hood of $400 a month extra income. The plan is to install the units, and run the payments owed into a seperate account in which the revenues generated also are deposited....at the end of our Mortgage term we dump the profits onto the home, and continue each term. Nothing spent, but long term gains seem like a good prospect. Obvious questions that come to mind for the company: -How long is the equipment warranty? -What Maintenence is required from me Questions for anyone whom uses such a system: -What can I expect as a Ball park low/high month of solar effeceincy? The System is built to, and expected to gather 98% effeciency on a yearly average, but to me That sounds a bit inflated....I think 70-80% sounds more realistic???? Anyway, Outside of the obvious potential maintenence hurdles, and dealing with a realistic effeciency rate does anyone out there have any experience or other related concerns that I should be aware of? Right now....assuming the warranty/financing rate is fair enough to remain profitable It seems like a no brainer, but the inner skeptic in me says there is no such thing as a free ride.
  25. Betelgeuse is a curious one....kinda heavy like tankhouse but has a sweet Malty finish Don't quote me but I beleive they use the same Yeast for the Wit which is why its a bit sweeter/honey like. I carried this brew on my Taps for a few months with mixed reveiws, so I let it go. I still currently serve the lemon tea beer....which is actually a bit of a mistake. Its a great beer for those who like the "Bud Lime's" of the world....which makes sence in the summer. Its really not popular right now in the midst of the snow season LOL! But I'll continue it through the summer, Our American Guests LOVE it, and dare I say....the women folk Our biggest selling Micro right now is Camerons Lager. It's not my favorite as its the closest to a Mainstream profile we carry which attracts the faint of heart
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