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Everything posted by Cookslav

  1. Same here.... Belwood was a slushy mess last weekend as well. Had to change my drawers as I walked out 25 yards then fell through the half inch crust LOL.... there was an easy 10" of slush under the crust....man I thought I was gonna get wet!!! But there was a solid 12" of black under the slush.
  2. Canadian tire has a MUCH better selection in my area...as in 10x the selection. But what little Walmart does carry is generally 10% cheaper or more. The same goes for camping supplies, but hunting equipment is not only cheaper but its more plentifull at Walmart....go figure?
  3. Lucky girl LOL.... Ya The "Highballer" Pumpkin is pretty cool and surprisingly easy drinking. I used that in one of my Brewmasters dinners I hold twice a year at Hotel. Paired it with a Fall dessert course...Sweet Braised Pumpkin with Chocolate Cheddar It was a hit that blew the crowd away! Bob Hanenberg the Owner/Brewmaster is a pretty passionate Guy when it comes to his beers, and they keep the good stuff comming again and again....I might just get them on board for another dinner soon. I'll be sure to let you know when and get you and your Daughter out for some Microbrews and good eats. The Plowman's Ale and Russian Gun Imperial stout are BIG, heavy, bitter and so........so very good I can almost taste them now
  4. Grand River brewery is pretty good as well...hard to drink out of the growlers though I still think its cool. Some favorites of mine for heavy profiled beers would definatly be: St Ambroise Oatmeal Stout and Mcauslan Pale Ale are two fav's Mill Street Tankhouse Ale and the Coffee Porter is Awesome Wellington Russian Stout Church-Key Chocolate Porter is killer Easy drinking micro's.... F&M Stonehammer Pilsner, Stone hammer Dark Camerons Auburn Lager
  5. Wow...now thats funny! I wonder....After reading this article, How many single dudes will go to bed tonight leaving their doors unlocked???
  6. Thats just nasty on so many levels.
  7. Easy cowboy LOL... I think you have to bare in mind what you are ordering and where. There's and old saying in proffessional kitchens when customers get pushy on times. "you can have it now....or when its cooked" If your ordering a Burger, fish N chips, or basic Pub grub 20minutes is fair. But if you're in a more upscale restaurant some items can and will take more then 20 minutes to prepare. But I suppose thats the difference between an upscale restaurant, and a road house.... High end eatery...your paying for quality, and the overall dinning experience Road house....your looking for big portions, fast, and cheap. I try to keep an open mind and remember that when I'm out, as I can be fairly discerning when it comes to my food. Heck the Wife usually makes me promise to not judge while I'm out....apparently it gets annoying LOL! Just remember to be polite and honest....I have seen my fair share of hot heads. If your being respectfull, and reasonable its all good. Just remember those waiters/waitresses are people who are there to provide a service They are not "servents", Slaves, or any less of a person then you as the guest. I have dealt with my fair share of guest service issues, and I can say with certainty A Respectful complaint will get you further then ranting or yelling at your waiter will. On occasion I have been known to throw the more obnoxious complainer, and if nessasary their entire table out.... Dinning is about atmosphere, as much as it is food...Yelling & Screaming like a lunatic, or being mean to the point that your server is forced to tears disrupts the room for the rest of my customers. Respect is a two way street And the way I see it.... I will make ANY complaint right, pay the tab, and discount your next visit...but if the respect isn't there. You are simply taking up space in my restaurant that could be otherwise occupied by another customer that would be happy Just to be here...don't let the door hit ya But thats just me
  8. Love the anouncers....THATS A HEAD SHOT!!!!..... Ya ok? That hit was "text book" clean. Taylor got caught trying to run the gap, and Doughty closed the door...plain and simple Glad Hall got up though, as he's a good kid. Lesson learned I bet
  9. Nice to see you back
  10. She would most certainly would have been releived of her Duties had she been working in any of my restaurants, or Conference facility. She Picked up food that was spilt on the table and put it back on their plate????....nevermind the ashes That is simply discusting, unsanitary and unacceptable. You drop a guests food you replace the food and appologise profusely. The ONLY time you tell a guest they are wrong, is when you don't want their business...and the only time you don't want someones business is because they are either disrupting the atmosphere for the other guests, or they are litterlly and legally speaking....harrassing your staff. Billy, I'd write a letter, e-mail or even give the Manager/ownership a call. Any reputable establishment will make it right, and treat you to a decent meal that will make you WANT to return and pay. Sometimes restaurants make mistakes...and sometimes its as simple as someone calling in sick that sets a series of unfortunate events into action. Its how we learn from the poor experiences, and what we do to recover our guests that sets us appart from the hacks out there. At the end of the day.... In Hospitality our job is to exceed the guests expectations, and if we fail...try and try again. One thing I do recommend for a group of 16 is to definatly make a reservation. Most restaurants are in the business of Nickles and dimes....if they don't expect a busy night they will send staff home early or short schedule to save on labor. Giveing even an hours notice can allow them to prepare, or even call in some help.
  11. Its always the good ones.... I am Truely saddened by this
  12. Hang in there bud, Thats a tough pill to swallow... You have my sincere condolences
  13. My bro was out there on the weekend, said he was on a solid 7" Fishing was slow, but he managed a couple dinks. Good luck out there
  14. Take care Dano, thats a hell of a thing to deal with for that long. Prayer sent. Get well soon
  15. Its called profiling, anf its effective. I'm 100% behind asking a few questions politely, and say keep up the good work. I have NOTHING to hide, I'm hard done by, or put out by a few simple questions, no rights violated..... Its a very small price to pay for a bit of security on the streets IMO, and I'd be happy to see it done more often. Sometime we get our backs up over the smallest things....its a couple of questions, not a detention LOL....
  16. File a report. Chances are it was simple mistaken identity. But for the record, If He thought you were a dealer and pulled the firearm to make his approach....chances are its because the dude he was looking for is a pretty bad dude. Probobly considered to be armed and dangerous, as are MOST Drug dealer. Not to be insensitive but if it were me in his shoes, I'd do it the same way, as I like to come home to my wife and kids each night with the same amount of holes I was born with What you went through was obviously scary, and a crappy way to end your lunch And I'm not saying your in the wrong, nor am I saying the officer was in right.... I'm just saying that the odds are the situation was warranted. Its a tough job but someones gotta do it or the bad guys do what they want. And lets face it....if this officer was undercover the chances are he's not writeing traffic tickets. I think the odds are most undercover officers are on the level. But if you have any doubts, file a report and you'll find out. Cheers,
  17. The IIHF rules, and officiating are and always have been random. Phantom calls, and Bias are HUGE issues....but the norm. For what they consider a slash....we could see 60+ minutes in Penalties if they kept is consistant. I honestly think they use the slashing calls when they need to even things up. Another thing... I think alot of pressure to make calls come from somewhere "upstairs" Anyone else notice the Kassian hit was not a penalty at all....until someone from "upstairs" called the time keeper. Its sad that this kinda poor officiating and inconsitent enforcement has not been addressed in a stonger manner. Because it really can be a major factor in a close game. Lets just hope for a good, clean officiated Game tommorrow.
  18. Ya I agree 110%. Last night they played better then any Canadian Junior team I've seen to date....they Simply owned the Yanks. I don't think the states played bad, I think they were just completely man handled, and shut down. But where the heck was that physical domination the rest of the tourny? Little bit of "Rope a Dope" or what All I know is if they play the Russians like that....it'll be a blow out. The Americans had a pretty solid Team with Depth, The Russians are more or less a line deep. But like I said Earlier.... I didn't think our Boys had that kind of Game in them. I'll be bitting my nails tommorrow night.
  19. Gotta admit....didn't think they had it in them to beat the Americans, but I was hoping like hell. I had a LOT of fun sending an email to the American In laws... That Pay back is a Awesome after last years loss
  20. Like its been said....Bears are Fast Asleep. They "might" wander out for peek a boo, but this time of year they are so larthargic you could probobly kick his butt back down his hole LOL... Seriously you're in very little danger from a bear encounter.
  21. I'll second Berkley Vanish as garbage....way to many break offs, memory issues, and knot strength was a huge issue. Thats what got me to try the P-line in the first place, and I'm talking Main line. But specificly light spinning tackle. When I was a Mono guy I'd use 4lb test on my Spring Algonquin trips, but as fate would have it, the day before I left I went to spool up, and the lowest test available was 6lb so I gave it a whirl....we knocked 'em dead so My confidence was re-established on 6lb. But like I said it had significant memory issues in the cold, however that seems to have been addressed as since then I've had no issues. I can't say 've had any abrasion issues however, like Chris I am also pretty anal about nicks... I regularily check, and re-tie at the slightest imperfection. However that being said.... I agree that Flouro in lighter lb tests is NOT more abrassion resistant. The way I'm fishing this line...I'm in the wood, or on the edge constantly, and I have found that I am re-tieing more often. I have not had a break off to date with the stuff, but I do beleive it to scratch easier if that makes sense???? It simply gets dinged up easier, but I honestly have no idea if its strength is compramised more so then Mono, as I simply re-tie before I find out? All I do know is the hook sets are better at a distance, and I beleive the overall strength to be be better. And in clear spring waters of Algonquin, I find the line to be stellar. In a pinch I've used it as Tippet on the Fly rod, but I can't say that i've seen any pro's or cons?
  22. I have one as well Brian, It works as it should, and I am in the same boat....3 years later and sharp as it came. Pretty good little unit especially for the price.
  23. I used the 6lb P-line flourocarbon for a Main line, on my light action spinning gear when spring fishing for Specs. It was flawless in one application....low stretch. Hook sets were perfect on long casts, and trolling, and In truth I did notice a significant difference. BUT....I had serious issues with memory It prcatically coiled off the reel when it was cold. Since then(3 years ago) they seem to have fixed that issue, as its been good to me. I can't say I have a distain for Mono, but given the choice...in this specific application for now I'll stick with P-line.
  24. This is a great topic, and one thats bugged me for some time. There seems to be Target market for every specific niche of fishing. A man could go broke trying to get the "right" equipment. And sometimes it seems people can almost be chastised for useing the "wrong" equipment... Sure there are many new advances that will help you increase your odds of putting fish in the boat such as Spinning reels etc... But you also have know how to cut through the Garbage or you'll end up burried in useless tackle and broke. And I also think there is something to be said about keeping the sport enjoyable... I try to keep a simple approach. If I'm comfortable with it as I don't need be FULLY equiped...its all good I'm a firm believer that confidence, and instinct will prevail over technology any day. It also helps when my Fishing buddy BigSwede seems to have EVERYTHING any way so I can just borrow, and test frive
  25. Yup....he gets the foot of the bed completely uncontested from here on in LOL...
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