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rob v

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Everything posted by rob v

  1. Me as well. thanks again guys.
  2. When our kids were growing up we bought one too. We did the tent thing for a couple of years but the benefits you talk about with a trailer are 100% - and you're not sleeping/laying on the ground. When the weather gets cranky staying in a trailer - esp with kids - is much much better than in a tent. We bought used and got a lot of use out of it. The problem we had with ours eventually were the cables necessary to crank it up went (broke) and at the time the kids were getting older so we never did fix them. But if you enjoy the outdoors - this is a great way to go.
  3. Can you guys tell me whether lakes erie or lake st clair are on any of the hot map chips ? I was told that most of the topographical info I need for both those lakes is already programmed into my Lowrance unit (I,ve got the same one you guys are referring to above) but I'm not convinced. thanks.
  4. Thanks for the list. I just checked with my dealer and my 2005 1750 fishhawk is on the recall list. The good news is I won't be loosing any storage space on my boat - according to my dealer (proctor) and they seem to know what they're talking about. The bad news is I've gotta get my boat there - hopefully before things get too busy in the spring. Might as well get it done though - better safe than sorry.
  5. Excellant - never have enough t-shirts. Thanks dave.
  6. I may have to review my budget - sounds like either option might get expensive.... go to the boat show - drop the wife at Vaughn Mall $$$$,..... go tto the sportsman show and let the parking meter soak me ! Oh well...guess that's the price you pay !
  7. Hey, that does sound like a good idea. spring fishing show and BPS !
  8. I'm about a two hour and change drive from TO and to make the trip twice is a bit of a stretch. Last spring my wife and I went to the fishing show and enjoyed it - but she's not quite so pationate about fishing and it didn't take her long to get bored. This year I was thinking we might go to the the sportsman show instead - thinking it might offer a broader range of entertainment to keep her interested, while at the same time giving me a bit of fishing/boating candy to keep me entertained. I haven't been to the sportsmans show in a long time - so I was looking for some input from some of the members who have been to both lately. If you were primarily interested in fishing - but also enjoy other outdoor activites - camping, hunting, cottaging etc - which would you prefer if you could only choose one ? Thanks. - Rob v
  9. Here's mine ( not a very good picture but you get the idea).
  10. Like a few others have said I'm not a real big fan of the more exotic fishing such as this - but I found this show easy to watch and engaging. It's not everyday you see 450 pound Grooper being caught. And while I wouldn't want to see every fishing show host I watch jump in the water with the fish they catch, I thought that was a nice touch in this case. Dave does a good job of just being himself on this program without making it look like a staged production. Another thing I enjoy about Dave's program is that there isn't an over-abundance of product pushing - "just the facts" if you will - and enough to get the message accross and keep it interesting. I found this (and most episodes) entertaining, interesting and informative. A good combination. Well done. Hopefully there'll be more episodes "closer to home" as the season unfolds. Rob V
  11. Nice video, great looking fish , thanks for sharing - but was this last year or a couple days ago ? - your date indicates jan 1 2009
  12. Not sure what the service is like there - but Rogers has the same plan. Buy a pay as you go plan - put $100 on the plan and you've got a whole year to use it up. Works out to just over $8/mos. And you can buy a phone for around $100 also.
  13. Best wishes Ryan. Thanks for sharing (PM sent). Rob v.
  14. Wow... to me this only goes to prove one thing... figures lie and liars figure. Bottom line - they want more money and it has to come from the fare users and the tax payers. I'm not completely up to date on the finances of the LTC but my guess is the tax payer is subidizing this service - and the rate the users pay is only a portion of the over-all cost. so .. once again the tax payer forks it out. And there's plenty of LTC customers who don't pay the full fare - or any fare at all. If the union isn't happy with the city's offer - which I think is fair especially given the current economic climate.. go get a different job - just like most of the other folks out there. And I'm sure there's plenty of CAW members in the area (St thomas isn't that far away) who either are or will be very happy to put their name in the hat for one of these "under paid" positions. Just makes me shake my head, and wonder where this kind of thing will ever end.
  15. 3% a year is a lot more than I,ve gotten over the past 3years. And to expect parity with larger cities is ridiculous. Go live there if you want their salary scale.
  16. Cherish the memories.
  17. It's my father-in-law that's headed there and he tells me its the Matachewan area ? Does that help ?
  18. We're planning a trip to the area in the coming week and I was wondering if anyone was aware of the current water conditions in the area. Is the river water level higher or lower than normal right now ? We're trying to get an idea of water issues if any we're going to have getting into the back country If anyone has any info it would be appreciated. thanks.
  19. another would be idiots.
  20. Thanks guys - the cranking battery came with the boat (used) when I bought it. I have no idea how old it is - I'll have to have a look at it and/or keep an eye on it.
  21. My new lowrance LMS525 is hooked up and so far working well. My problem is - sometimes when I start my engine (115Hp mercury optimax) the lowrance shuts off. Not always - but about 50% of the time. I have the unit hooked up via the fuse panel in the consol. I notice the voltmeter moves very low when I crank the motor. Is this a sign that my cranking battery is getting bad ? I don't notice any problem with the motor cranking or starting - it seems to turn over well. And I keep both my batteries (trolling motor deep cycle and my cranking battery) charged using my on board charger. Any suggestions/input from those in the know would be appreciated. thx.
  22. Hey thanks Adam - that's great info. I assume they have no problem with people who want to use their own boat ? Is there a site somewhere I can go to figure out where these sites are, how many etc ? I think I'd really like to try a trip like that - would be a great way to get away from it all without having to go to the other side of nowhere !! thanks again.
  23. whoever scores the most goals.
  24. Dara/Bob - some good info - thanks.
  25. Thanks for the suggestion Sonny - similar to the Bert's system - again the track is 3 1/2" wide and my gunnel is only 3" wide.
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