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Everything posted by fishboy

  1. It should be a fun float...we've done it several times further up, floating into Hall's lake. Bring a snorkel and mask and you'll find some "treasure" for sure.
  2. I usually run about 3' above the spinner blade on my harnesses, troll at about 1mph and use the amount of weight for my bottom bouncer that has my line running at a 45 degree angle from the rod.
  3. Fantastic report and beauty fish. I managed to get out 2 weekends ago, the ice had gone out on the Tuesday-boat in by Saturday. Nothing like lakers in 12 feet of water.
  4. there are no walleye in Haliburton
  5. haha nice ...wondering if you've heard or seen anything about the ice status on Boshkung or 12 Mile...have a place near Carnarvon
  6. http://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/crtc-rules-cable-companies-must-offer-pick-and-pay-channels-25-basic-package-1.3001370
  7. too many trips to the box of shame
  8. that's awesome
  9. Great post fellas-looks like an awesome time on the water. I'm a Minden-Haliburton guy too and can't wait until I can get back up for some ice fishing.
  10. thanks...she can't wait to get in the boat-as soon as you go near the dock in she jumps
  11. A few small smallies, a couple of followers, 2 missed fish (operator error? ) and a nice 21" largemouth on a wacky Yum dinger
  12. Things are great, and an interesting debate-as I half expected . In any event a pretty cool looking fish. Maybe due for a repeat visit to Cameron?
  13. I was out Saturday for a few hours and managed to boat & release 5 pike-nothing huge but averaging about 24". I also landed what I think was a tiger? The lake has both pike and muskie as I've caught both personally. What's the consensus? Out of curiosity, what are the regs on a tiger muskie...pike season and limits or muskie?
  14. The Gull watershed lakes at the bottom end are now at or above the historic seasonal average, and the upper ones are still on the rise and are above the historic lows for this time of year.
  15. The Gull and Burnt watershed lakes are all on the rise..they're back to at worst the historic low levels for this time of year and many are moving up to the historic average, so there's still hope...some rain each day in the Haliburton weather forecast this week.
  16. ....so we should have kept purchasing inferior North American automobiles rather than cars from overseas that were built better and forced our domestic automakers to improve their products? I think the analogy holds here...
  17. Hi Chris: I'm in the Carnarvon area for the cottage...have you heard any ice updates? Cheers
  18. I haven't seen a surface temp break 80 yet on any of the Haliburton lakes I've fished
  19. I've caught them before over deeper water, but never the 130' mark...this spot is close though to a pretty steep drop not that far from shore. I think both the lakers and smallies trap the baitfish between the deeper water and this steep drop and chow down.
  20. I was fishing in the Haliburton area a few days back. The water is still relatively cold (70-72 F) for this time of year and I haven't found an established pattern yet, and have found the smallies to be scattered. I've traditionally had softwater success vertical jigging for lakers at my ice fishing spots and decided to stop and see if I could mark anything while moving from one smallie spot to another. I was sitting over 75' of water when I heard a fish break the surface out in deeper water, followed by another splash soon after, so I headed in that direction and marked a school of herring or smelt about 15' down over 130' of water. Hearing another splash, I threw a smoke/white laminate tube in that direction and bang, a nice hit. It honestly felt like a laker with a few good tail pumps and some digging toward bottom, but it turned out to be a nice fat 19" smallie who must have been out chasing dinner in the open water. It's certainly the deepest water depth I've caught a smallie on.
  21. was the fine for fishing without owning a license or for not having the license on your person?
  22. Hey Will: A belated happy bday!
  23. agreed...distributes any bumps and keeps the weight off the trim/tilt cylinders...marine mechanic told me it's a far more cost-effective solution
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