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Everything posted by Cudz

  1. I will be in Toronto on Wednesday and again on Thursday. Both days I have 3 hours of spare time to fish. I have crossed over several rivers and was wondering if they hold any fish other than the salmon/trout runs? Can anyone recommend a pier or river that won't cost me $$$$ to park near? I am willing to go anywhere in Toronto/Mississauga/Scorborough. Thanks
  2. Can you be more specific as to what you were using? lol. jk Congrats. That is an awesome weight.
  3. Wow. LOL. I am sure he was kidding. People need to chill out a bit here.
  4. I fish docks but do it quickly and not if there are any people there. It can be done in a respectful manner. Why fish docks? Because these live under them.
  5. Managed 8 bass and 4 perch from shore this morning. Lots of fun. Took a pic of this fat little football smallie.
  6. the reason it is 48" and above is because the child can go on most of the bigger rides. It is with soes on because my daughter is 47" and she wears big shoes to put her over the 48" mark so she can ride the bigger rides. I don't agree with it at all. I have been 6 times this year and I paid $59 for each or our passes. I would not pay the day price especially with the huge number of people that are there. Crowds and lines everywhere. I feel for you and your wallet
  7. "i actually kicked my beer over and almost choked on my smoke." This was great!! Nice fish!!!
  8. Marko, great job. I love the hands on method of holding the fish. lol
  9. Is that Gull lake just near Sparrow lake? I alsways wanted to fish it. Sorry about the sprain. hope it heals up without too much discolouring
  10. That is nice of you to ask. My boat is fixed and it comes back next week. One of the big reasons I fish from shore is because I have 3 kids. I take them with me and they play in the park while I fish lol. Time is my problem. I don't have much free time. Maybe later in the summer we could hook up and fish Simcoe or little lake.
  11. Due to the fact that my boat motor has been out of commission for the better part of the summer I have been trying my hand at various random spots on lake simcoe and nearby lakes. I have been fishing from shore, waist deep in water, and from docks. My biggest fish from shore this year was 2.5 pounds but i could not get a pic because I had waded out 30 yards and by the time I got back in to get the camera and take the pic the fish would have suffered. Here are some pics of the other fish I have caught. One is a 2 pounder and the rest range from 1 - 1.75 pounds (ish). Most of my fish have been caught drop shotting Gulp leech or gulp fry. I have also caugth several on 6" senko and one on a topwater popper. Sometimes it can be a bit frustrating but any bad day fishing is better than a good day at work.
  12. Nice looking pit. love how the crappie hits a x-rap. They are not shy. I had one hit an x-rap as well.
  13. my entire bag, camera case, jacket, and boat smell like the alive juice. I am just glad it tastes better than it smells.
  14. Cudz


    you can also use surgical tubing. cut it into small pieces and use needlenose pliers to stretch the tubing over the bait.
  15. The BASS Elite are on Erie out of Buffalo. Good bags of smallmouth from the first day despite terrible (dangerous) conditions. They are catching most big smallies between 35 and 45 ft. My question is this: I know Erie is a bit different but is it possible to catch smallies on Simcoe or Georgian Bay (at this time of year) in that depth of water? The reason I ask is that I was out on Georgian Bay yesterday and was fishing 6 - 13 ft water for smallies and only managed a few dinks. Largemouth were in shallow but I couldn't find the smallies. PS John Bondy is sitting in 7th place after day 1. Go John!
  16. LOL at the cougar. Once I was cornered by somthing worse than a cougar. It was a sabertooth. Very similar to a cougar but actually was a cougar's mother. She was probably 58-63 years old. Those are scary. It was at a wedding.
  17. I kinda like them. I caught a 4 pound bowfin once while fishing for LM and it destroyed my spinnerbait. Got to love a fish that is only 4 pounds and will demo a lure. I thought I had a 10 pound LM on when it hit.
  18. true with the line twists. I sometimes put a tiny swivel about 10" above my hook
  19. Hey Mark, Quick question I have been hesitant to drop shot for walleye because of their teeth. What is the trick, do you just hope they don't cut the line???
  20. 36ft? wow. lol I have been told since that it was indeed a water snake but it looked scary and despite the fact that I knew it wasn't a massasauga rattler (which is onltario's only poisonous snake), it still looked poisonous. Freakin snake was not shy at all.
  21. Nice job. I like six mile. Maybe it is just the pic but that pike looks like it has a huge head.
  22. Seeing as Rf posted some cool pics of that Mass ratler, I thought I would show this. I was at a cottage the other day and I saw this snake on the dock. As I approached it swam away into the water. This thing is not small and looks nasty. Anyway I walk to the end of the dock and the snake doubles back on me and climbs (somehow) onto the dock. The stupid thing starts coming toward me and I am on the end of the dock. Are you kidding me. LOL. My friends a the other end of the dock are peeing themselves because I am stuck with the snake between me and the land. After a 20 second standoff I decided to jump over it. I ran toward it and jumped over it. It may be a stretch but I think it tried to bite me during the jump (luckily I have good up). I was laughing the whole time as well. Anyone know what kind of snake it is. It was in muskoka.
  23. Cudz


    GCD I love this comment. LOL!
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