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Everything posted by Cudz

  1. Wow! Nice job on the muskies. I just want to catch one and you manage like 15 in a day. Congrats on the PB
  2. True but I feel the weight has 2 negative effects (beside the positive one of getting it down deeper). When you rig it texas style, the weight is bigger than the normal hook and makes a bigger hole in the worm and it falls apart quicker. I also believe that they don't fall with the same wiggle as they do without the weight. Having said that it is hard to fish a Senko deep when it is windy without a weight. I have recently been using the BPS worm in a larger 6" size with as much success as the 5" senko.
  3. Yeah they were out in force. They have some nice boats. Although I am not a pro Bass fisherman I am sure many of them envied my boat/motor combo. 1960 12' aluminum (very tippy and very leaky) 6hp (max speed 10 mph)
  4. Yep. I got skills. didn't leave my den. lol
  5. After a rather average morning on Simcoe I decided to go through the narrows and fish Lake Couchiching. I did not get over there until about 1 pm so it was rather warm (beautiful day). I was going to fish the pads and reeds for buckets but decided to try and hit up some smallies instead. I started drop shotting and as soon as my bait got near the bottom I would get a bite. I could not keep the perch off the lure so I just went with it. Honestly I have never had so many hits in such a little bit of time. I probably caught 50 perch in 2 hours and had about 150 hits (albeit some very small bites). Crazy. Great place to take kids. Caught 3 perch of 12" and one 12.5". I kept a total of nine fish. Only 2 had parasites. Not bad. What a great day to be on the water. Catching some decent perch was a bonus. Here is a pic.
  6. Nice fish. I am out on simcoe tomorrow morning so I hope to have some pics by the afternoon. I hear you about getting fishing in before school starts. I am fishing Friday morn. Saturday aft, monday morn, wednesday morn and evening.
  7. "I posted this pic for a little attention... if it gets too much attention, I'll yank it in a heartbeat" LOL!!! Is that a 57" bass?
  8. " get a huge bite on my neck, flick that Ant off, then I get a bite on my crotch" Anton that is the best thing I have heard today. Thanks for the laugh.
  9. you have got to break through that heavy weed with heavy jig and pic. You can also throw weedless frogs on the lily pads or run senkos over the pads. Although that lake might have quite a few boats on it most people haven't got a clue what they are doing and catch a couple of little 'snot rockets'. The fish are there they can be hard to find at times.
  10. Holy Crap!!!! That is a monster! Congrats!! As your shirt implies, that is a serious fish. Gbay musky might be harder to catch but they do have size.
  11. They come with 2 or 3 good 5/0 hooks so for $1 the lizards were just a bonus for me.
  12. You can try JB weld but I would take it back to the marina first. If you really want to fix the problem, drill out the rivets and put new ones in.
  13. holdfast: know too well what Palestinians are. No doubt many of them went back to Lebanon after the Israelis with drawled after their little skirmish last year. These Pathetic whiners were crying to our Government that the boat wasn't fast enough to save their sorry Butt holes. I got the History lesson years ago from my wife's Mom who is an Iraqi and her father who is a Palestinian that ended up in Iraq. I don't care who or what history lesson your trying to tell us but the fact is these waste of rations and Tax money is taking advantage of us. Of course they will get away because of too many bleeding hearts. There is a problem in this country and its called LOYALTY. Ask me what I think about Omar and his Friends. You are allowed an opinion (great thing about being Canadian). I am not trying to teach any history recent lesson, just a post ww2 'How Israel became a country lesson. You need to learn the more recent stuff yourself (I am not getting into it, both sides have valid beefs). Might not want to use any western median as a tool. I have to assume you are Native Canadian and have no immigrant ancestors. Good for you. Sorry to hear that you appear blanket stereotype all Palestinian based on your vast experience with them. Wasn't that show 'Little Mosque on the Prairie' from Sask?
  14. Yes, often called investment immigration or business immigration. It is a fast track to immigrate here. You have to have a certain net worth and invest $200000 (or something like that). Speeds up the process 10 fold. copied from an immigration site. Investors and Entrepreneurs typically need to bring a minimum of $250,000 with them to Canada. This money is meant to be invested in Canada or to start a business there. It is common for several people to put their money together so as to have over the $250,000 and this money is used to get the first person into Canada as an Entrepreneur or Investor. After a year, that money is sent out of Canada, and then re-enters the country with another "entrepreneur". Using this method, the very same money can be used to get several people into Canada over several years. Regarding your quote Gary Regarding quote 1 above...no just be prepared to accept the justice that is handed out to you if you break one of the taboo's. Don't cry because it was your decision to go there. I'm not advocating a beheading but I am advocating common sense when deciding to live in a foreign country. He was not yet an adult when they moved back. The death was certainly not meant to occur. It was manslaughter or a lesser form of murder. They too have different punishments for different crimes. You don't automatically get beheaded when you have committed a murder. you won't lose a hand for "stealing a loaf of bread" You won't get life in prison for smoking a joint. We watch too much TV. And yes, if my child killed another child in a fight because they were being bullied and then the government (i don't care which one) was going to chop my child's head off, I would cry. Put yourself in the situation.
  15. I fished the marina for 2 mornings and caught gobies. I had one fish on (probably a pike) and had another mouth my bait (small pike 6 ft in front of me). I could not find any weed beds. One local fisherman told me something was up because 1 week earlier there were weed beds. What gives? Did they dredge or remove them somehow?
  16. They went back to Saudi because their parents had a business there. THEY ARE NOT SAUDI NATIONALS!!!! THEY ARE PALESTINIAN CANADIANS. In case nobody told you, PALESTINIANS DON'T HAVE A HOME COUNTRY! Most live in Jordan as refugees while others occupy the west bank and gaza. A brief history lesson. Palestine was sold (just after WW2) by the Brits to the Jewish population and is now called Israel. I assume everyone knew that though. Maybe sold is a bit harsh. It was given. The palestinians living there at the time were told to take a hike. I am not pro arab or anti Israel. I am just stating that Palestinians don't have their own country so they try their best to immigrate to another country to become citizens. For them to do this I am almost 100% sure that the kids parents would have probably put up $200000 to come here. People on OFC know that you can buy your way into this country right?
  17. So if I move to Saudi I should : Become Muslim Force my wife to wear a burka and cover her hair wear a dish dash Have up to 4 wives as long as I can support them equally get divorced by saying "I divorce you " 3 times Squat down and pee in a hole in the ground instead of a normal toilet Drive like a complete idiot all the time not allow my wife to drive Place all infants under the age of 3 on my lap while I drive Never drink alcohol (but actually drink all the time just not in public place) Never try to help someone who is dying because if I do and they die then I could be charged with murder Maybe do a pilgramage to meccah Dye my beard red because I have done so Fear the religious police but not the municipal police (they are a joke) Adhear to all Sharia law Pretend that the country of Israel does not exist and black it out in every atlas or call it occupied Jerusalem or occupied Palestine Be allowed to 'scourge or beat' my wife just to name a very few
  18. Where did you get that idea? Did you just make it up? Australia, GB and Germany all offer benefits and medical to immigrants. GB has a very similar system to ours (more arabs, croatians, serbs, bengali and pakistanis immigrate there than do to Canada. Way more). A record 582,000 people came to live in the UK from elsewhere in the world in 2004, according to government experts. Of the 582,000 who arrived, about 494,000 were not British citizens - a record number. The remaining 88,000 were British citizens returning from living abroad. ----These statistics are is for 2004 only USA had over 700,000 immigrants in 2004 Canada had 235,808 in 2004 France is full of North African immigrants Germany full of Turkish immigrants among others. Australia (although the majority are opposed to it) have a very similar immigration policy to ours as well. I have lived in Australia, England (2 years), Germany(4 years) and in the Middle East (almost 8 years) Story is that they were being bullied. Stood up for themselves and went a bit far beating up a bully. It was a mistake. Those kids are Canadian. Sorry if that bothers some of you but remember most of you were (or have relatives that were) immigrants. Loads of these people dream of becoming Canadian citizens and will do anything to become so. They are often from Palestine or Lebanon and just want a place for their kids to go to university and settle and work in after school. A Palestinian often does not have a country to call home. Wow. It always amazes me how great we think we are.
  19. If you can get to the inside, have a friend hold a hammer on the inside and tap with another (ball type if you have it) on the outside. I did that with loads of my rivets and not nearly as many leak anymore. Worth a try and it is cheap. Don't worry so much about it. Most riveted boats will leak. If it really bothers you get a good bilge pump and a manual bilge as well. I fish for 4 hours and I have about 2 inches of water in my boat all the time.
  20. That is a good day fishing. Great variety of fish. Nice work. Ankle still looks sore.
  21. I used to fish tubes all the time but now I have moved more toward senkos and I almost always drop shot various soft bait.
  22. good luck finding spinnerbaits with no lead
  23. I can go to the credit river. Is there parking? What am I fishing for?
  24. I see people keep the salmon from Lake O. How safe are they to eat? Can you eat on specific sized fish?
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