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Everything posted by Cudz

  1. If you are coming from Barrie on Hwy 90 turn right just before the bidge in Angus. You can park there or drive 200 yards or som down the dirt road and park. The river is right there and easily accessed. Good luck
  2. Thanks guys. I was actually going to fish in that depth but I wasn't sure if they had moved off to deeper water.
  3. I am thinking of fishing Cook's for some pike. Anyone fished there recently? If so, how deep are the fish? Thanks. Any help would be appreciated.
  4. friend of mine was at the flagpole in barrie. About 25 ft of water. You can't keep them off your line. He said no jumbos.
  5. That is a good couple of days. That big bow is beautiful indeed.
  6. I didn't have a scale with me. It was fat, that is all I know. I named it big girtha. lol Must be pushing 6.
  7. That happened months ago but it was a good fight. THe elite xc event was live last night on cbs
  8. Kimbo Slice just got KOed in 14 secs by a light heavyweight on elite xc. Wow. Got caught.
  9. Yeah it was heavy. The scary thing is that is was trying to eat more. lol
  10. I took 2 high school kids out on the lake as I had a 2 hour window to do something this afternoon. I caught the first fish in 20ft of water. A respectable 2 to 2.5 pound fish. I told the boys that if I get another bite I would let them bring it in and sure enough I got another bite. As soon as I set the hook I handed the rod off to one of the boys. The fish turned out to be a real hawg. I have fished for and caught lots of smallies but this was the fattest I have ever seen. Pics don't do it justice. It was a heavy fish and was she was obviously packing it on for the winter. It too was caught in about 20 ft of water. What a football. The kid loved it. the last two pics are of the same fish.
  11. That is funny because I got into drop shotting 3" and 5" gulp alive leaches and they produced quite well. I also drop shotted la bunch of other baits this year and they too worked well. Believe it or not, small shallow running square billed crankbaits in crayfish colours were my go to bait for smallies (replacing the ever-popular tube jig). I also found that wake baits (storm sub wart and manns 1 minus) were very effective over weed patches for pike. Slow retrieved just under the surface.
  12. Cudz


    I want that silicone edger thing. I don't think I will ever silicone anything but if I do I could have a perfect finish every time (no matter what size i choose)
  13. If you have a fishfinder try fishing for smallmouth. In the past the smallies have been on ledges where water goes from 5-15ft. that is is the summer. Near thanksgiving the fish will probably be in a variety of depths but look for fish in the 20-25ft range. There will still be fish in 15ft as well but most might be off by then but you never know. Some fish might still be shallow. I would probably drag tubes. You should also give dropshotting a try there. Good luck
  14. Cudz


    Yeah I saw it. He wrapped the fish in bacon and put it on the bbq. He then says he is on a diet and can only have a few. I am pretty sure he ate the whole plate of fish along with all the salmon and trout in Georgian Bay.
  15. I am not from Toronto but I am sure that there are still some charters operating.
  16. I bought a stainless steel locking knife from dollarama at the start of summer and it works great. Is it possible to make stainless steel knife with a 4" locking blade for under a dollar? I can't figure out how that is possible.
  17. I often have fishing dreams. I never get the same one twice though. lol
  18. That would have been nice. I used to have 2 of them but I think somehow my dad inherited both and they are with him in Edmonton.
  19. I've been told the cake was a princess ballerina cake (chocolate). Apparently it was very good. I no longer fish streams so I have nothing light. I was using a ML 6'6" spinning rod with a medium sized reel. 8 pound mono. This is actually my drop shot setup. It was about the lightest combo I could come up with.
  20. One of my children had a bday party to attend and I noticed that the party was near a creek I used to fish about 20 years ago. I decided to bring some worms and a rod. I dropped her off and had about 1 hour to fish. I know this creek used to hold browns but I wasn't sure if they were still there. I was walking quite far away from the creek and trying not to make noise as it is not too big and very clear. Despite my best efforts I did spook a small trout and darted away from me. I walked a bit further downstream. I saw a nice log in the middle of the creek so casted my weightless piece of warm. To my surprise a little missile came out of the opposite bank and smaked the worm. It was funny because I was fishing the log and the trout came from the other shore bank nowhere near the log. Anyway, I haven't fished for these for 20 years so it was cool getting one. She was small but very pretty. I released her to be caught another day.
  21. Cool stuff. Can't wait to see that show. I picked up some slammers at Simcoe Bait today. They had very few left and she was surprised they were in such short supply. I picked up a smoke with copper and pumpkinseed with red flk. The smoke copper should work well for me on Simcoe. I will let you know. I also bought some size 1 circle hooks and I alsready have a bunch of octopus hooks at home. I will try the circle hooks first.
  22. Nice fish Steve. Youdo get out a fair bit. Someday when I get older I will be able to do the same.
  23. lol. Fish near camera trick alwasy gets me.
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