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Everything posted by Cudz

  1. Wow that is insane. I never thought that would be possible. I now understand.
  2. I will be going up to that area this weekend as well. I booked it about 6 months ago with a bunch of guys from church. We are staying at the West Arm Lodge. Don't know if that is far from you guys but if it isn't, maybe I will see a few of you out there. Have a great weekend.
  3. I am a bit slow. "the leader passes throught the salmon's mouth". How would the leader pass through the mouth? Is it accidental? Does this often happen? Seem unlikely that it would happen by chance. weird. Guess I would need to see it happen to fully understand it.
  4. I have heard people talking about lining a salmon in the river, or "the salmon was lined". What does this mean? I am not interested in using this technique, just wondering what it is.
  5. Is Lake Simcoe near Innisfil/Barrie? Is it hidden? lol Cooks bay is full of Pike. Big Bay point is good for smallies. Whitefish and perch throughout the area. good luck.
  6. A friend of mine caught a 9 pound pike in Geargian Bay 2 days ago. He took it home and cut it up. He opened the stomach to see what it had been eating and to his surprise he found 2 freshly eaten crayfish. I was a bit surprised as well seeing as pike don't see down very well. I should know better. Pike will eat almost anything that moves.
  7. My dad came back from Alaska earlier in the summer and he had a blast casting pixie sppons (pink insert) for non-stop salmon action. Have a great time and take lots of pics for us.
  8. I use both the 3" and the 5" for smallies. I drop shot them and they were working really well at the start of the year. Got some nice bass on both. I want to try the 5" for walleye. We'll see. I like most of the gulp stuff. I have also caught fish witht eh 5" leeches. I would highly recommend that you drop shot them. I use a size 1 octopus hook with the 3" and a 2/0 octopus witht he 5".
  9. GCD. I don't believeit is a Pacu. I am pretty sure it is a piranha (red bellied). They do look similar but pacu get a longer body when they get bigger but this fish still has the piranha shape. The teeth are pointed as well.
  10. That is a piranha. Before I opened the thread I was expecting to see a pic of an oscar. Nope, I was surprised.
  11. You might be right. I am going to give it another shot tomorrow evening to see if I can scare up a few more.
  12. hmmm. Did you guys hit up my spot this morn? lol! I hope so. That fish actually looks much darker than those from my spot so it might not be. Congrats!! Nice hawg!
  13. Yes I win!! What do I get? lol
  14. Coho Brown Rainbow Chinook whistle trout
  15. Great day! Nice fish...I have 10 lucky craft lures and have managed only 3 fish on them. Oh well. I also lost a custom painted pointer 100 on the third cast when my fluoro leader decided to give up. Not cool.
  16. take a ferry to the islands. there are pike and bass. you could fish some piers to major rivers. Should be happening soon. Go throw some spoons.
  17. lol. yeah if you know the area at all it is a no brainer. Were you out this morning? There was someone else fishing around there as well. Wasn't sure if it was anyone from this board though.
  18. Got out this morning for some early smallmouth action. 6:30 until 10 am. Got a bunch of fish but only a handful worth talking about. Here are some pics.
  19. Don't want to rain on Brutus' parade but check the link http://www.hoax-slayer.com/K-9-congressional-medal.shtml nice story though (except for the ripping the throat out part)
  20. I like the small biz as well and I do support my local but I have been to BPS 6 times this summer and I always buy something. They have specialty stuff that you often can't find elsewhere (eg. tungston drop shot weights etc.). Best fishing store in these parts for sure.
  21. Cudz

    Odd PM's

    Not to downplay your PM Joey, but I like GCD's PM better. LOL
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