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Everything posted by Burtess

  1. Favorite foreign: Warsteiner Bitburger DAB Favorite domestic: Export Budweiser Carlsberg The Worst: anything Carling anything Lakeport (is it the water?) anything Steelback (found this particularly offensive) Burt
  2. I would be interested to know what water parameters they maintain there. I would assume they use city water without altering the hardness values, but would be most interested in what their water change regime is (do they have a continuous flow of treated city water in) and what they maintian their nitrate levels below. Burt
  3. 30 to 40 minutes commute is still bearable.... if the increase fuel usage and wear and tear on the vehicle is OK with you then go for it. I drive about ~250-300Km per day for work, not all in one shot but between customers. If I didn't get paid mileage for it, I would go nuts... Burt
  4. I use Power Pro on my baitcaster, but only mono on my spinning reels. I use Ande in different tests on all my spinning setups and don't generally have problems with line test. For example I freshly spool up my larger spinning combo each fall and this lasts throughout salmon season casting spoons etc. off the piers, and I don't have problems with line twist. Most of the reels I use are the higher end Daiwa with the Twistbuster feature, maybe it really works Burt
  5. What brand and model spinning reel? If it is a Daiwa with the Twistbuster system, they recommend spooling line like a baitcaster, with the pencil through the spool. Burt
  6. I have always used Norton (actually Symantec Corporate Edition - I assume its the same thing) and never had any problems with bogging down... That being said, I use Avast on my kids computer and my wife prefers it also.... www.avast.com They never have any problems with it... Burt
  7. Walmart has this service as well... Burt
  8. Looks like a smallmouth to me.... Burt
  9. I am thinking that the "results of the poll" would have been MUCH more even had it been anonymous.... I will bet a lot of people did not want to be "judged" if they sided with the "keep it and run" group.... Notice I did not reply to the original post ..... Burt
  10. I have a boxer as well and the one "fishing" related item he has eaten (amoung roasts, steaks, numerous cat toosie rolls, chocolate truffels, etc...) is a brand new bottle of trout Dr. Juice.... Burt
  11. I havn't handled the Okuma, but it is of the new generation of float rods, and most certainly has more backbone than the Shimano. The Shimano is labelled a "float rod" but is really a noodle rod, it has a parabolic action, with full flex through the handle. You really cannot turn a fish with any weight with this rod. Although it is good with very light leaders... Burt
  12. Give Lebaron a break..... they have 4 stores..... compared to Cabelas 26 (with 7 more announced)...... and the majority of their prices are better than Bass Pro in Vaughn.... Burt
  13. I have a 9.5 foot Canadian Custom, and a 10.5 and 11.5 foot Canadian Northern Series. The 9.5 foot I use to chuck light spoons for spring trout off the piers. The others are very "noodlish"..... A lot of fun on smaller creeks though.... Great rods of their time, still going strong... The trout in my avatar was caught on the 11.5 footer... Burt
  14. It is not dishonest at all... It is your business whether you repair, buy another, or just scrap it and move on. All they care about is the claim is completed. Now if the boat burns up or is stolen and you claim the entire thing but did not repair or relace the part, then you will have problems.... Burt
  15. No $$$ They say the odds are 1 in 9..... I kept track last time and my odds were like 1 in 15 ... Burt
  16. My friend just rolled-up-the-rim on a Bayliner bowrider boat, motor, and trailer Problem is he has already decided to sell it and put new windows in his house And I thought I was going to get to burn around in a new boat this summer..... Burt
  17. I checked the prices on the Daiwa stuff and they are still higher than LeBaron's regular prices!! You really have to watch what you buy!! Remember to do your research.... Burt
  18. Stoty, Check out here: http://www.pricenetwork.ca/deals.php?d=cl#anchor_top A buy and sell forum that is mostly Toronto based, and heavy on aquaria items... Burt
  19. As some have said, it is illegal to transport live native sport fish without a permit, but it is legal to keep them, contributing to your keep limit. It is a big no no to release them back into a body of water however!!! And this includes the same body of water they were caught in. Once they have been in your captivity, they must be euthanized if you no longer want them. This is how disease etc. is spread, by releasing captive fish back into the "wild" waterways. And unless you keep the darters or minnow families, you need a large tank just to keep a single fish of the sunfish (bass), or pike/muskie. One sunfish in a 75gal tank is about maxed. These fish can be more aggressive than large CA cichlids. And said previously in this thread, "keep ammonia levels on the low side", is wrong.... In a cycled tank there should never be any measurable amount of ammonia (or nitrite) as it is immediately converted into nitrate, which is removed by large weekly water changes. Remember, large fish, larger tanks!!!! Burt
  20. A few days ago I was having some work done at my local garage. A blonde came in and asked for a seven-hundred-ten. We all looked at each other and another customer asked, "What is a seven-hundred-ten?" She replied, "You know, the little piece in the middle of the engine, I have lost it and need a new one.." She replied that she did not know exactly what it was, but this piece had always been there. The mechanic gave her a piece of paper and a pen and asked her to draw what the piece looked like. She drew a circle and in the middle of it wrote 710. He then took her over to another car which had its hood up and asked "is there a 710 on this car?" She pointed and said, "Of course, its right there." If you're not sure what a 710 is: Burt
  21. Heading up to Miskwabi Lake this long weekend to fish for some lakers. Wondering how the lakes in the Haliburton area have been doing over the last couple weeks? I will post a report when I get back. Burt
  22. My edc's are either Benchmade or Spyderco. These two companies really lead the pack with respect to design and materials used. Superior steel than that used by Case, Victorinox, etc... Burt
  23. Burtess


    Mir is going to prevail.... Burt
  24. My friend is looking for a floater suit. Just a plain jane model will do. I have a Nautilus suit that I got a couple of years ago for around $200. He wants something similar and in the same price range. Anyone know where to get the best deal on one of these? Thanks, Burt
  25. Gotta be the Benchmade Outbounder. Holds a great edge and fits my hand well. http://www.benchmade.com/products/product_....aspx?model=180 I had a Kydex sheath made for it as the leather one was a bit cumbersome. Burt
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