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Everything posted by Burtess

  1. The consensus on another board was that it was indeed an atlantic.... http://www.thefishinguide.com/forum/index....ic=4794&hl= Burt
  2. Honestly, my fish was lifted (not netted) up onto the pier and handled quite gently. I thought it was a brown at first but with all the scales coming off (look at the tail, I just grabbed that with my hand) something was different. No other salmon or trout that I land and handle the same way ever look that bad. Mine was realeased and swam away, what happened after is another story. Burt
  3. For comparison, here is an atlantic I caught off a Lake O pier in the spring of '07. The heavy scale loss looks similar to the scale loss on the fish I caught. Coho and chinook do not usually lose that many scales with gentle handling. Head looks a little large compared to the body though... Burt
  4. Awsome, thanks for the info gents, I will follow up on all the leads posted and let you know how it turns out... Burt
  5. I am going down to Orlando and renting a house this fall and there is a couple of public ponds and a small lake near by. I want to try for some exotics (tilapia, peacock bass, red devils, etc.) and am wondering if the local Walmart/Kmart etc. sells non-resident fishing licences. I don't want to get down there and find out that Walmart/Kmart etc. only sells resident licences. Anyone have any personal experience with this? Thanks, Burt
  6. Awsome steel too, S30V holds an edge just wickedly.... Burt
  7. Try a live minnow, those trout don't get big just eating insects... or a small Rapala in rainbow trout colour... Burt
  8. I started out years ago with a Leatherman PST (got it from my in-laws, best gift they ever got me!) and now use a Charge Ti. Wouldn't use anything else, the handles on the Charge Ti are much more robust than any of the stamped handles out there. Burt
  9. "Small craft" is mentioned throughout the description, what is the definition of a "small craft"? Burt
  10. LOL..... you guys are mad Burt
  11. Thats a good assortment of panfish for a fishfry for sure! Did you remove the net? I would report that to the local MNR office and send your pics too. Burt
  12. I already posted some data on post #11. We must also follow the law of Conservation of Energy, energy is neither created or lost from a system. Energy must be applied (electricity - which has already been generated at less than 100% effeciency) to cause the electrolysis of water, the products are H2, O2, and heat. So you then loose more energy from the system as heat. You put in more than you get out, thats it. I am not going to argue this any longer, this is basic chemistry. Now, if they can figure out how to rig this to a vehicle and use the excess electrical energy generated by the vehicle (is there excess? I don't know, I'm no mechanic) to electrolyse a small amount of water to H2, and adding this very small amount of H2 to the combustion chamber alters the way the gasoline burns and makes it more efficient, and they do this in an affordable and reliable system that is proven to work, I will take one for each of my vehicles. But no guinea pig will I be....
  13. Please see bold text... The key is that it takes more electrical power to generate an amount of hydrogen energy, thus why wouldn't you just use the full amount of electrical power to run the vehicle? I should probably stop responding in this thread or I am going to get myself banned lol.... Burt:)
  14. I am sorry, this is way too brutal..... You must understand the laws of conservation of energy, to drive the electrolysis reaction to produce hydrogen, you must add a greater amount of electrical energy than the amount of potential energy evolved in the hydrogen gas produced. You cannot create more energy from something that does not already contain it. The difference is lost in heat etc. It is irrelevant that a hydrogen flame burns as hot as the suns surface. I am going to hang myself now lol... Burt
  15. Dude, go get one, and please keep us updated on its performance; installation costs, fuel savings, horsepower increases, carbon monoxide decreases, etc. and how fast it gets you to the swamp land you bought down in Florida Burt
  16. Yes you can get hydrogen from water through electrolysis.... And yes you can run an engine with hydrogen.... But it is not economically feasable to use electrolysis to generate hydrogen to then power a car... not compared to using gasoline at todays (or in the forseable future) prices. You would have to supply more electricity to drive the electrolysis reaction than you would get out in hydrogen. You would be much better off just using the electricity to power the vehicle.... Burt
  17. All I can say is I am stunned that so many of you get sucked into this ... I mean it is unbelievable... Don't you think that if this technology is real (ie: mainstream real) that the normal everyday person would be using it, especially in this day and age???? You are really blowing my mind.... Burt
  18. As a few have said, I would pass on the Ugly Stick and get something a bit more sensitive. Berkely Lightning Rod can be had for under $40.... Fenwick Eagle GT and Shimano Convergence for under $50.... I am sure you would like these more than the Ugly Stick. Burt
  19. A quick link I found (who knows how accurate the numbers are but makes sense): http://www.energybulletin.net/4541.html "Only four percent of hydrogen is made from water. This is done with electricity, in a process called electrolysis. Hydrogen is only made from water when the hydrogen must be extremely pure. Most electricity is generated from fossil fuel driven plants that are, on average, 30% efficient. Where does the other seventy percent of the energy go? Most is lost as heat, and some as it travels through the power grid. Electrolysis is 70% efficient. To calculate the overall efficiency of making hydrogen from water, the standard equation is to multiply the efficiency of each step. In this case you would multiply the 30% efficient power plant times the 70% efficient electrolysis to get an overall efficiency of 20%. This means you have used four units of energy to create one unit of hydrogen energy (3)." Burt Edit: the (3) footnote = (3) Joseph J. Romm The Hype About Hydrogen: Fact & Fiction in the Race to Save the Climate 2004
  20. The electricity that you would have to supply to produce a usefull amount of hydrogen through electrolysis of water would be BRUTALLY prohibitive. This is a bunch of Bull.... run away; run far, far away!!! Burt
  21. I agree, too many holes in the story.... Did they ask you for a ride in your boat or did you ask them? Did they hire you? Did you have a nice conversation on the way up river? How did you know these guys before the ride? Age of you and the other guys? Alcohol or drugs involved? Give us more details... Burt Edit: Wow, flury of posts in last 5 min, some of those questions have now been asked or answered...
  22. Best to call the conservation authority and ask.... (905) 854-2276 or (905) 854-4342 or [email protected] Burt
  23. Add a marshmallow and your good to go.... Burt
  24. Used to fish here quite often in the spring and fall. Still do sometimes. I found this area good for especially browns and salmon. In the spring you could catch 3-5lb coho quite regularly, don't know how it is for them now since they quit stocking them. Burt
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