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Everything posted by GbayGiant

  1. Anyone know what the best maps are for Georgian bay fishing with a Lowrance ? And what exactly is the map create software ? Thanks.
  2. LOL, including good friends that come up for the weekend, I thought it was just me, man is that ever annoying to a guide or local fisherman.
  3. Definitely the down-east s-10's, I've had the Scotty's and they won't work with big musky lures trolling at 3+mph with lot's of pull, they will blow out, not strong enough.
  4. Found this little guy swimming off the dock and scooped him up in the minnow net.
  5. No they won't fit, the base of the motor is different. Maybe see if you can exchange the mount ? or just buy it if it breaks get a different mount later on if you have to. It's a new motor so it should come with their 3 year warranty, and they do have good customer service.
  6. Rangerguy I have the x102c as well, I have seen the thermocline on it, big bait balls in open water and mark fish while musky fishing at 7mph but anything over 10mph i wouldn't trust at all. Overall I really don't use it to see fish just structure and depth. I have caught so many fish in my life that never even registered on the finder and got skunked in areas that show the whole screen covered in arcs, so for me I never go by the arcs at all, just look for the best structure. In open water I pay more attention to the arcs just because theres nothing else to look at, lol. Oh and just for a joke one time because I was arguing with a guy that had 100% faith in the archs, I put the transducer in my empty live-well and was marking fish at a average sensitivity setting.
  7. Yes well worth the money, and you don't have to use it in your boat you can use it anywhere, so it's just a plus with many more benefits than a regular charger.
  8. Man your just getting annoying now, people have already informed you from personal experiance that it is one line each no matter if you have 20 guys in a 12 foot tinny. I know first hand because I've fished it my whole life and talked to a number of CO's about the whole one line per angler deal.
  9. I know it sucks, I wish it was 2 lines on gbay, specially for trolling musky considering most guys release them all anyway but it is definitely only one per angler.
  10. Thanks Ryan, sent you a PM, thought I missed out. I'll give'm a good go.
  11. All the water must be in the lakes, Georgian Bay is still as low as it was in November. The lowest I've ever seen it, literally dropped 18 inches over night one day in November last year and stayed that way ?
  12. Ha, I offered to take my mom out fishing on Sunday and she was exited to go out for the day, I'll try to pretend it's her special day, but image I'll enjoy it even more.
  13. Hey, not being an ass but I got on that list near the start and was looking forward to giving them a try and never herd back from you ? I never gave my address to you yet so I assume I'm not in anymore ?
  14. The Nautilus batteries at Crappie tire are very good for the price they have the regular deep cell and the spiral ones that claim to last twice as long, I got the regular ones (on the 4th year still full charge, at last a whole day no proplem) for 120 and the new spiral technology ones are 220.
  15. Well look at the rod and use the recommended weight of lure probably 1/2-1oz, and after that I'd say bass or pike fishing. Heavier jigs, spinnerbaits, big spoons, big crank baits, basically whatever you want in that weight range.
  16. Lol, I've had that happen before, nothing worse than a grumpy beaver.
  17. Yeah, I got a 70hp VRO and tore the injection rite off last year even thought it was still working perfect and just mix oil in with the gas tank now because lot's of guys found out the hard way after there motors blew. A Contractor up here that has over 12 work boats each year who was also a marine mechanic before becoming a contractor was the one who convinced me to pull mine. He said over the years he had a few vro's blow, I trust his word. And even if it does continue to work good you can't go wrong with taking it off anyway. I did notice the injection used about 15-10% less oil.
  18. Yeah, I know the smell, much worse than dog whizz, almost sense a touch of ammonia in in, lol. Anyway get on your knees a scrub like Cinderella, depending on the color of the carpet you could use bleach, oxy clean ect.. or just let it marinate in soap for a few hours and then scrub the heck out of it and repeat untill it's barable.
  19. Nice comeback bud, I bet your addicted again.
  20. Nice, not a bad size either. I've only caught 2 smaller then that one in my life both with a 1/16th ounce jig and worm fishing walleye on Gbay.
  21. I don't have any but my best friend has a few pins in his wrist from 3 years ago and he says he doesn't even remember there there most of the time and fishes with me a lot, I've never herd him say anything about it being sore..but the one pin is bent now and starting to push out so he needs to go back and get a new one.
  22. Don't worry it's just from marinating so long with the die/coloring in the juice. They still have the same action and scent ? color is the last thing to consider, they will still work fine. What color where they originally ? Coffee/dark brown is natural and is still a good color anyway. They will probably lighten back up after there in the water for a while.
  23. Wayne we could see your new motor from the other side of the lake without binoculars, that's not fair, lol.
  24. I'm thinking Penetang over the pen they got some mental issues going on, maybe some electroshock therapy would do the trick.
  25. Dude, the batteries should set you back 250 for a pair depending on what you want, I got the biggest deep cycles, Nautalus ones at Canadian tire 3 years ago for 250 for 2 batteries and there still perfect condition, very good price for the quality. I'm not sure if you could do that but even if you did it would drain the single battery in no time specially with fish finder ect.. on it. I say wait untill you got another battery or 2. Here's the link for crappie tire there still 119 each and very good batteries. CRAPPIE TIRE Batteries
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