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Everything posted by GbayGiant

  1. Terry is right for many reasons.
  2. Charlesn, you have had a very bad string of luck. I have not had to purchase another unit since I bought the 104c eight years ago. It was also discontinued like every one of the units you bought. It is still going strong like every Lowrance unit I have had. It must be a good string of luck.
  3. I got with the program years ago after buying my first Lowrance and have not had any issues since. Try not to believe everything you read in Google and go with experience instead. The problem with the transducers freezing over the winter is something that has been known for a while now. After market transducers will last longer than the units will. Just a heads up for you when it comes to transducer problems. As for the units not being accurate, they are bang on for Georgian bay for the most part but a good eye will help keep you out of trouble when off of the main channels which is something else that comes with experience.
  4. MercMan, you say Lowrance has their problems. How many Lowrance units have you owned and what are the problems they have? I have had a few Lowrance units over the years and none have had any problems. I still have my old paper graph and x70 that still work quite well. Even my hand held h2o c works flawlessly. By the way. On charts and GPS maps it states to "not to rely on for navigational purposes". The maps are not perfect.
  5. I guess my friend and I better hold off on eating any of the Silver hay day slaughter we pulled out of the Notty on Saturday after that hard rain because it was not worth our while and should have stayed home to save on gas money.
  6. You can now use four treble hooks in a quick strike rig in Ontario.
  7. Not sure about the rest of you guys but the Notty will be prime this weekend. I am going with a friend of mine who said the fishing has been awesome. Enjoy your time on the couch!
  8. Lake Trout are closed!
  9. HOW BIG WAS IT? 20 pounds maybe? He must be getting pointers from Dadson.
  10. Yamaha manual says to drain carbs. There is nothing about running the cylinder dry. I actually add cylinder lube in each one and crank the engine over with the safety off of course for a couple of seconds. Then I drain the carbs and have never had any issues. Hope this helps. Cliff has the right idea.
  11. This is a joke right? There are a few point that are completely wrong.
  12. 38 and 42
  13. Just another way to stop the average person from fishing.
  14. Want to be Muskie angler using 6" power grubs.
  15. I'm on Georgian bay, rough water, fish at least 60 days a year, two in the front never noticed a difference between the optima or nautalis and the energizers are just as good as the nautilus. I belive your paying for markiting and good looks with optima from experiance, nothing new, I got suckered into buying two of them myself. Conclusion: Optima - good battery energizer - good battery nautilus - good battery Does a spiral battery last longer or outperform a regular battery from getting damaged on rough water ? not that I've seen. Is two Energizers or two Nautalus better than one Optima for the same price almost ? no brainer. Is optima overpriced ? by a land slide. The only thing I can say is that the Optima had around a 5% longer charge amp to amp, is that worth twice the money ? let you decide. Refill your batteries, charge them over the winter a few times, keep them from freezing and hope you don't get a dud.
  16. I hear that, but I doubt the military is interested in marketing their batteries and I have a little suspicion there not the same as over the counter batteries where the share holders continue to make cheaper products with more gimmick marketing every year to squeeze another penny of profit while products continue to get worse. The only true way is to try both in the same environment which is what I've done and found no difference thus the reason I don't waste my money on the optimas, then again my boat has no tracks. I do agree some batteries are better than others you just have to try them yourself I guess is the only way.
  17. That's a good point Drifter never thought of that, however I'm not sure on the science or proof behind it because I always have mine up front bouncing around (only place I have room) and it hasn't effected them one bit judging how there on their fourth year and the last set went 5 years as well I've had optima that did no better. Marketing is nuts, they can toss graphs, statistics and paper work all around but it doesn't mean anything usually, the old selling ice to an eskimo theory. Not saying your wrong but I don't belive the hype.
  18. Yeah I remember thinking the same thing "why should I pay tax on a boat that was obviously bought new at one point and already taxed ? " fun stuff.
  19. It's not always young punks though they come in all ages, years ago I witnessed a 60 year or so old man get into a fist fight with an undercover CO they were both rolling around in the water untill my buddy grabbed the old guy off, the CO smashed his head and split it open off a rock when he fell into the river, needless to say the cops showed up and arrested the guy. Same deal though the guy was fishing past the line and the CO politely asked him to stop then the idiot punched him in the face, still the craziest day on the water for me other than maybe a guy that had a dead black bear in his boat fishing with no hunting licence or gun licence ,lol, lot's of idiots in all shapes and forms.
  20. Just because there from walmart has nothing to do with it , those big Energizers will out last most batteries that cost twice as much as well as the nautilus, check the net for reviews on that energizer . I have one with a full charge still on it this will be its 4th year as well as the nautilus I have tow hooked up to a 24 volt and it's goes full speed for the whole day. So if the weight is helping I would get two of the energizers or natalus then. Usually cheep batteries are garbage but in certain circumstances some cheap batteries like the ones I mentioned out last the more expensive, I've had the $350 ones and they did no better.
  21. Yeah chances are they'll still be spawning or just coming out which sucks for the fish, all the cheesy guys will be anchored right at the mouths of spawning areas, hopefully they have lock jaw from being tired after the spawn to give them a fighting chance at least, at the same time Walleyes are known to not bite for a week or two after spawning I hope that's the case this year. Takes the fun out of fishing if you know 100% that 100% of the population are in the same 50 yard area. I personally think they should open the season a couple of weeks later to give walleyes a chance at least, seems like the only fish that gets protection are bass and they are the most plentiful probably because they get the most protection they are usually always done spawning a month before the season opens in most spots.
  22. One other thing to consider is weight, if you have a small boat the extra weight can really slow you down and burn more gas lugging two around. It's good to have a spare battery at home though incase you forget to charge your battery and need a back up quickly on the other hand having 2 in the boat is good for safety as well if your starter dies you can always use the spare. Maybe grab 2 Natulis from crappy tire they are very good for the price also the Energizers at wall mart are really good and the cheapest around probably the best bang for buck and compete with the higher priced ones you could grab 2 of those for the price of one expensive battery and there just as good.
  23. Check out models and reviews I would always buy used over new sleds because the depreciate in value so quick plus you find out 5 years later what sleds are reliable and which ones always had problems so your better off buying used anyway. I got a ski-doo 2001 600 mxz because everywhere I looked guys had 15-20k on them before the engine needed a rebuild it's like the honda civic of snowmobiles. It really comes down to how good you take care of them, they are easy to fix yourself if you have a little knowledge and old sleds have no shortage of used parts lying around. That said I bought mine with 2400k almost new for $2500 and was laughing my buddy spent 14k on a new Yamaha and his breaks down more than mine and I beat him on the trails so don't let marketing and popularity confuse you, just keep looking, find the model you want first than you can narrow it down and find the best deal.
  24. Looks like it was sun tanning on the bank.
  25. Thanks Lew, good to know your still around as well, hopefully I can catch a couple of monsters to post this year. The ice is still in up here and the Walleyes haven't even started spawning yet, with the dwindling population hopefully they have a chance to make it out of the rivers before all the fisherman snag them all on the way out. It's a problem because usually there already out a week or two before fishing season opens but this year they'll be at least two weeks late. Good thing Muskies are my first choice they are doing really well due to the catch and release that most guys practice now but I think Wallies are going to be non existent in a few years.
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