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Status Updates posted by misfish

  1. Mr,s is back from the cookie swap. Tasteing time. ;0)

    1. crappieperchhunter


      Debbe's is next weekend Brian. I'm fasting until then!!! Enjoy the goodies.


  2. Tippy toeing today. ;0) Anyone remember that song? LOL

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Terry


      isn't that the song you were thinking of

    3. cheaptackle


      tiptoe thru the tulips maybe?

    4. misfish


      Yes bud it was.

  3. Everytime I take the on ramp to the 427 off the 401 west bound,it,s like the first lap of the Daytona 500.

    1. Canuck2fan


      LOL there is one major difference though... In the 500 the other guys in the cars would have at least had winter testing, practice, , and qualifying. Some of the gomers you are seeing on the 427 might not have ever seen the inside of a car before.

    2. misfish


      Hey,I do it maybe 3-4 times a year. I love it. Lets go racing boys.LMAO

    3. grizzlybri


      are you going south or north on the ramp onto the 427

  4. Just what we dont need right now. SNOW. Ice is starting to form up and now calling for 10-20 cm. GRRRRRRRRRRRRRR

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. irishfield


      Be glad we can turn them off Bri.. many can't. My start procedure in my F150.. start truck.. hit traction control OFF... drive.

    3. misfish


      It,s amazing how much power you lose when it,s on.

    4. Freshtrax


      I like it once I got used to it on hard packed snow/ice took some getting used to that's for sure . And I turn it off as soon as I turn on 4wd.

  5. Were going 24/7 again. BUSY BUSY BUSY. Not sure I can go through this again. I like my health and dont need the stress. And what their bringing in for the weekend shift, really scares me. My poor machines. If I come across grumpy the next few months or so,Im sorry. Bonus part of the whole thing,the mrs,s got hired on.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. misfish


      I have been told that so many times bud. I try and try to step back. Then, I get dragged back in by my own will. DAMIT.

    3. irishfield


      Took me ten years to stop coming out of the office and pushing my maintenance guy out of the way because they were "my" machines Bri...since we started from scratch sleeping beside them. I understand the passion that they have to run and I hope they reward you well for it!

    4. davey buoy

      davey buoy

      It can be tough for sure,I would take that over being slow in a heartbeat.Just remember as Wayne said,there not our machines,we get paid well for a good job,quite to often not even a thank you.Do your job,leave the rest for another day.No uneed to worry about it.

  6. So who has the best deals for the finbor 3,s?

    1. Acountdeleted


      There was a place in Edmonton that had them on for $49. But I feel like shipping may offset that.

    2. farsider


      Lebaron has it reg. for $98.94. Use the discount for more


  7. That video wont be taking place. Hope who ever picked up my 6inch finbor 3 with a new attachment off the road ,gets good use out of it. In to much of a hurry this morning I guess. FUDGE ME.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. irishfield


      I bet you smiled though Bri... that's all I was after! The hole thing sucks.. oh.. I spelled that wrong!Whole..

    3. misfish




      Tanks me bye.


      I,ll have a new one in a week or so. Watching for sales.



    4. spincast


      Sail in Cambridge still has the 20% sale going on. Don't ask my wife how I know......

  8. Lets see how the 8" finbor 3 will cut with the cordless. I,ll do both the 8 and 6,and video them. Im sure it will be interesting.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. irishfield


      Nope... took them off last week!


    3. misfish


      See,you like me and our buddy,our floating pontoons, were put away to soon.LOL

    4. farsider


      My 18V Makita handled it well last year. 2 Points: Keep Batteries Warm. Clear hole often as you drill.

  9. My $ 1,000,000,000 bubble has been burst. Dang the WWW. Oh well,I had fun with it. On to the next great wonder of the world.

  10. Should I? Im not sure? it would be nice,but? Need to think about it a bit more.???

    1. BillM


      Don't eat the yellow snow.

  11. I see the future. Yes, I do. I buy a truck and the gas prices plunge down. No need to thank me. It was my pleasure.

    1. spincast


      just imagine what would happen if you bought a 23 ft boat with a 250?

    2. misfish


      Yup,just imagine, I still am. LOL

  12. Dont look now but,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

    1. Fisherman
    2. misfish


      Super long range fore cast. Sure glad I like river fishing.;0)

    3. Fisherman


      oh ya, saw that, no ice for a while.

  13. Read all about it, hey hey,read all about,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

    1. grizzlybri


      and the 102 Grey Cup Champions are........

  14. Well it,s a great dayyyyy to be alive,think I,ll go fishing without the wives.LOL TT

    1. Nipfisher


      wives? you're gonna be in trouble.

  15. Im too old to be adopted,but Big Cliff, think about it. LOL WOW what view you have over there. Nice to see you again and meet Sue finally, and thanks again my friend. The grand kiddies are going to love it.

    1. GBW


      and no msg to me to come by B, lol

    2. Big Cliff

      Big Cliff

      Glad to see it going to be used, just remember you promissed; 2 kids fishing for a day! Thank you so much for the Tims card, that really wasn't necessary but very much appreciated!

  16. The Notty just went BAZINGA.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Joey
    3. BillM


      Lots of spikes these last couple of days.

    4. misfish


      Ok, that was a big BAZINGA. 7.0


      Come on down baby. Someone has a 4 day long weekend coming.

  17. Nothing like home made cookies. Peanut butter with a dab of strawberry jam.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. irishfield


      Na.. he's Wiser than that Bruce!


    3. misfish


      Yes Wayne ,some grow out of it. ;0)

    4. Joey


      I made peanut butter and banana cookies not long ago, man were they good. Chewy and delish :)


  18. Looked at the graph. Sleep in day.

    1. BillM


      You don't like slushy double/doubles?!?!? lol!

    2. misfish


      Well Im up early as par. Might take a drive and walk with the camera.

  19. Guess I,ll find out how the added weight works out in the morning. Love this weather.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. misfish
    3. misfish


      A+ todays travel.

    4. Joey


      Christ I almost killed myself taking Ralphie for a walk on the path, it was sheer ice. Gonna be an early ice fishing season that's for sure


  20. NASCAR IS IN TROUBLE. Final race,a new champion to be had, and the stands have many empty seats.?????

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. davey buoy

      davey buoy

      I watched it 10 years ago,absolutely no interest now.

    3. bigugli


      I have not bothered watching the races since the days of Hoyt, Andretti and Unser. I'd rather fish.

    4. richyb


      I dont like the new chase format. Im not a gordon fan but he deserved to be there instead of newman who hadnt won a race all year.

  21. The toon has been winterized. Electric motor cleaned and polished. Now time to get the smitty all tuned up..

    1. irishfield


      You wanna come test drive that sled I have for sale?? 8" of snow in the yard...

    2. misfish


      Asking price is a bit steep. Are you willing to take 4lt of barrel wash???LOL

    3. Terry


      yous just saying it here cause I can't swear

      but do consider yourself told...lol

  22. This is going to be ONE HELL OF A RACE. Cheering on the 24.

    1. misfish
    2. irishfield


      I'm just hoping someone figures out how to "slide up" the track on the 2! ;)


    3. misfish


      Ya, I wasnt going to say that,but,,,,,,,,,

  23. It,s time to, Improvise, Adapt, Overcome. Yes the cold wet weather is here. Are we not CANADIANS?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. irishfield


      I'm going to land him on Tay Point Rd, between the 4 ways stop and hill to the East and have him taxi up the dirt road from the corner. Don't worry, there'll be video! lol

    3. misfish


      Theres no room for the wing span. I got to see this.

    4. Terry
  24. I would like to thank the weatherman for 6 great days. The rain is here now. Day 7, like they say,will be a day of rest.

    1. irishfield


      Sun tomorrow.. and that's it 'till spring by the looks of the long range

    2. misfish


      Guess i,ll take a drive up to the parents place and see how the new siding is coming along. Ya,nice time to have it changed.

  25. Are the Raptors for real this year? What a game in Boston.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. davey buoy

      davey buoy

      The bosses said they are making a ligitiment run.The only owners that really want to win.

    3. davey buoy
    4. dave524


      no slow starts last nite

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