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Everything posted by MCTFisher9120

  1. Extreme Angler TV, Lost Lake, Classic Pattern's also that Hook n Look show is kinda cool..just don't like the bed fishing they do all the time
  2. Nice report Joey, was on Simcoe today with GF, wind was brutal...nothing to show for out efforts sadly
  3. And in the same price range what is comparable? Just wondering, for 180 or a little over 200 I don't think there really is better reels to campair against....Revo STX maybe but it's still a higher priced reel. No debate, just wondering
  4. The 200E7 was my first real baitcast reel and I used it day in and out for over 80 days of summer frog fishing in heavy cover this past summer...no lie i fished this reel every single day and to be honest the reel never once let me down. I could pitch a 1/2oz jig cut the line then tie on a slop frog fire it a loong way without any adjustments of the brakes etc, next i put on a senko and the story continues...this reel is made to work...think of any imperfections from previous Curado's and fix all of those problems and BAM there is your new E series Curado's. This reel is very versatile and with a little care this will work for a very long time. My reel looks brand new and I fished it more than lot's of people would in a season. Get the reel, if you have more money buy the obvious upgrade and why not get a Chronarch or Core. Good luck with the purchase, MTBF
  5. Thanks for sharing the report, good job out there. MTBF
  6. Still haven't bought it yet but I too am looking for a spinning reel. I'm getting a Stradic FI...as they all say there awesome.
  7. Was just at Canadian Tire and they didn't even have white tubes....what the heck!!
  8. I'll be at the show next weekend, got to meet with somebody there but say hi to me if you see me guys, i'll be with somebody.
  9. Don't bother, there might be a few good reviews now but give it a season or two and something will break in the reel...just go for the proper reels like Revo's, Curado's, Energy's, and so on...
  10. I got to get up to some real Pike water next season or even this season!! Great pic's and catches! Thanks for sharing, MTBF
  11. Nice perch bud, the shelter looks pretty decent, how far down the hole could you see? Thanks for sharing, MTBF
  12. Love the pictures, nice catch there...looks like scary water there Thanks for sharing, MTBF
  13. Great variety buddy! Thanks for posting, looked like a good time out on the ice. MTBF
  14. Great Report Joey! Hopefully we can get into some trout next weekend out there...well see!
  15. Man thats awesome dude, thanks for sharing! MTBF PS check FB
  16. Canadian Tire, wish more were like Lindsay Canadian Tire in terms of selection but with better prices.
  17. wow awesome catch man, going to try and get something big this weekend!
  18. Nice truck man, Lindsay is not too bad at all. Very light snow right now where I am. Was up at 6:45 and it was really looking like a snow storm out there. Fresh snow was only 5 or 6 " outside my door on way to garbage bin. Ice Fishing this weekend!
  19. This isn't my motor, just came across the motor. Just wondered why such a fine running motor blew like that :S
  20. Hey can't complain about that man! Thanks for sharing, MTBF
  21. Great catches, awesome to see those lake trout man. how many were wild trout? looks like the first trout might be missing the adipose fin. Thanks for sharing, MTBF
  22. Sorry I can't give feedback to you but when I pick up a little used outboard(8 or 9.9) I should be buying the better gas and not the regular stuff?
  23. Nice job, I have not yet bought my first boat but since reading through this thread the last few days it seems apparent that Tracker stinks haha. Must of felt real dam nice to have that quick chat eh. Sorry to hear of all the Bull that you went through with your boat and yes keep pushing, I know I would.
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