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Everything posted by MCTFisher9120

  1. I too have a few of these baits and fish them for 1 minute every summer. After reading all these posts I'm going to give them a serious go next season as every year I try and master a new technique in my bass fishing. Sorry I can't add any tips on these baits but are regular crankbait rods suitable for these baits or are we looking into fast actions and stiffer setups for these? More good info to add to this thread MTBF
  2. wow, great photo's you have been sharing lately. Keep em coming, wish I had a better tool to snap pic's like these...I spend more hours on the water in the summer than i sleep and see soo many perfect shots.
  3. Those were before our reading week last week
  4. Lol, that's a good one. What the heck let's share some more while were at it then. Here's a mastercard commercial, not sure if it was aired....u will see why
  5. Hope this link works, can't find it on You Tube After pinching pennies for the next 10 years of my life going to give it a shot, why not go for your dreams when your ready to try. What a inspiration this legend is. Anyway have a good week OFC MTBF
  6. LOL Haven't laughed like that for a while.... Definitely going to bring this prank to a party one time
  7. The skeet reese rods are light and have proved them selves through a season already for many people. Your best bet in my opinion. Would love to pair with the old sk revo, looks sweet those rods.
  8. I know it's not answering your question but I just self serviced my Curado last week and it went great and feels awesome now. Here is the first link to a 3 or 4 video segment done by somebody at Shimano in the reel service department. Although he is working on a Citica it's a great reference for you guys.
  9. Fair enough, guess I'm just too used to reading debates and topics only to see it locked. Guess this topic is not "lock down" material...Not like Mercer and Kulik said anything that we would wan't to improve on...O well at least the bashing stopped.
  10. Exactly, everything in todays world revolves around money. All I know is if I did something terribly wrong I would rather debt than jail and anybody would. As others said take away a privilege....like your driving license for life maybe
  11. Don't say that you will get Lew all fired up like I might have done
  12. That's amazing that the people that work to prevent this let him get by, why are they even working when things of this savarity can just come across. At least they caught him.
  13. Welcome Glenn, any car pic's to share?? Thanks for the intro, MTBF
  14. Not bad, you got a vote from me.
  15. Guess I got to get out more, we are a little ways away from the Oshawa Creek so I guess we are not too far from them. Still haven't had a sighting myself but that's cause I'm not out walking the dog's this time of year...I'll have to get out there in the spring just myself and see what is around. Thanks for the heads up.
  16. Good points, I don't hunt but it's not because I'm against it just never had a family member show me the sport. The group of hunters should get together, the news lately talks about reckless tax spending...this is a great way to save $$ and get more responsible hunters out there taking care of the problem...that is if a shootout is appropriate in this situation
  17. If shooting em is worth a few bucks to some guess it will work out. We got a little dog...the dog also has a leash, we use the leash...Watching your pet while it's outside is smart too if these Coyote's are coming into the open area's...In some parts I guess there is no where left for them to go to. Any sighting's in or around Oshawa? I know it's bad in Toronto.
  18. Looks like you are in a good area to catch some nice fish, maybe this year you will get into the "big one" like you are hoping for. If you are chasing a trophy try bigger baits, if you like a HJ try the biggest size, if you like topwaters like Skitter Pop's give there biggest popper a go for a few nights. Thanks for the intro, and welcome to OFC!
  19. Solid bunch of fish you all got there! Thanks for taking the time to post, MTBF
  20. Good report Steve.
  21. Congrads again Ryan, saw the picture on FB. Very fortunate, glad you take these kids out into the world as much as you do. Looking forward to the reports again =) MTBF
  22. Exactly what I never want to happen to me...I want to order the Humminbird 570 DI but these are the kind of things that worry me. Hope your luck turns around next time you deal with Lowrance.
  23. Hmm a frog on a carolina rigg down in the weeds....anybody ever tried it..
  24. Or you can flick them in the head before you hook them like I remember doing...there you go all the research doesn't apply to frog fishing now.
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