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Everything posted by MCTFisher9120

  1. Haven't tried them but bought myself a Blueback Herring swimbait off the LT line up, slow sinking 4.5" I think it is. The quality of these looks awesome.
  2. Beauty fish wow, nothing better than extreme weather and fish catching action. Thanks for sharing, MTBF
  3. Nice job buddy, saw a bowfin and a rainbow landed today out on the ice(not by me ) Really like the multi species action I've been seeing this year. Thanks for sharing, MTBF
  4. Hey guys, was out with my uncle today from 1-5 and had a great day. Landed maybe 20 perch ranging from 8-12 inches. Was good to see him catch some fish, kept a few also. We were fisshing small 1" minnows off bottom and sometimes a foot under the ice. Water depth ranged from 6.8-7.2 ft for the most part. Two biggest was a 11.5 and a 12...still haven't got my 13"+ but I got lot's of time. Enjoy the pictures Tightlines everybody, MTBF
  5. Nice feed, looking to bring a bunch of perch home tomorrow. What was your biggest perch? Thanks for sharing, MTBF
  6. I'm a fan of the St Croix's. Planning on 2 more LTB rods for next season...maybe 3
  7. Never had problems with my Symetre yet. As for the skimmer I like those plastic things, they work good for me. I think I'm the only person that can get a full fishing season out of one
  8. I bought there Blueback Herring 4 1/2" swimbait, looks amazing...Can't wait to see it swim. Would like to try out there lipless cranks.
  9. What kills me are people that call in to complain about music, switch the station and let the tubes keep playing. Great song, listen to it lot's and some more by them but this is just silly.
  10. Nice stuff Steve, keep it up buddy! MTBF
  11. Great fish for sure, got to get myself on a trip to some real Pike lakes this winter. Thanks for sharing, MTBF
  12. Sounded like a fun trip, at least you had a hut to keep warm in. Scugog perch are a joke somtimes haha but at least you got a chance at a walleye out there. Thanks for the post, MTBF
  13. Now those are some Pike! Got to get my self somewhere where I'll catch big pike like that consistently. Awesome job and thanks for sharing, MTBF
  14. Cool stuff, my dad want's me to print off lot's of pictures of out summer trips these last 2 years while the pictures are still safe on my computer. Printed pictures at WalMart before and was pleased with those Kodak machines...just got to be patient and wait for the lines of people printing here in Oshawa. MTBF
  15. Hey man nice part 2! Your boat is fantastic, love the added name to it, nice deck up front...hmm Great collection of photo's, you did amazing with the Musky fishin, I'm in and around the Kawarthas in the fall, should try and do a trip out for Musky, would like to learn lot's.
  16. I'm old enough buddy haha, only by a few weeks though..sad thing I didn't even get to show my ID yet...where was the fun in that haha
  17. That will come next Saturday night, taking my little brother out(two of us) for some Perch action, looking forward to seeing how it goes !
  18. That's a good year to me buddy, lot'f of variety. Wish I got some more Carp this season, such a fun fight. We should try and do some Pike fishing in May if your up for the challenge. Thanks for sharing, MTBF
  19. That was a nice scan of pics man, how long before you got hooked on those cat's?? Huge fish man, hope I get some nice Lake trout like you did last year. Thanks for sharing, nice to see some flashbacks. MTBF
  20. Thanks for the comments guys, I'm not in it for numbers. I guess I just didn't understand why there were lot's not writing but that's ok now because i now see lot's of people appreciate the reports that they look at on here...just never put 2 and 2 together. I'm not taking any offence so don't worry, I know I don't just fish to make them and get a bunch of "congrads" but when I fish I take the photo's to put them together, it's good fun for me to tell my story to tones of people when im fishing. Never had people in the family who shared the sport with me and there was a lack of friends in high school who fished, just got drove out and I did my thing....OFC is my second family Keep em coming
  21. Sorry but I knew I'll get a few punches for this haha. Just had to set ya straight...only through the keyboard tho
  22. Nope, I never got out to do it yet. Steve and I are hoping to do a Lake Trout trip on Simcoe instead of the bass. I've been bugging him on a date. Just had a busy summer out in Leeds and Thousand Islands. Sorry Smart BEEP, you did not miss it
  23. Hey OFC got a few concerns about this great place. First off I know it's winter and times are slow right now on the board but I keep seeing reports coming and going and we are only getting 10...15...somtimes only 3 or 4 reply's to a report. I love to share reports and put a short story together for members to see but it seems nobody is really taking the time to post and give out a "good job" anymore. I try my best to find reports and give a good job out whenever I see them and it's because this is the best part of OFC to me is to share my catches and view others. From this comes another question, I know there are lot's of members here that are on the form and just don't post...for whatever reason though we are getting the most replys on pages that have nothing to do with Fishing. This is a great community and off fishing topics are great, but with a armm of fisherman that we have don't you think it's the fishing the members(you) would be paying attention to. Happy Ice Season fokes, I encourage members to post reports and we all say this when we get new members but are we not giving the good gesters for the work(it's not much to upload and post) that we do for sharing our adventure. First rant, well see where it goes. Mike The Bass Fisher
  24. Nice job out there, nice baitcast outfit, so wanted to do that myself Thanks for sharing, MTBF
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