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Everything posted by msp

  1. Don't be fooled by the name "Not 2 Kinky" It will kink after a while. still have to change frequently. Advantages over regular wired pike leader is the fact that it is titanium. You can tie it directly to your mainline without the use of swivels ( pain in the arse ) Also you can make them what ever length you want. I prefer 18- 20 inch leaders
  2. I have been using this leader material for a couple of years now. Works well. I attached a link to the knot that I use to attach the leader to your mainline. use the knot described on the package with a small clip. Tip- use a caribeaner to assist with the loop knot. Once you get the hang of it it works quite well. I use 35 pound and 45 pound Or you can just use 50-80 pound flouro
  3. Is it a pain in the a$$ to download maps for a computer illiterate like me ?
  4. So, I am finally going to pull the trigger and purchase a GPS/fish finder combo unit. I am getting some conflicting information about the chips associated with the GPS. My questions are...... What is the best chip to purchase that will give me as much information possible. I would like to get as many inland Canadian lakes as possible as well as some of the Great lakes.( Ontario and Erie ) Do I need two chips or can I get all the info on one chip. Do I need to download additional information or is it just plug and play ? Also, does anyone have experience with the Lowrance chirp units ? Hopefully some experts can provide some direction Thanks,
  5. Ice out Pike fishing = good Central Ontario Pike opener = Bad Largemouth Bass opener =good Don't really care for anything else
  6. Since we are on the topic of Loomis...... I love em too ! I considered purchasing one of the E6X rods but found them to be inferior to most other Loomis rods. I found them to be very unbalanced despite what people say. Just my opinion After comparing the new Crucial rod and the E6X side by side I believe that the Crucial is a way better balanced rod. I have had nothing but great results with warranty issues as well. Keeps my business
  7. There is an old Finnish term " SISU " which means " guts " which the Finns have shown throughout the entire tournament. Way to go Finland !
  8. Awesome fish. hope your 2016 season is just as spectacular
  9. For me it was my oldest daughter making Team Ontario for 16 under volleyball. ( top 24 in Ontario) Lots of hard work paid off. It goes to show if you put you mind to it you can be surprised at what is achievable
  10. "Your name came up in conversation msp" Uh oh ! Glad you guys had a great time out. looks like a nice December day
  11. I sure hope that you guys blindfolded Brad and Steve ! Even blindfolded, Im sure they would still find the lake. Nobody catches fish around them parts without Brad and Steve knowing about it ! Eh boys !
  12. Hmmm...... being led into the bush blindfolded with strangers. No thanks.
  13. You will never find a "how-to" style article in this magazine, that's just not me. I just re- read this thread and noticed this statement.^^^ I think that this is an area that should be explored/explained to your readers. I typically don't purchase fishing magazines but when I do, this is the kind of information that I enjoy reading about. The destinations and stories are a great read and getaway for the reader. But these destinations are trips that I will never be able to afford. ( at least not anytime soon ) I don't mean exploiting and pushing product, but explaining tactics and techniques for catching trophy fish in trophy waters. maybe a section on what to bring ( ie lures , line , leaders ect... ) Just my 2 cents !
  14. Thanks for all the replies guys. Now I have my project for over the holidays
  15. Very nice. must have been a great fight on light line !
  16. Good luck with new project Mike . Looks very promising I think that you should still post reports of your trips on line . I believe that it will only help market you magazine and get more people interested in purchasing the mag. Just like anyone in the fishing industry it's about proper marketing and getting your name out there as many ways possible. Facebook, Instagram, forums ect.... Will only help create a buzz about your new venture
  17. I would suggest using the cheap redwolf mono from Canadian Tire. A 1500 yd spool of 10 pound will cost less than $5. I recommend the 10# so that your connection knot is not huge. But you should probably just listen to Dave
  18. Any issues with wiring ? Should be pretty basic , No ?
  19. Im going to be doing some trailer maintenance over the holidays. Im getting sick of blowing trailer bulbs all the time and was thinking of replacing my trailer lights with LED lights. I saw some on sale at Princess auto. Wondering if you guys have any recommendations. Pros/cons, installation ect.... Thanks
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