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Everything posted by tinbanger

  1. Great report Simon That pike is one FATTY! May have to give Wabigoon on our way thru Dryden this summer. Glad to see you can still drive on the ice TB
  2. awesome as usual Ben. That is one beauty Pike . TB
  3. We could have our own little tourney with the Barrie OFNrs tb
  4. stay home and fish for pike and Walleye TB
  5. saw that on the A channel the other night ,looked they most had been stripped down. One was a Brown coloured Bass Boat with "bassmania' written on the stern and a lrage St Croix sticker on the side. Anyone missing a boat ? I understood they were found in Alliston not the boat graveyard on hwy 11. TB
  6. gotta admit I only use them in crawl space , closets and the like. It takes some trial and error to get the right lamp. TB
  7. One of the benfits of the CF is they last a long time . tracklights with Halogen bulbs , constantly replacing , with CF par lamps 18 months before the first one failed. TB
  8. http://www.saultstar.com/ArticleDisplay.aspx?e=1494522 and he told me he was studying ! TB
  9. Globe ! (Cheapies ) and I imagine they take a few seconds to warm up . Wouldn't want to use them outstide. TB
  10. tough to get on a stringer too! TB
  11. 6 ,13w ( replaces 60w incadescent) compact Flourescent lamps for $reqular price of 13.99 $6 off coupon at the cash and Rona matches that with an additional $6 equals 6 bulbs for 1.99 ( plus tax) good deal! dave
  12. Might have to be me ( Coffee and a day old doughnut) as Cheryl got a bum Knee and waitin on a MRI Bit early yet and with the forecast may be a few weeks , but it a small window of opportunity. And THATS why its called the great white north TB
  13. Now thats got a nice ring to it ! TB
  14. I really hope you are speaking Canadian (120 KPH not MPH) tb
  15. We did the same a few years back when the boys were young. Went to a trout pond ( pay to fish) north of Barrie . It cost a couple of bucks but the boys( and dads) had a good time and even got to bring dinner home . Can't recall the name but would be beyond the 1 hour range. TB
  16. Careful Dara ,I have been to the Soo They were most likely having a ball ,BUT when the cops show up and you suggets you will keep at it ... Lookinforwalleye might have a point. tb
  17. This otta be good TB
  18. You know what I mean any good stoires out there.? I did hear toll for hwy 400 and power off in barrie for two hours tonight due to poor results in last weeks earth hour. Both on local radio stations. TB
  19. Never tried morels but would love to. Fiddleheads kind taste like very mild Brussel sprouts ...but better TB
  20. Thanks Maureen Kinda figured something like that . Hey it was all in good fun ...untill someone needs real help TB
  21. I am guessing some attitude was involved as well ,either from the cops or the would be rescuers/sleder. tb Can't find any new item on the web but heard it just this afternoon on the local radio news break ,april fools ended at noon right ? TB
  22. Apparently some genius was sledding on the ice in Hogs bay and ended up in the drink ,his buddies were trying to assist with 12' tinney. results - charged with boat with no safety gear ..among other charges. I'm sure someone will find the news storey and post the link . TB
  23. Mike glad to see you back ! Your in my Hometown and some of the best fishing opportunities in the country . Wish I could suggest a spot for you .Lots of B&B and boat rental places . Good luck on the search Hope to see more of you TB
  24. Gee Lew you should have blurred the background , everyones going to know the good spots now ! TB
  25. Cut a couple of shooting lanes and you can use my back deck LOL TB
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