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Everything posted by SHAD

  1. karma would be favorable winds and some bad gas that outing
  2. Awesome dude!!!!! Is that the lund predator refurbished??
  3. You rule brotha, great post! Hope to share a boat with you sometime. Keep get'n'er done!
  4. Stay strong Wayne, the memories will last forever. You`ll see her in your dreams and talk again and smile together one day.
  5. I asked Mandy if this was legit and she rolled over and played dead, Scam dude
  6. Shoot man so sorry for your pet, that sucks!!
  7. Respect this! But 'boy's close your eyes and cover your ears for a minute' is definitely in order here.
  8. If you thought it was a marker then you should of left it alone butttttttttt since you didn't they are lucky it was you not me as I probably would of handled it tad differently, lol.
  9. Right on!!!!!!!
  10. Looks like an awesome time!!!!!
  11. Bell is the devil and can rot in hxxl...that being said all tv providers lack in customer service...cogeco was to install their new tivo at our place this past Saturday, waited all day 8:30-5pm they could show, 4:30 they called the service tech left sick (riiigght!) so they promise to come tonight from 5-8pm, I stay back miss my kids tball game and guess what, 9:54pm they still not here, at 7:50pm they called and said the tech was at another job running late but will be coming still...well as of 9pm we made our mind up even if they came (not holding breath) they weren't installing jack tonight! They will be getting an earful tomorrow, wasted 1.5 days of my time in the past 3 days. Sorry for the post hijack Cliff I'll vent about this more on our trip down in August lol!
  12. Good job and nice snap shot!
  13. Sorry to hear bud i don`t know ya but feel i do as we go back years posting on this board....thoughts and prayers you tackle this crap man!
  14. A couple of those are fatties, nice shootin`!
  15. Way to go !!
  16. Damn schmelly been waiting for this report! One year hope to join ya's on this trip, great fishing boys!
  17. Well done good report! Keep those lakes top secret!
  18. Just cast, get a line out there and feel and look at the structure. Don't leave fish to find fish
  19. Solid good job!
  20. Right on, trips and memories like this is what its all about...that frying pan pic is fantastic, can almost taste it!
  21. That's awesome! Great when the feed bag is on eh! New definition of a 'double header'
  22. Schmelly check your pms ugh lol...and solid outing!
  23. insurance is evil, yadda yadda lol...play by the rules er' by the contract of insurance you pay for and won't be any probs. I haven't heard of every day your home needs checked but every 30 or 60 is required if the home is vacant. How many people here have read there property or even auto policy for that matter, some good reading I highly recommend. Stay educated my fishing friends. Cliff ! Mandy say's hello and she's doing good
  24. Only met him once but new he was one of the good ones. God speed dude
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