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Everything posted by SHAD

  1. i think i still remember fishdawg owes me a 12 pack o' beer oh yeah lol!
  2. okay think the link for the pics should work now lol...old ironmaker born and have lived east end of Hamilton my whole life.
  3. Spent last week at a cottage rental near Perth in the land o' lakes region. We had never fished this lake before and took a few days to figure out areas and a pattern due to a cold front that came in early one. Senkos and spinnerbaits early am for bass and mid sized cranks in the afternoon and evening were the trick! Here are some pics from our vacation: http://smg.photobucket.com/user/soderstar/slideshow/Story%20lake
  4. Holy moley those are big walleyes!!!!!!!!!
  5. Cliff I will shoot you an email later tonight and if need any more peace of mind you can give me a call in the morning. P.S. Mandy say`s hello!
  6. Great picture, tank of a spring bow what shoulders on that fish!
  7. mother nature can be nasty...have heard sheès a serial killa
  8. Now that is a memory and what life is all about! Frame that last pic!
  9. Part time is the norm is certain industries, not all. In the business sector it's not common, at least not that I have seen (15+ years and counting). That being said, unless your in a union environment, any employer has the right to terminate you at any time, full time I am talking about, not part time. Part time has it's perks but also it's cons, ie: lack of benefits (unless spouse has benefits). Educate yourself as far as you can, get work in a service industry. Paying the bills is important, full time welfare is for lazy losers.
  10. If you can prove that there was no visibility to see the veh parked in front then your son should be able to get the fault overturned and coded as zero percent so it's not counted as an "at fault" claim on his insurance record. Escalate the situation to the insurance company's claims manager or ombudsman's office for fault review. Last recourse is in section 6 of the Ontario Auto Policy on what ya need to do if disagree with the fault ruled on the claim. Cheers.
  11. I used to be a very frequent member of this site many years a go. Going to get back into fishing this spring and be active member again. I'll be a shore checkout girl fishing brownies and pike after ice out. Let's rid this winter and bring on spring so I can post some reports. Peace out y'all!!!!
  12. Well, I am not a marine biologist or engineer but i pretty sure after the winter we have had, more volume (ice) = more matter (higher water levels). That's my two cents.
  13. Nah, I thinking something more to it then that. The observations kinda one directed no? I mean how was the fishing, what was best lure, was it cold that day?
  14. Sea salt and evoo, pretty sure i heard that works.
  15. If your in an accident in Ontario and it's 100% not your fault and the other vehicle involved in the accident has a valid Ontario Auto Policy with Liability coverage then your claim is covered under the Direct Compensation Property Damage section of your auto policy. In your accident the other vehicle is from Manitoba and their Insurance Company is Manitoba Public Insurance, the Gov't! Manitoba Public Insurance is not part of an out of province agreement that agress to Direct Compensation in Ontario. So what the means for you, you have to pay your Collision deductible. You will get it back as your insurance company can claim their damages paid back against Manitoba Public Insurance, including your deductible. Once your adjuster get's an acceptance of liability from the Manitoba Public Insurance adjuster then your insurance company should waive your deductible out of customer service. But remember, your dealing with the gov't now, good luck with that, lol Shad
  16. BEST reply ever on this board! So true, so true TONY 2 DA B has MAD photoshop skills boyeeeeeeeeee!
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