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Everything posted by SHAD

  1. What, lol, your being sarcastic right? Well i thought the complete opposite. In order to do what Headhunters wife does, she has to love her job. I recently took a supervisor position for a new company. My shift is usually 9-5, I don't think I left before 5:30pm this week or last. Why, cause there is work to do, co-wokers coming to me for advise, support, help whatever. I don't shun them away and I certainly don't expect to be paid overtime and won't be for staying later cause I would never ever ask for that. Yes, I like my job. I think people are very un-educated when it comes to teachers. Ya they have summers off, and march break but for good reason, teachers work 10-12 hours a day, not 6.5. Teachers have to deal with something worse then kids, stupid new age parents. Same hockey moms that are lashing out at teen reefs cause jr. dot a penalty or the reef missed a slash. Overpaid, I disagree. Go on strike, I disagree there too. I am not a teacher, if they would allow me to belt a smart ass with a ruler and not be punished I would be
  2. Great report Superdad, excellent time on the water with stevie, wish i could of made it up for a day or two or the entire trip 6 replies to this report, way to go OFC, lol!
  3. I agree with ya that unions suck. Have never worked as a full time employee in a union environment and never will. Why should some lazy sack get a good I apply for just because they apply but not as qualified but have more years experience. Best man for the job should get a position. As for the bail out. No, I do not think they should be bailed out. However, if they don't get bailed out, the ripple effect will be devastating. If the gov't does give them 400 million or whatever the amount is, it should only be conditional on a guaranteed reimbursement plan over x amount of years or don't bother. If the big three are going to be back to profit in the next 10 years then a revamp of core values and their business models is needed. Tough times ahead with the recession we are facing, will be interesting to see how the gov't responds.
  4. God bless man, my daughter is almost 2, can't imagine your family's pain. Everything happens for a reason but having your child leave this place before you, wow, that is too much. Stay strong, though we may have only briefly met, you are a good dude that I know. We're both from the hammer, pm me whenever ya need a beer or fishing partner dude!
  5. SHAD

    musky rod

    http://www.ofncommunity.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=24375 That one, u get $10 bucks off if purchased within next 24 hours
  6. As a fellow hamiltonian i'll will try and help ya out. There is probably still some staged kings waiting for another good rain fall to make a push up the creeks to their spawing beds. Target the pier mouths for the stagers. U would have to go way deep for 1-3 year olds this time of year. Good luck, for type of fishing rig and fishing your after, check out this board: spoonpullers.com I am sure there's some past posts here too that will lead u in the right direction.
  7. McClays, what a find. A great scottish ale brewed in ontario to boot! Can's are way better then the bottles though! Go figure, guess the tin makes a difference in taste!
  8. Nice fish, looks like she moved on ya before the camera clicked or your she was too strong for ya, lol!
  9. Sounds like he was a great man, great father and husband. Sorry for your loss.
  10. SHAD

    OFNC G2G

    Could possibly be in and may have a seat open. I'll check monitor this thread for a confirmed date on this.
  11. 340 fow, 40-80 feet down.
  12. Some dude's on this thread have issues man, lol Many moons ago I read a biography from an old Musky hunter, can't remember this guy's name but apparently he was a legend. Would go for weeks on the water in search for trophy's. I think he was up on Nippissing or the French and he said he was starving, ran out of food, so guess what he caught, ate and survived on, that's right musky. It's the only thing he said he knew how to catch. Fishing and eating fish are part of our heritage. Eat em' all if that's your fancy. Fish of a thousand casts right, so there will still be plenty for "non" purists to catch
  13. Now that is a catfish, way to go!
  14. I think it came and went, we didn't end up in oz so I think we're okay
  15. Yes it is an endura, 46lb thrust. Not shipping out of the USA; I live in the steel city dude. It would cost gas money to meet me 1/2 way from where you are if your in the gta; where ya from dude?
  16. Not to be biased but check out what I am selling. This moves my 16' deep hull lund good so your little tinny would really book! http://www.ofncommunity.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=6589
  17. Drive to the grand and explore dude; I doubt anyone is just gonna reply or pm you with gps coordinates or mapquest ya directions but on this site ya never know Put some leg work in, grand runs from dunville to fergus .
  18. Nope, sorry. Drive over the lift bridge tonight around 10pm and if there's lanterns just before the breakwall starts then they might be in
  19. Yes and no, lol. All depends on what size of the boat and what your policy states basically. Storing a boat registered in someone else's name is fine as your policy will include personal property owned by others while it is on that portion of your premises that you occupy. Now, do you own this boat and it's in someone else's name or just storing it for a friend? If it's a friends then there's coverage if; there's no watercraft exclusion in your policy and there's no other insurance coverage on this boat. If you own the boat then you will have to prove insurable interest, ie: you would have to get that boat ownership in your name. Madhuskie - yes it would; no policy excludes driver error or stupidity
  20. I might be able to answer your questions Shoot me a pm dude!
  21. excellent, nice lakers!
  22. Perform stomach liner surgery while the fish is recovering in your livewell. If that doesn't work then at least you were able to check out it's stomach to see what it was feeding on
  23. I think it is a great tool. Alot of people are really narrow minded Sonny and intimidated by something different that aren't not familiar with. Good for you for having the ballz to try something you think will give u an advantage. As the sayings go; can't teach an old dog new tricks and 90% of the fish are caught by 10% of the fisherman
  24. They fix your bi-focals, didn't think you could see 2 feet infront of ya
  25. I caught this guy the other day and I don't even know if it's in season but I took a pic of it cause it tried to bite me If anything, oos catches are good practice for catch and release techniques
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