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Everything posted by Hack_Fisherman

  1. Thanks, I can appreciate that. I won’t be the only one trying to get away somewhere, anywhere. I’ll likely wait until Sept when the crowds die down. There’s always the possibility of picking up cancellations, but even those might be slim pickings. Heading out with the prospect of finding nothing available when I get there is not something I like the idea of. I’ve never been to Franklin, so I might be overthinking this?
  2. Yes I know that all crownland camping is closed currently, but I’ve actually been thinking about doing some this year. The provincial parks are absolutely impossible to book anything. Plugged solid. They had 30,000+ on opening day waiting to book. So now I’m wondering about doing some Boondocking or boat in camping late August or September. Thinking about Franklin Island but not sure how busy it will be once the stay at home order ends. my options are boat in/tent camping, or Camping with a tent trailer and canoe. I’d like access to good fishing areas or nice water for just exploring/relaxing. I have a 16’ deep v or a canoe. I’m too old And out of shape to do the true back country camping with canoes/portages. I’m not asking for anybody to give up prime spots, but if anybody could point me in a direction of resources so I can start seeing if this is viable that would be great. I’m not sure what to expect especially with Boondocking camping with trailers RV’s etc. I’m open to going as far as 1 hour North of Sudbury or Northbay...Manitoulin Espinola area, Ottawa or Pembrook area etc. Thanks in advance.
  3. I live in a small village, and yesterday there were lots of people outside, standing around in clusters just 2 feet apart. Like nothings happening. I saw a few OPP stopping in at a house that had a pile of trucks parked out front....so maybe they are issuing tickets
  4. Good luck to you and your health. enjoy your travels/other toys.
  5. Transport Canada. Not required for boats powered by 9.9 hp or less. Online transfer. You will need bill of sale, name of previous owner. Be prepared to get a letter from Finance Ontario asking you how much you paid as they want the HST.
  6. Thanks guys, so easy peasy then. Hardly any different. I run stabilizer in all of my seasonal gear
  7. For you guys running 4 stroke OB’s, are your annual maintenance costs somewhat reasonable? Does winterizing take much more than 2 strokes? I’m assuming I’ll change required but no fogging? Do they self drain when out of the water so there’s no freeze/expansion issues? I like to run to November.
  8. I just found out I’m eligible for vac now, I’m getting it.
  9. This works well, just be sure to wipe paint off if it builds up because it finds a way to creep around to the back. Don’t let the brush strokes hit the blade too heavily or you have to clean it often.
  10. And these are the people that keep us suffering. Selfish, careless a-wipes. so we gotta wear masks, sanitize hands, follow rules. This isn’t about govt control or a new world order people. It’s a pandemic. A light one at that. It could be so much worse. But no, those who don’t do their part by their own justifications help drag this on forever...killing more small businesses and driving the dollars into mega corporations instead.
  11. So true. I think we’ve all seen businesses wither away because they didn’t stick with the times or adapt to changes. Granted, Covid 19 caught so many off guard, so to prepare for that was probably not possible (speaking of the first year). but we’re in this now year two and probably going to be lingering effects for the next few so immediate action on counter strategy is vital for those who’s clientele have been greatly reduced and will likely to be over the next few years. I.e. marketing strategies, package options, value added services, etc. Thinking outside the box instead of trying to plug away as usual may not only help survive the times but also build the business into a much stronger, profitable one post-covid. I wish all business owners luck. So many have folded already.
  12. Spae-Naur. No online, they still operate out of the dinosaur era, but their phone service is good. They have oddball stuff nobody else has
  13. +1 I just ordered clecos, pliers and rivet removal tools and they shipped it to me in like 3 days. Great service
  14. I recently discovered Tony Joe White. Digging Polk Salad Annie, Boot Money, Keep going and many more. I got a Spotify account and it’s really got me listening to a lot of stuff.
  15. I couldn’t agree more. I think I posted them a while back. I love the slide work and strong vocals
  16. Wow no light pollution in your area? I can’t believe the detail
  17. I think it would be a good strategy for those who normally cater to Americans to start using social media and other means to shift their focus on securing Canadian guests. We stayed on the French twice last year. The lodge owner had some decent interest by using social media and word of mouth. I don’t know if they were booked solid but I believe they were quite steady.
  18. Heard a very, very similar story from a dealer in Ayr. But they were all Suzuki’s. then again, he was a Suzuki dealer...
  19. Agreed And they are massively profiting from covid while our little shops suffer.
  20. Hey guys, a good coworker of mine gave me this monster spinning reel. I don’t know anything about it except it appears to be a salt water type of reel. Wondering what I can do with it. https://m.tackledirect.com/penn-purii6000-pursuit-ii-spinning-reel.html Do you guys think it would be up to the task for muskie or Great lakes salmon? It just looks too big for pike and bass.
  21. I was at sail, They are just about ready to bring in their spring stock. A lot of stuff still empty from last year. Ended up going to another local sporting goods shop to pick a line counter for reeI was after. everybody saying it’s going to go quick. I think I’ll dig through my stuff make a list soon.
  22. I heard from a local marine dealer that they expect a tougher year for parts. I was going to sell a pair of motors but I think I’ll keep one back as back up.
  23. Thanks, I do just that every winter. I bought the noco multi bank onboard charger. Hope that works as well. I use group 27 also, prob same ct batt. It’s 3 or 4 years old and not as good as it used to be. Might go group 31’s if I can fit them where I want them.
  24. Bump.... I never ended up buying last year, so looking for deals if anyone has seen any. NOT going AGM. I need at least one deep group 27 or 31 and a starting (or maybe multi purpose) so can’t afford AGM this round. Too many things on the list still
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