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Everything posted by workwear

  1. lund double counsil...with a top.....i know now i shouldve went with a double counil on my boat instead of a single
  2. hey mike yesterday we were fishing sparrow...i was using a three jointed silver belly storm lure......jerk jerk pause...nailed 5 of them before the rains came.....8 in top water baits ....might want to consider them..... good luck and all the best!!!
  3. must keep it on at all times.......dont know why....but ive heard its the law!!!!
  4. very nice gator...........just ask how many your buddy jose caught yesterday...hehe he he he
  5. i would stay with the terrova......one word...IPILOT!!!!!
  6. i forgot who said it on this board but there was a very good tip that helped me when i first learned.....spool out about 20 ft of line and then tape the spool....open the curado on the right side...and there are pinkish tabs on the drum spool...click them all outward....this helps the the reel spool out...you want to slow everything down at first....next grab your lure and attach it....there will be a dial near your drag on your left side...adjust that so your lure doesnt free fall....ok now youve set your caster....now there is a technique...call thumbing the spool....as you cast keep your thumb on the spool...feather it lightly.....as soon as the lure hits the water...stop the spool with your thumb.....curado is a good reel!!!
  7. well........lets just say its a great peice of technology......... at christmas my kids presented me with this box all wrapped up ....giggling and waiting in anticipation at my opening it....i've wanted to get this for a awhile now, but i could never come to spend the 500 or so for this toy... so as i open it ,i see its the ipilot.....i don't know who was happier....them or me....lol...they said i had a tear in my eye ...but ill never admit it.... so on the weekend i joined the other 500 boats on the bay for some wally's....and a chance to play with this toy wow....it performed flawlessly ...the spot on feature was great...it lets you stay anchored within a 5 ft mark of a certain point.. the motor would speed up and slow down to hold its position...no need for an anchor!! recorded a few tracks just to see it work....it will come in real handy come bass season at one point another boat was getting pretty close to us...but he wanted to ask bout the fishing....so we drifted within a ft of each other...i could see in his eyes that we might crash...as i was sitting in my driving chair....no one at the front of the boat to steer , so his thoughts were who is gonna get up and hit the trolling motor pedal....lol...no need no need had the remote with me a few taps and off i went in the other direction...his look was priceless... to bad they cant team up with lowrance and buddy up with their gps anyways...if you enjoy toys....this is a great addition
  8. you might wanna seal them with a bead of silicone.....when its time to service them grab a blade to break the seal....
  9. true enough .....but i would'nt leave no more than a 16th of an in gap....im wondering if polymeric sand might work.....
  10. who ever told ya epoxy is a pita is right.....i would lay the tiles very tight to each other.....using the actual mortar is a good thing...but i would go a step further and seal it!!...this wont garuntee it wont lift since frost is a nasty thing to have to deal with....but it will give ya a fighting chance......good luck
  11. they have some pretty funky top water action........gonna grab me a few of these.......
  12. thats what i installed on my boat......works great
  13. thanks bro. G!!!!!!...............GREAT VIDEO
  14. i just hooked mine up to my riptide....same connectors as the terrova.........I CAN'T WAIT TO USE IT!!!
  15. i use the same one as terry showed on my boat......very easy to hook up and also to take off.....easy take off when kicker isnt required.....i paid 50.00 bucks for mine......
  16. i just inatalled the ipilot on my riptide.....same as the terrova ...plug n play....but i havent read or seen any connection to an external gps.....ive always wondered why they havent partnered up.....ive even asked at radio world and they told me nothing exist as of yet.....althought it would be sweet if they did..... BRING ON THE SOFT WATER!!!!!!!!
  17. you'll love that setup..................i have a couple of those on my boat..............awwwwsome.....enjoy!!!
  18. great to have ya back!!!!!!
  19. you might wanna give louie a call at city wide welding he has an array of props and might even help you with the pitch of it...located in missisauga near the airport.has helped me with a few props phone number is 905-770-0316
  20. thxs guys for all the help......im leaning towards clear cedar and no carpet.....
  21. thxs for the reply.....but are you saying i dont need carpet??its a 20ft aluminum...weighs a little bit....wouldnt the carpet help it slide on and off better??
  22. goin out to quebec for a few days next week to do some pickeye fishing.Anyways i was thinking of re-bunking the trailer,its an '03 and i wanna take advantage of having a few days to play with it. Was wondering if plain pressure treated is ok,or should i get some cedar.Will be treating it with spar marine grade varnish then wrapping some new carpet Any ideas would be greatly appreciated cheers pete
  23. congrads on your new ride........told ya it was easy at the border.....lol....now keep your tax bill reciept ...more than likely they will send you a follow up asking if you did in fact pay the taxes....cheeeeers to the new boat!!
  24. a little experience bout when i bought my boat few years back from the states i saw my prov on a site made contact with the owner and sent him a few bucks to hold the boat made arrangements at a local marina there to check the boat and motor out...leakdown down test and compression test i kept the internet ad for proof of cost when i crossed the border i wired money down to a bank which i could pay for the boat once it all checked out....seller was very helpful and accomadating after all the paper was done i started the trek back to canada got to the border and the officer at the booth asks "anything to claim"..... yeah that 20 footer behind me lol..and a few dollars of tackle and some odds an ends she directs me to park to the side and go in once inside i show the officer all the paper work i had ,ad of the boat, bill of sale he tells me i need to pay for gst and pst on the boat and gst only on the trailer keep your bill of taxes paid as i just rec'd a letter from the gov't saying i owe taxes on the boat ...two years later i was on my way from the border crossing in less than 45 min.... got in toronto went to cdn tire got the trailer certified and then went to the minstry to get my ont plates then off to canadian services to register the boat get my numbers i would guess the hardest part is locating the right boat and making the deal as for the gov't part .....not hard at all good luck cheers peter
  25. thanks bondar grealy appreciated
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