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Everything posted by workwear

  1. hooked up with jose this morn and we went out to his fav lake....well what a day we had....landed well over 20 green trout....then it happened....bang....my first encounter with a rock.....wasnt goin too fast maybe round 4mph.....well as soon as i got home and had a good cry....i took the stainless prop off......oh oh ....i bent the prop shaft......off bout a 16th none the less undrivable..... was wondering if it is only the drive shaft....what would one cost .....i have a 200hp yami cheers pete
  2. all the best to your wife dave......... im sure itll all work itself out... cheers peter
  3. hey jose.......bring them road runners!!!!!!!..... launchin out of goreski's??
  4. congradulation on takin on this huge undertaking........it can be fun ...and very fustrating.....i do work for one of the top builders in the toronto area....they build homes from 300 a sq. and up.......first thing you want to do is decide whether a manage company or a gc is the route you wanna go....a management company usually charges anywhere from 10% to 20% of the total cost....a gc will give you a lump sum and then source subs from it.....i personally think a management company would be the route to go .....they will supply you with 3 quotes from trades they work with ...and you choose with whom you want to get the work done from.... you can build for as little as 100 a sq....that being the run of the mill standard subdivision house....with everything being bult to code but standard quality..... but then comes the finishing of the house....thats where the big big bucks comes into play.... today i saw a 12k tub being installed with 4500 dollrs worth of faucets and taps.....so you see a budget is really the key for your home.... whomever you get to build your home you must be comfertable with....afterall it will take a good 6 months to a year to build a good quality home...and the builder will become a friend....or at least he should be by the end of the job... make sure he will back his product for a few years at least.....i still go back to homes i did 5 yrs ago for some minor touch up and such...just makes good buisiness sense.... some builders will and do forget bout the client once he has been paid in full....some builders do stand behind their product.... sometimes saving a few bucks might bite ya in...... the long run i guess homework is the key here...... ps....i know of a very good painter....lol... anyways good luck on your adventure....wish you guys all the best cheers peter
  5. just one today at the home depot on laird and eglington.....i think it was around 119.00....looked pretty decent good luck
  6. last year a friend of mine and i were surfin on the web bout dog foods....and whoa what we learned bout the industry and all the garbage that went in those bags.......well we did a little research and he started to cook his own food.....the coulor and look of his coat changed so much better for the good it was incredible..... he says he will never buy another bag of dog food again....... just a little food for thought.... good luck
  7. wading in the florida keys for bone fish have seen some wild vids on these little monsters.....and wow ....can they ever peel out line for little guys
  8. thanks to all that answered jp...im looking at getting the 6'10" heavy fast action...to pair it up with my new curado 201e.....i already have the crucial paired up with the castiac that i use for flipping... already placed my order...... cant wait for soft water!!!!!!! cheers peter
  9. congrads lew....very nice set up there......was wondering ...did you buy it from hastings marine??....thought i mightve saw ya today talkin to mike....
  10. greetings everyone...... just got back from the fishin sho....wife said she would buy me a new rod....guess my old one isnt what it used to be...lol....anyways...i was looking at the cumarra line ...im pairing it up with the curado 200 series reel.....i already have the crucial rod and am very pleased with this rod is it worth the extra $$$ was wondering if anyone has any feedback on this rod....looking at the 6'8"....heavy fast rod.....primarily to be used for bass cheers.....peter
  11. hey gmc....are you sure bout that.......i was always under the impression that if you do it yourself as the homeowner you do not need to pull athe permit....... oh and also...icefisherman......you have to consider the cost of all them tools.....they sure make life easier when building a basement
  12. lmao!!!....how true is that...........!!!!!!!
  13. quite a project to undertake by yourself.....ive done a few basements in my day....and they do take alot of work.....now you say you have 10k to spend.....pending on your finishings that might not be enuf or just come barely close to cover all your building materials......i usually spend for an average basment.....between 9k and that is using pretty cheap stuff to around 15k giving me a little more moderate finishings....any contractor would easily quote 20k to round 30k for that work.... do some homework first.... drop cielings are wonderful but they are a little more in price than drywall....between the floor and the cieling that will be your most pricey items...when buying materials....as for labour....plumbers get the nod in that dept... now remeber if your doin the electrical you dont need a liscence but if someone other than the home owner goes near your electrical box they better have a masters liscence... anyways ....if you need some recomendations for trades....gladly recommend a few cheers peter
  14. hasnt anyone seen the uprise in preciuos metals........silver alone has jumped up in 6 months to over 11 dollars....thats close to 30% rise from last summer when this whole debacle began......buy preciuos metals!!! and when i mean buy this i mean to buy the bullion...the physical stuff.....silver is projected to hit a 100 bucks.....gold projected to hit 3k.....i would rather buy the silver better return i think in september when i had a quizzy qasy feeling bout the market i went out and converted my whole portfolio into silver bullion.....im up bout 15% from my intial investment........a gamble yes....but so far IM WINNING....bout tomorrow no one knows.... alot of talk bout the banks.....they are in deep doo doo ....i know of one particular bank that has been allowed....to fib on there balance sheet and to hold off on the info for a little while...eventually they will have to come clean... hear say perhaps...ill never know for sure... but i do have a feeling this is gonna get much uglier buy silver!!!! think bout it could be an option
  15. ahhhhhhhhh where is lundboy when ya need him...hell ill say it for him i told ya so
  16. althought kirk you make a good point you do have to take into acc't where this info is coming from...... from your original post it seems to me at least that you have said this whole COMMUNITY is wrong in thier opinions and are not valued to have some merit..... i think this board is unique as to the many friends and relationships that are made on here..... what you are reffering to is somewhere other than here where ppl dont really know each other....i for one have met some very great ppl here and consider them friends..... look at how many ppl have comntributed to this thread....you think everyone could be wrong... where there is smoke there is fire....
  17. congrads and all the best....your gonna love that motor!!!!
  18. hold on a sec.....so let me understand this.....you need insurance while driving an atv on the ice.....but if your driving a boat on the water you dont need any......... now that i dont understand
  19. hiya maureen,i belive the seller pays bout 2% that would be the one recieving the money but the payee the person sending doesnt pay anything.... hope all goes well cheers peter
  20. ha ha ha ha ....now that was funny.....sad but oh so true
  21. compression test and a leakdown test!!!....both should be done proir to buying have any idea how much a replacement motor will run.....still no garuntee it not blowin up on ya ....but a piece of mind none the less ....do it before you buy....17k is 17k all the best with your new toy
  22. wow bass pro did it again.....not in stock!!!!!!!!!! go figure was there today when i was told they would be in monday....the guy behind the counter thought i was on crack......none there no 300 or 301 series........oh the humanity...
  23. wow now thats cold.......... just dont forget to wear your "peter" warmers...
  24. live within two min of there.....seen someone not too long ago ice fishing.in the past week...should be safe.... good luck
  25. i saw these boats too yesterday....nice looking boats....but i was surprised that they cant take alot of horsepower for the size of them boats........i guess the flex of the transom makes it not possible for big motors otherwise very cool boats
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