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Everything posted by workwear

  1. hello gang....we are thinking of heading out to rice tomorow in the am to try for some crappies....i was wondering if someone could direct us to a decent launch....any launches open yet?? thanks in adavance pete
  2. memart, on Mar 18 2010, 10:58 PM, said: Peter i have a tip for you leave Jose at home if you want to catch fish LOL haha thats gotta be the best advise ever given on this site to date
  3. yes gerritts right!!! fabric softner and very hot water..... believe me ive stripped more wallpaper than i care to think bout good luck
  4. we will be hitting the big lake for the first time this year......should be a blast......any tips ??
  5. sweet ride ......and what a power plant on that thing.......congrads on the new ride
  6. thanks for the input guys.....greatly appreciated cheers
  7. thxs JPD im leaning towards buyin it.........should be fun setting a course and not worrying bout it while retying lures and such..... was told its pretty easy to install
  8. last fall i was lucky enuf to get a used riptide 101 lbs trolling motor.....after i was unlucky enuf to destroy my 70 lbs thrust on simcoeanyways took it out a few times and wow talk bout power aile goby and i were crusing out on boq we hit 6 mph..in the wind.....well this year i saw the new gps add on for these trolling motors they look pretty cool to have....cost is round 450.00http://www.minnkotamotors.com/company/pres...rol_system.aspxwas wondering if anyone has one or has used one of these.....cheers pete
  9. no disrepect dawg..........but that was hilariuos.........
  10. was there in may of last year....very very deep lake in parts....1000ft in one part ...but thats all the way in the back part of the lake.....intresting lake tho....10 from shore in certain parts major 80ft drops.....nothing like the kawartha's....we caught 4 lakers and 2 eyes there for three days.....fishing was very tough.....accomadations werent bad....clean and comfertable....no 5 star but it suited us fine....i would think you would need a sled out there to poke a holes lake is a medium sized lake....i would say close to the size of cooks bay maybe a little smaller..... good luck
  11. the million dollar man does it again....way to go lloyd
  12. well here is my baby........for the love of god bring on the soft water
  13. i drive a full size chevy van.....had the originals tires on it ,and when the first snow fall came i got stuck 4 times....what a real pain that was.....phoned my mechanic and he picked me up 4 avalanche snow tires....i have a hard time trying to fishtail!!!...and ive tried....lol.....never have owned snows before but these tires are awwwsome......do yourself a favour...and invest in a set cheers
  14. i was stressed for time joey.....lol.....rules did not state how well and thought out a review was needed......lol....but yes it was a great show....rough waters and all....talk bout sore arms.....
  15. i think we need clarification on the winning of the touque.....lol....i came in at 7.35............but in the original thread good luck
  16. "i know big girls"........lmao that was a funny line.....and what a fish!!!! great show!!!
  17. just curious what type of stain and varathane did you use..... looks like a very nice piece
  18. a nice change working with post and beams in these rustic projects..........better than working with 2x4"s looks great......and ya dont even need to hire a painter....
  19. thxs for the response guys.........but ive been online for a long while now....and sunseekers is 300 to 800 cheaper.....which scares me a bit... sometimes to good to be true....??..i guess ill still be looking.... thaxs again
  20. was wondering if anyone has booked online ......wife and i are looking to spend a week in montego bay.... have found one website called sunseekers has anyone ever dealt with these guys they are a few hundred cheaper than all the rest.... any help would be greatly appreciated cheers
  21. wow a very smart man.........
  22. with all do repect you preach a great sermon.... but now do tell us ....or me for that matter ...how in the world is this tax benficial.....to a small buisness.... it isnt!!! no tax grab is benficial to a buisness...... there is a fine line where the public agree's to pay for taxes and expects to get services out of it....but when the consensus is nothing more of a tax grab....it will drive small biz underground....its been proven before and its gonna happen again....and the honest dude is gonna get crushed...ive seen it in the jewlery biz...they get taxed something like 20 points or more.....they have been doin biz under the table for over 20 years that i know of....and you know what most of them are still in biz.....cmon lets wake up here a little ....this is a bad tax!!!....any more tax is bad period.....convice me how this can and might be good for me......i dont think you can.....or any politician for that matter.....it sucks .....huge ones!!!!
  23. thats all fine and dandy john in a perfect world i agree with you...but it could take months or even years to weed out these types of biusnesses who deal under the table....what does a small guy do then....sit and wait??? or fight tooth and nail to try to keep with everday life.. i guess time will tell
  24. goverment= THE BIGGEST MAFIA IN THE WORLD!! i dont see how this is goin to be good for a service related industry or for any industry for that matter how can i being in the service industry add another 8k to a 100k contract and expect the consumer to pay for it......they ( he mafia)will force more service related industry to go underground.....i know my industry will be that way its enevitable......as it is now i most often get asked ...can i pay cash???......to save on the 5 points that i charge for the gst ....i can imagine how much more i will be asked "can i pay cash" when this hst comes into effect.......dont get me wrong i love cash deals...... but not all deals can be what i have a delemma with is all my competitors that will work cash as i refuse to do bisiness all in cash....if i do deal in cash then ill have to foot the bill.... what is a small business man to do
  25. now thats as funny as your triple header you had on lloyds boats in quinte.....lol... cheers pete
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