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Everything posted by splashhopper

  1. " yes, holy " ! That was close for the guy shooting the video. And as the report says : The highway (400) is closed between 8th and 9th Lines until further notice.
  2. This thread was started, just for what is happening in it John. No need to apologize. Your story reminds me of the video in the opening thread.
  3. MM: Today is the only day u need worry about. Yesterday is gone, with all its regrets and mistakes. Tomorrow is not here yet with all its worries and fears. Today is what is right in front of your nose( and your child's little nose too..lol). If u have to break Today down to hourly components, do that too. And when u get thru This Day, thank whatever power you believed carried you for this day. Then lie down and have a restful evening. PM me if u need to. Ron
  4. The last few weeks and months we have heard from quite a few OFC members that have ill children or parents or lost close friends and family. Sometimes we just don't know if we can walk one more step, for them, with them or just for ourselves. Many of us have had moments in our lives when giving up seemed like a viable option and wished for it to come for ourselves or others that we see suffering so terribly. It is at times like this when our friends pull through for us and carry us when we can't carry ourselves. But there are also times when our friends are just not enough. There are times when we need something more to inspire us and give us hope for one more day. Or maybe even until the end of the day at hand. Just one more day to carry our babies, to carry our friends, to carry our burdens. We can all go one more day if we don't quit. How many of us have had turning points in our own lives that we can look back at and recognize that somebody was carrying us during our most fearful moments. I know that in my life, my dad has carried me and that i have had five other men carry me when I couldn't carry myself. Three of those men have moved on to a greater place and I feel their presence as I write this to anyone on this board that just needs some support but doesn't know how to ask. The following video is for you! Don't lay down and quit.... but try as best you can Today to get up and KNOW that help is there for you.
  5. man that thing ate some baaaad food.... i can smell it here
  6. That looks like one of the mods here ... just saying
  7. real glad to see your reports again Rich..... keep em coming pls
  8. amazing pics of the sleeping beauties
  9. hmmm..... that van camping seems to be the deal breaker for me, but then again, I like to move around when I am fishing, so maybe the flip over is for me. We shall see, Dutchy just bought a pop up and we are anxious to take it out soon.
  10. He is "euchred " if he answer that too Nice fish btw.
  11. same here Lew. But I think he was over visiting you when I replied, because i just went downstairs to find the coffee i was brewing ( one cup) ALL OVER THE COUNTER Forgot to put a cup under the filter
  12. How did u get a pic of me and dutchy fishing ?
  13. awesome...... I love the second pic....
  14. U must be an Lew
  15. I killed a few memory cells Richard, I will probably still forget even from going to a seminar in April.
  16. "bait monkey" good one
  17. timing is everything.... too early for 2011 or too late for 2010... long time till opener... maybe they will have more closer to opener ?
  18. excellent reminder... now where did i put those notes
  19. on my knees with prayers for dano
  20. Prayers from our family to yours Rick.
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