The last few weeks and months we have heard from quite a few OFC members that have ill children or parents or lost close friends and family.
Sometimes we just don't know if we can walk one more step, for them, with them or just for ourselves.
Many of us have had moments in our lives when giving up seemed like a viable option and wished for it to come for ourselves or others that we see suffering so terribly.
It is at times like this when our friends pull through for us and carry us when we can't carry ourselves.
But there are also times when our friends are just not enough. There are times when we need something more to inspire us and give us hope for one more day. Or maybe even until the end of the day at hand.
Just one more day to carry our babies, to carry our friends, to carry our burdens.
We can all go one more day if we don't quit.
How many of us have had turning points in our own lives that we can look back at and recognize that somebody was carrying us during our most fearful moments.
I know that in my life, my dad has carried me and that i have had five other men carry me when I couldn't carry myself. Three of those men have moved on to a greater place and I feel their presence as I write this to anyone on this board that just needs some support but doesn't know how to ask.
The following video is for you!
Don't lay down and quit.... but try as best you can Today to get up and KNOW that help is there for you.