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Everything posted by splashhopper

  1. but, if he splits the bounty between you and me, he will double his bounty even further the next time out
  2. I like irish's pic with the "chef boy are dee" on top of the heater
  3. That was fun Simon... thanks
  4. ummm.. hate to break it to you Joe... my wife could be a model for them !
  5. It works.... yeahhhhhhhhh
  6. sounds like a fish tale with no pics lol
  7. This really got me thinking... I just took a look and some measurements of the bed-liner. There are pre-formed slots to fit 2x4's across the bed about every 2ft or so from the tailgate to front. I may be able to buy some of those low profile rubber maid totes and just slide them under a couple of sheets of 3/4" ply cut to fit lengthwise for wheelwells My skill saw sits higher than my portable wet saw, so i will have to figure that one out... or just go back out there and measure the damned thing This "can't be this easy"
  8. Dang .... that IS THE WAY to find an isolated spot on the lake to fish
  9. I was just hoping to see u kick some butt in that trip is all Mike... I am pulling for YOU to beat the pro.... ice or soft water... i am pulling for the underdog.
  10. "v" groove won't work... no knob on top of the lock button Man I got problems
  11. ok, punk
  12. Looks like fun.... about one more week for me, and I will be out there. I went in for a "swim" a couple years ago off the pier at Port Dalhousie in FEBRUARY.... That was enough "cold shower" to cool my jets when it comes to winter fishing. But then again, i just might go out tomorrow... after all, I just got back from my storage shed and got my rods and auger and white bucket
  13. Did i miss your report of the fishing trip you won this past year ?
  14. I am thinking that one of my hard plastic grout sample boards will put the lock down, and I will just "have to" pull the centre arm rest up and crawl over to unlock the door. OR< I could "Just say NO" to passengers except the family of course, and my fishing buddies, and my volunteers buddies and...... First things First... build the platform in the back... lol
  15. Where would I buy those ?
  16. Ooops... I forgot to ask if anyone else has a pick up truck that they use for their work but also want to use it for recreation. I just don't want to have to take my tools out every weekend. But DO want them out of sight and lockable. Any suggestions and or pics of what you have is appreciated. Thanks Splashhopper
  17. Prayers from our family to your's Irish
  18. I mentioned to my wife in November that we better start saving for another work vehicle for me. My van's tranny was acting up and it would only be a matter of time before it was toast. ( 1996 voyageur... not worth spending $ on). She mentioned it to her boss and the next thing u know, I am getting a call from him about a 2003 dodge ram. They were just about to list it for sale and i got first dibbs on it. Could I "afford" $2k for it? Certified and e-tested Full brake job all around New ball joints and tie rod ends New Snow tires Full cap Full bed liner Trailer hitch and ball 3.7 V6 motor Full tank of gas ( 130 litres! ) Oil changed every 5 k since new Tranny service done at Manufacturer scheduled times Oiled every winter Service records to support all work ever done on it ! Um... YEAH. But what's the kicker i asked. He says it has high mileage due to it being driven weekly from North Bay to Niagara region. Ok, I will "take a chance". Now the down side: No power locks, so i have to crawl "aaalllll the waaay" over to unlock the passenger door. I have tools for my trade with me all the time. Power tools will have to go in the cab. ( I don't trust the "locks" on the cap) But, I am thinking I will build something like this to go in the back to accommodate the size of my rolling tool box and have a place to sleep when I am fishing. ( out of site, out of mind for the tools) >>
  19. Geesh... what did Terry ever do to you guys ? lol
  20. I don't know Don... That is why my wife bought me a "waterproof " camera.... that i FORGET to take with me fishing
  21. wonder what this guy was thinking >>
  22. wow.... what a trip ! Thanks
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