I mentioned to my wife in November that we better start saving for another work vehicle for me. My van's tranny was acting up and it would only be a matter of time before it was toast. ( 1996 voyageur... not worth spending $ on).
She mentioned it to her boss and the next thing u know, I am getting a call from him about a 2003 dodge ram.
They were just about to list it for sale and i got first dibbs on it.
Could I "afford" $2k for it?
Certified and e-tested
Full brake job all around
New ball joints and tie rod ends
New Snow tires
Full cap
Full bed liner
Trailer hitch and ball
3.7 V6 motor
Full tank of gas ( 130 litres! )
Oil changed every 5 k since new
Tranny service done at Manufacturer scheduled times
Oiled every winter
Service records to support all work ever done on it !
Um... YEAH. But what's the kicker i asked.
He says it has high mileage due to it being driven weekly from North Bay to Niagara region.
Ok, I will "take a chance".
Now the down side:
No power locks, so i have to crawl "aaalllll the waaay" over to unlock the passenger door.
I have tools for my trade with me all the time. Power tools will have to go in the cab. ( I don't trust the "locks" on the cap)
But, I am thinking I will build something like this to go in the back to accommodate the size of my rolling tool box and have a place to sleep when I am fishing. ( out of site, out of mind for the tools) >>