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Everything posted by splashhopper

  1. nobody else has satellite in their vehicles ?
  2. Very sorry for your loss. This is the only reason I have not bought another dog since my divorce 20 years ago. Too tough to lose another true friend like that on me.
  3. If i got back all the money I paid out on cars... i would still be drunk !
  4. are u complaining ? lol
  5. This is a timely topic for me as I have just been thinking about using flouro leaders for next season. Are we getting any kind of consensus yet? I think I am more confused now, more than I usually am. I am hooked on bass and pike fishing now. Am still fishing for rainbows too, but losing interest in chasing ( and time) them all over hells half acres to get them lately.
  6. So, just before Christmas i purchased a "new2me" 2003 Dodge Ram ( 2 dr 2 wheel drive with full cap). Got an EXCEPTIONAL deal on it. And just in time as the torque converter in my caravan was giving me some signs that it was about to go any day. The truck actually has a CASSETTE PLAYER in it . Oh well, I can buy something for the truck with the dough I saved on it. I do have a 50w Pioneer AM/FM/CD player in the caravan that I could pull out before I sell it. (It doesn't play MP3's though or have a jack to hook mine up with.) I just WANT a reasonable new system in the truck and don't want to pay an arm and a leg for it. I would like a satellite radio in it as a few of my friends have them and I am blown away by the clarity and the variety of channels that they can pull in. I don't live in the big city, so tall buildings won't be an issue for me, and I don't live where there are all kinds of tunnels to deal with either. I do have a portable MP3 player that I could plug in to the satellite receiver. Now with all that said, here are my questions: 1) What service provider and why ? 2) What kind of power should I be looking for? ( 2 dr cab) I am NOT a metal head either but I do like a few classic AC DC tunes cranked every once in a while. 3) Should I get a separate cd/mp3 player vs using the jack that seems to come with all the receivers these days ? 4) I am hoping to buy another trailer in the not too distant future and would also like to use the satellite radio out of the truck there. This is NOT a key feature for me though. Any suggestions? If you own a satellite radio system, please advise. Thanks again. Splashhopper
  7. Kids will try anything.... Now what am i gonna put those hot dogs in next summer? lol
  8. Great photos Question ? Do the running shoes grip the ice better than the felt bottom wading boots ?
  9. wtg Spuddy Might wanna change his name to sparky now !
  10. Never say never Garry... it is CANADA afterall
  11. Have a safe and prosperous New Year to all... and a healthy one to those friends in need ,,,, and a memory filled year for those we have lost.
  12. Very sorry for the loss of your dad and fishing mentor. Prayers from our family to yours.
  13. Hawgs !
  14. And if u really wanna stay warm, when u sleep there overnight, grab those plug in seat heaters for cars... put it under your sleeping bag and hook it up to the battery.... toasty warm and doesn't take up any room... and can be used double duty over those wooded seats while fishing
  15. looks like fun... nice looking fish,,, great scenery
  16. very kewl. What about lights that are battery operated ?
  17. My bridge was a bottle. When I look at your art, I see what I missed all those years
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