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Everything posted by splashhopper

  1. <iframe title="YouTube video player" width="480" height="390" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/ysXMAOgEIq4" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  2. Now that looks like fun Bean's....
  3. <iframe title="YouTube video player" width="480" height="390" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/KMA8TdK2gJI" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  4. If u build it, we will come
  5. A young girl hasn’t been found after she slipped into the icy waters of a creek near London, Ont. Saturday morning. The girl, who is under the age of 10, was with two other girls her age when she fell into the water near Riverside Rd. and Mayfair Rd. in Middlesex County, said Ontario Provincial Police Const. Chris Hunter. Police were called at about 10:40 a.m. and found the two other girls unhurt. There were no adults with the children, police said. “We’re still piecing together the incident,” Hunter said, adding because of the girls’ age it’s taking sometime to find out what happened. Police, canine units, fire department volunteers and ambulances are on scene. The OPP underwater search and rescue unit and helicopter are on their way while police search in the nearby waters and wooded areas. Police are reminding people to stay clear of the river and its banks as they are extremely slippery and the water temperatures extremely cold. There’s a mix of fast running water and ice in the river, Hunter said from the scene. She was unsure of the water’s temperature but it’s about 3C in the area. Article Carys Mills Staff Reporter Toronto Star
  6. fishing on you tube is better than no fishing <iframe title="YouTube video player" width="480" height="390" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/JLTJJ-lKOeI" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  7. nice pic.... The article mentions that women are : "the gate keepers of time" I have an for a gatekeeper. She tells me all the time that she is driving to Toronto and that I "can go" fishing instead
  8. staying in... Unless Dutchy calls and wants to try ice fishing in the rain on a local pond today.
  9. No need to apologize Wayne. This is very noble of your daughter. Three close friends have Crohns disease. This hits pretty close too.
  10. welcome aboard.... we love pics... even of the small fish.... it's the adventure that keeps us interested most of the time anyway
  11. let's see now... if we fish(poach) out of season or in sanctuaries we can get fined AND LOSE ALL EQUIPMENT used to commit the offence ( vehicles included) For a SECOND OFFENCE, he should have lost the truck too
  12. come on Irish... show him the bird! IRISH IRISH IRISH... Oh yeah. and welcome aboard Glenn B
  13. Does that mean you will sell stuff that u don't believe in to people who believe you? I have won numerous sales awards and brought two unique products and or services to the Canadian markets in my 20 + years sales background. It never mattered how much money I could make on a product/service that I didn't believe in. I wouldn't get out of bed to "hustle" someone. Maybe I just misunderstood your overall point though ?
  14. The best "book" u will ever need for selling anything: BELIEVE in the product or service you are selling. If YOU don't believe in it, neither will your customer.
  15. make sure u wash your fingers before u tickle the baby behind the ears
  16. welcome aboard brother
  17. Life may soon get easier for the Road Runner. Ontario is considering holding a “contest” to get rid of wily coyotes in some areas where the animals have become increasingly aggressive. A Progressive Conservative MPP is suggesting a province-wide coyote cull, but Natural Resources Minister Linda Jeffrey said mass hunts simply don’t work. “Traditionally bounties and culls don’t work — they aren’t an effective form of population control,” Jeffrey said Thursday. But, she is open to a variety of suggestions to help get rid of the animals including holding a contest. She didn’t specify the type of contest she is considering. “I have no idea how it would work at this point,” she said. “It is early days yet.” Jeffrey has spent the last three days at the Rural Ontario Municipal Association and Ontario Good Roads Association meeting talking with councilors who are having huge problems with the predators. “So I’m considering, based on those discussions … some options to consider a form of contest that could be held in a controlled circumstance based on the advice they gave me,” Jeffrey said. New Democratic Leader Andrea Horwath said a hunt with a prize at the end is not the way to go. “I get a little bit concerned we are encouraging the trophy hunting of coyotes,” she said. “That is something I don’t think is really the right path.” Another option is making it easier for municipal governments to employ trappers or contractor hunters under the Fish and Wildlife Conservation Act. Last year, Grey, Bruce, Dufferin and Huron counties used the act to hire hunters or trappers to “harvest” 450 coyotes. “There are people out there that do this for a living,” said Jeffrey. “They are on call 24 hours a day and deal with various animals.” The coyote population has increased dramatically in most areas of southern Ontario in the last few years. Coyotes have been blamed for mauling dogs in the GTA and some fear the animals may harm a child. “The kinds of predators they are dealing with now are a little more aggressive and bolder,” Jeffrey said. No one knows how many coyotes there are in Ontario but based on observations there has been a threefold increase in many areas since 2004, said Brent Patterson, a ministry research scientist based at Peterborough’s Trent University. “Coyote numbers, as wolf numbers, are dictated by the amount of food on the landscape,” he said. “The question is, what is that food? Coyotes have a diverse diet and can eat almost anything.” Patterson said it is “very unlikely” contests will work in the long-term because of the amount of private land and green spaces that don’t allow hunting. “Even if you went crazy and shot every possible animal on those areas where you can hunt there are enough areas where you can’t that those animals and their offspring’s would completely recolonize the surrounding areas within a year,” he said. There are already trapping and culling contests in eastern Ontario but they are not sanctioned by the province, said PC MPP Bill Murdoch (Bruce-Grey-Owen Sound). Murdoch read a statement in the Legislature last month pushing for an easier bounty system on the coyotes and a payment of $200 an animal. “My main concern is someone’s life is going to get lost here,” he said. “They are so bold now but at lot of it is that they are hungry. People are afraid they are going to snatch a kid or something. “I don’t want to kill them all — let’s just get them back to a balance.” Toronto Star By Tanya Talaga Queen's Park Bureau
  18. "coming to" in a cold dark place all by yourself and wondering what the hell happeed to the great plans
  19. U look like one of the extra's in thse Zombies movies..
  20. It's about time you lightened up! Welcome back! lol
  21. Amen to that Wayne.
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