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Everything posted by splashhopper

  1. sounds like a fun trek
  2. This one didn't like my frog invading his pad
  3. agreed... and i do both
  4. did u wash your hands before u posted those pics.... i can smell all that slime from here
  5. going this week too... and yes, fuel costs are having a say in how often and how far i am chasing fish.... the new to me truck is a pig on fuel
  6. great cooler shot.... nice fish too
  7. i am not 72 yet,,,, but i hear him
  8. My daughter thought it was a pretty cool kick too as she is trained to provide a vicious axe kick to her opponents face when the opportunity arises. (Beware teenaged boys that don't treat her with respect! ) She would be the cutie in the middle
  9. If the kick u are referring to is the one that knocked out Randy Couture, he learned it from Steven Segal http://www.bloodyelbow.com/2011/4/30/2145727/machida-vs-couture-results-ufc-129-results-lyoto-machida-vs-randy-couture
  10. http://www.savage-gear.com/
  11. would running this all the time kill your allotted download quota from your ISP ?
  12. the pics are surreal.... Your little guy must really like ice fishing.... he even took a piece home with him
  13. Is there such a thing?
  14. Roy: Thank you for taking the time to post this courteous response to some of the questions and concerns brought up on this thread. As you are aware, there has been tension building between some of the mods and some of the posters here for a few months now. As a regular poster here since 2008, I have seen and experienced this first hand recently and felt that there was no recourse to be had when ambiguos decisions are being made by some of the mods based on the wind of any particular day at times. As a community, there will always be disagreements of points of views and mis interpretations of intent via print communications. I am sure that the fishing season itself will clear up much of this in the not to distant future. Tight lines. Ron
  15. Where do i buy one of those handy little tools at ?
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