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Everything posted by splashhopper

  1. Finally got an answer from the MNR on this topic: Hello Ron, Thank you for your enquiry. We apologize for the delay in responding to your email. In specified waters (those listed in the regulations summary), there are exceptions to the general regulations established for each Zone. These include fish sanctuaries, bait and gear restrictions and different seasons, limits and size limits for some species. Anglers must check the exceptions for the waters where they will be fishing. NOTE: Some waters are grouped with other waters that have the same regulatory exceptions and these will generally be listed under the proper name for the largest or most significant water body. If there is nothing stated in the exceptions, then the regulations for the Zone apply. We hope you find this information helpful. If you require further assistance, please contact the Natural Resources Information Centre at 1-800-667-1940. Regards, nric web reader - rb ******************************************* Natural Resources Information Centre PO Box 7000 Peterborough, ON K9J 8M5 1-800-667-1940TTY: 1-866-686-6072Fax: [email protected]://themnrstore.mnr.gov.on.ca
  2. <iframe width="425" height="349" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/gIqLsGT2wbQ" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  3. great idea.... i have a couple of beat up crank baits and jerk baits that i am gonna mess with now too... Thanks for the idea.
  4. Yes, this is correct.... I have three friends in this situation... the two that got the Canadian pardons BEFORE trying to enter the US show NO RECORDS at the US border... The one that tried to go across with a 19 year old conviction is now in the "US hoop jumping" scam to be allowed the privilege to spend some money down there on a vacation. They just happened to get randomly flagged at Christmas a couple of years ago and now their CAR is flagged, even though they are not in it! I know, because I borrowed it one day to drop my daughters off at the Buffalo airport... I won't borrow that little gas sipper again... I will just take my dodge ram and pay thru the nose for fuel instead
  5. thanks for sharing such a unique adventure with us.
  6. Let me ask my wife. I don't know where the kitchen is.
  7. yep... i wish i was going with u.....
  8. Dutchy,,,, can i remind you "suck it up and smile" the next time your flights are delayed ?
  9. love the smiles dad....
  10. I don't know what the temp was, but when I reached down a foot in to the reservoir to retrieve a lure I snagged up, the water was Warmer than the air I was standing in. Maybe I will get a portable thermometer?? I wonder if they have one that can be used when fishing from shore though?
  11. By any chance, did "Aacchhhhhhmad the terrorist" pop his head out of your luggage at the border ?
  12. Do u think it could pull my 12 ft tinnie though ?
  13. sounds like it was a fun experience for you
  14. But, the brookie creek was running clear.... I tried spinners and floating worms in to the log jams.... nothing.... but I will try again.... Moved down stream to a reservoir that i fish a lot.... targeted pike.... lost one and then no more hits. Decided to target some panfish..... the crappies were on fire.... a LOT OF SMALL ones... and plenty of gills to be had.... I had the place all to myself all day.... Kept these ones for an afternoon snack Fishing the windy shores was a little tough.. but worth the effort..... net time I will go earlier.
  15. nothing like fishing with a few friends to take our minds off the daily grind....
  16. awesome ..... between your reports and my friend, Dutchy, busting my chops to go after those little fish, i am almost ready to give it a try
  17. my 2003 Dodge ram is about $40...
  18. just remember... that poop is part of your OWN DNA !
  19. congrats MIke... take care of the mommy reel good now and maybe she will let u try to make another baby again sometime
  20. Holy SOW !
  21. Thanks. U must have been posting that as I was sending my reply. Lol
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