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Everything posted by splashhopper

  1. I had a snag that pulled my canoe around for 10 minutes once! Turned out it was a 6lb 3oz smallie. My PB though. Looking forward to your video.
  2. Hang in there bro. My first year steelie fishing, I got 18 !(3years ago) I thought it was easy peasy ! Last year I got SKUNKED. This year I downsized my lures and line and am using an ultra light set up as well as drifting with longer flourocarbon leaders. The result, 4 bows and one brown landed so far. 2 lost. Keep at it. It can just as frustrating as it is rewarding.
  3. amazing..... I wonder how many of those mepps will be bought by OFC'ers in the next few days?
  4. I can't wait to see the pics of your neck of the woods.
  5. I love adventures like those... Wish I lived up that way.. Keep us posted on your next adventure please.
  6. looks like it was a blast
  7. welcome
  8. I signed it... and then it prompted me for a donation. It won't let me NOT give a donation.... The donation is NOT for the sanctuary but for the petition service itself. Bottom line. I can't sign it. Sorry. I tried. Oops... now I have an email that say I HAVE signed it...
  9. welcome aboard.
  10. I had to work this weekend but kept reading all the great reports on a solid week of fishing here. I didn't have time to head out for trout,but the fishing bug was driving me insane. So, Saturday afternoon I went out to a local reservoir and targeted panfish with my ultra light setup using a float, split shot and worms on the smallest baitholder hook I had. I fished from 3:30- 5:30.... kept these and threw back a pile of little ones. Sunday morning I was dreading going to work and decided to knock off work at 2pm to go back for some more panfish. I was at the same place by 2;30 and left at 6pm. Same setup but in a different area of the reservoir as the place was over run with with parents and kids.... no matter.... I was there to fish, not complain about all the people. The first cast and I was in to the crappies and gills again! The gills were about 5 yards away from me and real tight to the shore... The crappies were about 10 yards from me but I had to "curve" my bait around to get past a tree branch. Who knew that the wind could really be your friend. The slight 6" chop on the water was a bonus too. I had a blast,,, one cast after another and something was on.... threw lots back, but I kept these to add to Saturdays little haul I think I will do it again.
  11. <iframe width="425" height="349" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/1yLVufAfby0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  12. <iframe width="425" height="349" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/hv9DwzU3KP0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  13. I wouldn't come on to a FISHING FORUM and ask for marital advice.
  14. prayers from our family to yours
  15. awesome report Cooks.... That storm must have scared the crap out of the newbie and he was lucky to have a responsible "guide" like u there to make decisions based on safety first
  16. dang that looks good right about now
  17. I only caught one crappie today.... real tight to shore.. 4 big gills and one perch.... all within 5 ft of shore.... They were all in the shady water.... i would have thought they wanted sunny ( warmer) water...
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