Whether you like Obama or not, think he'll do a good job or not, care whether he's 50% purple, green or turquoise... or not...
... 18+ minutes of his speech just made an unforgettable moment in history in front of the world. I don't usually care... but sitting at home today I was certainly glad I somehow conveniently got out of bed at just the right time, then flipped the channel from "Off The Record" to live coverage of a speech that is totally forever "On The Record."
What an amazing showing of people in Washington today. That country should feel proud to have a leader address them with such very uplifting and hopeful words. It's absolutely perfect that in their time of economic uncertainty and divided feelings towards war, that an entire population is reminded that they are still strong and free American's who through unity and perserverance will remain just that.
There was nothing on the planet that could have made better TV during the noon hour. Cynics and hopeless critics need not apply to CNN or any other media... The U.S. needs a boost, and today schools, businesses and people on the streets took time to embrace new hope.
Well worth the price of admission in dollars, cause if it cost a buck for each person watching in the U.S. it sure as hizeck tasted better than a tripple mocha latte from Starbucks at quadruple the daily rate.